Author Topic: My diary - surgery with Dr Benito 3rd Dec.  (Read 8526 times)

Offline Jackd

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Weds 3rd Dec;

Taxi picked me up at 3am, drove to Gatwick South and after a lot of waiting around due to getting there really early, I got on an easyjet flight to Barcelona. At Barcelona had a bit of a wait for my driver, but eventually got to the clinic and found Aida who checked me in and took me for blood test and ECG. Met two other English patients so had someone to talk to whilst we were waiting for our rooms.

Once in the room I paid Aida and got ready for surgery, had a long wait so went to sleep for a while with some tablets they gave me, pretty much knocked me out, next thing I know I'm on a trolley being wheeled to the surgery room. After that I remember waking up in the recovery room briefly, talking to a nurse then next thing I know I wake up in my room.

Thurs 4th Dec;

Woke up in a bit of pain, my range of movement was a lot less than I'd thought it would be so couldn't really reach my ipod or laptop at this point haha. Nurses had been in and out all night giving me various tablets and checking on me so I was pretty tired still. I then got a phone call and was slightly confused to hear an English bloke on the line!! It was one of the other patients I checked in with, very kind of him to call me and we got talking a bit. I later had a visit from him and the other patient which was REALLY good as I was there all on my own and it was so good to speak to someone in for the same surgery and who spoke the same language.  The other patient who checked in at the same time also came to see me :)

A bit later Dr Benito came in and removed the drains and fitted me into a tight compression vest, also giving me some instructions on massaging with cream etc.

Friday 5th Dec;

For some reason I had to check out quite early?? I was a bit confused but I did so. I was going to go and see the other patient but I was told he'd already left the night before.. I later found out he was actually still there so I don't know where that confusion came from. My flight transfer to the airport wasn't until 2pm and it was only 9am.. so I had a lot of time to kill, no Euro's and no idea what was about so I went exploring the local shops and roads! Nice place and I'd definetly like to go back some day with more money and more idea of what to do/see etc.

Went back to the clinic, got my transfer, got to airport, waited forever to get my plane, finally got to London Gatwick, taxi ride and was nice to finally be home!

A few days later and how do I feel?

Well at the minute I'm not really sure. I don't know how much is swelling or how much is fat. I don't think I had much lipo done and at the minute I feel I look pretty much the same only without the puffy nipples. So yes an improvement but it's no where near as flat as I'd hoped. Of course though it can take up to a year to see final results so maybe I'm still swollen and needs time. Also once I am fit enough to go back to the gym I can start training harder to further improve my results.

I am going to get some Arnica tablets to assist healing, I'm going on a healthier diet as from now and I'm drinking a lot lot more water (before I didn't really drink any) all in a hope to heal as quick as possible!

Some pictures attatched taken today pre and post op. As you can see its an improvement but maybe too early to tell just now.

Offline Jackd

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Offline johnny_english

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Looks outstanding to me brother, If was in your situation id be kartwheeling down the road. Give the swelling time to heal and go down. Good job!!!

Offline Bigdom

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Thurs 4th Dec;

The other patient who checked in at the same time also came to see me :)

Hi, that was me!

I did leave on the Thursday, i was just there for a 'touch-up' as i had my surgery August 07'.  I'm one of the few that require another 'go'.  After our conversation waiting for the ECG i thought it best not to mention that bit.  :-X

As you saw, i'm not small and neither was my chest before the op last year - as with many things in life, nothing is a given in terms of results; everyone is different in physical composition and heal in different ways. 

I went out and about in Barcelona, stayed close but not too close to the main centre.  Enjoyed the tapas, shopping & the weather on Friday on the beach 22c was fantastic apart from the compression vest - you can't have it all.....  Came back last night, god it was cold again.

All looks good so far, trust me it takes time to settle down completely - approx 6 months.  Try and drink at least 2 litres of water a day, break it down into small chunks and you'll find it very easy.  Anything you want to know, just drop me a line.

Offline Jackd

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Hi bigdom! Nice to hear from you as well, it feels really weird being able to catch up with people after the op. Hope you had a good meal! I spent friday browsing around locally, mostly small shops though to be honest and I didn't go far, I did however walk around about 30 times, must have done a good few miles and my legs are still killing me today. Especially as I done a fair bit of walking around at the airport with all my luggage (and was carrying my laptop around Barcelona with me). I was looking for a beach but I have no idea if we were even close to one haha.

I'll aim to drink as much water as I can, I've been taking Arnica as well. How often are you meant to massage with the cream? Been doing twice a day at the minute, not for too long either because it's quite tender still.

Hope you get the results you're after with the second surgery (was it the same cost as the first one by the way?)

Offline as400

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Your pics look good mate! just a matter of being patient and letting things settle down.

Well done!
Before you criticise a man walk a mile in his shoes, after that who cares? your a mile away and have his shoes.

Offline Bigdom

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I'll aim to drink as much water as I can, I've been taking Arnica as well. How often are you meant to massage with the cream? Been doing twice a day at the minute, not for too long either because it's quite tender still.

Hope you get the results you're after with the second surgery (was it the same cost as the first one by the way?)

The massage seems about the right amount of time, as things settle you can do it for longer.  The costs were just for the hospital stuff (including the surgery, tests etc).  It would have been cheaper, although when i had my consult in the summer it was decided i would need to go under again, and a local wouldn't suffice.

Offline Jackd

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Are you meant to leave the dressings on over the armpit incisions until stitches are removed? they are the most annoying part of all this right now haha.

How are you feeling Dom? I still feel like I've been hit by a bus.

Offline Bigdom

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You only need dressings on them if you are leaking, otherwise you can take them off. 

I'm fine, no real pain (i didn't have much first time around either after the first day), a little discomfort when the wife forgets to slow down around the corners/roundabouts i'm glad her car has recaros!  Or when i slouch on the sofa,  - so i just tend to sit properly instead. 

Take paracetamol at the prescribed levels, don't take aspirin or ibuprofen.  If your having trouble sleeping, take something herbal like Nytol to help get you through.  It will soon pass. 

Offline Jackd

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Had my 1 week follow up today, had to have 10cc's of blood drained from right side. I have a heamatoma (no idea how to spell that) and blood clots to right side. Also can't lift my right arm above my shoulder height at the moment. But Dr Benito put my mind at rest as I was a bit concerned up until today. Just going to take time to heal up as I'm still quite swollen and lots of scar tissue forming which will eventually go away and leave me a bit flatter.

So at the moment I am a bit happier than I was, looking forward to the future and know it's just going to take a lot of time before you see final results! Will post new pics up after a month, not much point at the moment :)

Offline Bigdom

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Had my 1 week follow up today, had to have 10cc's of blood drained from right side.

If i had known you were up today we could have done lunch - i was up there for 10.30, then went shopping in Oxford Street. 

I too had some blood drained, although i had around 60cc's or so taken out from the right side - last time the entry hole just dribbled for a week or so after the stitches were removed, i must be a Shiite healer but it's all got to go somewhere to come out!  It was the side i had the issue with first time around.  All fairly normal so far, it just takes time - one side hard, one softer - you'll be ready for the beach next summer.

It's annoying because if you've broken something, external cuts etc you can see the healing process, with this you don't really see anything apart from the bruising going away after around 6 weeks or so (this will travel down your body and end up in the groin).   Just keep stretching and doing the massage and you'll be fine.

As for "heamatoma" it's close, just switch the e & a around, although you can also drop the 'a' completely  ;)
« Last Edit: December 12, 2008, 12:04:34 PM by Bigdom »

Offline Jackd

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Hi Dom, I wondered if you had an appointment today or not. I was booked in for 2.30 originaly then Aida rang and tried to change to 10:30 but I get the train up there so would have struggled to get there for that time. I should have posted up here really then we could have met up! Spent a bit of time wandering around shops eyeing up clothes I "hope" I can buy before long! Shame :( I'll let you know when the next follow up is maybe we'll be booked on the same day and could meet up again.

As for the drainage, I had 10cc's drained, Dr Benito said theres quite a bit more there but it's clotted so can't be drained and I have to keep up the massage and stretching and hopefully it'll go away itself, if not then I'm to go back in January.

Got to say I'm quite impressed with the aftercare, considering it was done abroad. Impressed.

Hope you're healing well :D

Offline Jackd

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Small update;

Most pain gone now, it's just a case of getting my flexibility back. hurts to touch chest but otherwise no pain.

Left side swelling has gone down a lot and I gotta say I'm really happy if it continues like this! A lot of scar tissue which will take months to go but so far its looking good.

Right side is still very swollen but its noticeable less than last week so things are improving.

I have this tight fitted t shirt ive had for years and i tried it on today.. apart from the swelling of right side I look FINE! Need to lose a bit of weight but that will go once I get back to the gym.

So a bit more positive now :) IT TAKES TIME! I just hope the right side ends up as well as the left.

Offline Bigdom

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The pain/sensitivity is probably just the nerve endings reconnecting in places. 

If you just take showers, try taking a bath and massaging - it helps brings blood flow to the area and may aid in thinning the haematoma (maybe a coincidence) although mine has almost disappeared overnight.

Offline Jackd

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Might try the bath idea Dom!

I don't know what happened, but Thursday night when I took my vest off I was slightly shocked! the swollen right side has reduced almost 50% in size in the space of a few hours, not sure how that happened but can't complain! Left side is still looking pretty good.. just being patient on the right and still a lot of scar tissue.. but a lot happier now.. bought some new clothes today too!

Going to start back at the gym in the new year. Put on a fair bit of weight as I've not been doing any exercise and eating way too much junk :(

Happy xmas!


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