Author Topic: My Karidis story: Surgery DONE 27/09/12. (Pre-op pics on p1, post-op from p3 on)  (Read 19859 times)

Offline Nipper

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Yes I did mate, sleeping gets better eventually.  But I was only managing 3 or 4 hours for a few days, wasn't in pain but I'm sure it's trying to flip over on to your side that wakes you up. 

Offline wingman

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Absolutely loving that before and after shot of the tee. Fantastic result!

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Offline adamj

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Slept like a log last night  ;D. Speaking of logs though, I haven't yet had a number 2 after surgery... Sorry if that was too much info but I hope I can soon!

I'm meeting some friends that I haven't seen for ages tonight, there's going to be girls that are going to hug me when I see them - I'm absolutely bricking it. I might try and introduce the 'sideways hug' or something because otherwise it's going to feel like a train hit :/

Offline Nipper

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Yeah mate, they kill...wear a puffa jacket/gilet or something, substantial!

Offline adamj

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Yeah mate, they kill...wear a puffa jacket/gilet or something, substantial!

Cracked me right up!

Offline kniveshurt

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3 days post-op update

So I think I've got the whole sleeping on my back thing down now. Slept a full 8 hours last night which is a massive change from the first two nights. Hopefully this keeps up as I'm back in work on Wednesday, and don't think I could manage a full days work on just a few hours' kip a night.

The pain seems to be pretty much under control with the co-dydramol. The biggest discomfort is the vest which is incredibly tight, especially across my chest. I've got quite a bit of swelling under my arms too, so the vest is particularly uncomfortable around there and digs in at the armpits. But, saying that, overall it's a massive improvement on the pain levels during the first two days.

Like some other lads I've read about, I'm experiencing bloating and constipation. Niiice. Taking the laxatives I was given by the hospital, plus eating lots of fruit/Bran Flakes, but still finding it hard to go (quite literally). Not the most pleasant side-effect of all this... :)

Here's some updated pics that I took today. I'm trying not to fixate on my chest or how it looks, as I know this is still very much early days, but I think there's some definite improvement from day 1 already:

The whole chest area seems less swollen already, which is reassuring. It's still unnaturally flat and that, combined with the swelling/bruising under my arms, is making the area above the nipples look a bit weird and creased.

Like I said though, I don't want to get too paranoid about these little changes. I'm just going to let nature take it's course and let my chest heal itself.

Offline adamj

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Looks good yeh, healing nicely. Yeah it says on the docs that it begins looking unnaturally flat and then take shape later, mine are the same but for the elevated swelling on one side.

It's just time we have to wait for I think, let healing take it's course. I think I'll start analysing the appearance properly from about week 5-6, going to just try and ignore it until then as it's probably too early to tell.

Good progress!

Offline kniveshurt

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Cheers - yeah you're right. I don't think we'll be able to tell anything for a good few weeks yet. Probably even months and months away from anywhere near the final result. I'm going to try and ignore it too!

Do you have any sensation in your chest at all? Mine's completely numb for the majority of the time. Touching it is like touching someone else! Such a weird sensation. I occasionally get the odd twinge (that kind of feels like it's inside) but other than that it's pretty much numb. Just curious to see how it is for you, considering we're at the same point post-op.

Offline adamj

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Do you have any sensation in your chest at all? Mine's completely numb for the majority of the time. Touching it is like touching someone else! Such a weird sensation. I occasionally get the odd twinge (that kind of feels like it's inside) but other than that it's pretty much numb. Just curious to see how it is for you, considering we're at the same point post-op.

Yeah I'm basically numb too. There's a dull ache inside but when I tocuh my skin I can't feel anything ha, strange feeling isn't it. I get the occasional tingling feeling around my chest too, feels like it's on the surface, like there's blood rushing to it or something. If I gently move my fingers up and down my chest through the compression vest it tickles. Feels like healing I think. Buy yeh, when everything's off before a shower and I touch it I get nothing.

Offline Nipper

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Lookin flat dude!   And that bruising will get better daily, mine is still totally numb on the left, but my right nipple responds better to temps, in the shower etc.  looks uneven from above but too early to get worried, little dents and stuff all over, looks more pronounced when you tense up.  Just gotta smooth it all out with the massage and clean livin' ;)

Offline adamj

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Hey knives. How you doing?

I think I can feel some sections of my chest now! I'm more yellow than blue now really but the left is still bloody elevated, give it another week or so to go down I suppose! Plasters come off tomorrow don't they? I'm pretty nervous for that. I don't feel as though I need the co-drydamol anymore. Still routinely taking the Arnica though. Down to 3 tabs tomorrow rather than our 5.

Offline Nipper

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Get some Arnica cream from Boots mate(s)  I swear it's working nicely since I started using it a week post.  And it feels kinda good rubbing it in plus it allows you to touch your chest and find out how it's getting on or how it feels.  Yeah I was hella nervous on the 7th day post too.  It's natural, I put it off till well after dinner had a shower before I took em off though as I wasn't sure if they were sealed.

Just noticed I mentioned "Boots" I am in no way affiliated with said pharmacy chain or do I receive any money from them.  There are other makes of Arnica cream available.  Just so we don't get a Boots conspiracy thread tomorrow ;)

Offline adamj

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Ahaha yeh we wouldn't want a Boots conspiracy thread too would we, our Karidis conspiracy is enough! Ah, just seen you wrote the 7th day and checked the docs and it says a week yeah, I thought t was 5th for some reason, not till Friday then, quite relieved to be honest ha!

Offline kniveshurt

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Hey knives. How you doing?

I think I can feel some sections of my chest now! I'm more yellow than blue now really but the left is still bloody elevated, give it another week or so to go down I suppose! Plasters come off tomorrow don't they? I'm pretty nervous for that. I don't feel as though I need the co-drydamol anymore. Still routinely taking the Arnica though. Down to 3 tabs tomorrow rather than our 5.

Hey adam, yeah not too bad, thanks. Have been better :)

My chest is still pretty much numb all over. I'm getting the odd twinge here and there, but it still feels like someone else's chest. The bruising is getting lighter and less aggressive-looking, but it's still there.

I'm not taking the co-dydramol any more either. Don't really need it. It's not pain now, more just discomfort from the vest. Not sure if I've put weight on or something but it's starting to feel really, really tight. Could be swelling I guess. I've had to have a bit of respite this morning from it because I felt like I couldn't breathe when I woke up.

I'm a little bit worried about the pockets of fat under my armpit, to be honest. I had them beforehand but I figured the lipo would've got rid of them - I actually spoke to Karidis about it and he said he'd "get it". They're still there though (at least I think they are and it's not just swelling). The only reason I'm worried is that now my chest is flat, when I put my arms down it's making everything crease above the nipples. I guess it's more accentuated now because of the flatness. The chest is still looking too flat too (never thought I'd complain about that, haha!) But, that combined with the armpits, it's just making everything look really weird and messed up.

I'm desperately trying to not stress about it and convince myself it's just early days, but I can't help thinking I've swapped one problem for another. Eek!

The hardest thing about the recovery stage is knowing if what's happening to your body is right or not. I can't really gauge whether the healing is going in the right direction. Looking at post-op pics of guys on here hasn't really helped either as they seem to be looking much better than I do at this stage. I know my condition was probably worse than a lot of people on here, and obviously that affects the overall final look, but still... I'm just not sure if it's going the right way.

I'll post some pictures up tomorrow so you can see what I'm talking about. Fingers crossed this is just the "rollercoaster" I'm experiencing. I couldn't be doing with having to go back for a revision.

Offline Pez2

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How much did it cost you I the end if you don't me asking? Hope recovery is going well!
Gyno free :)


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