Author Topic: My Surgery With Levick 28th November - Updated with 6 Months Pics  (Read 12473 times)

Offline Stem

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Thanks gents.Starting to get a few more stinging sensations in the chest but nothing too bad.My arm mobility is greatly increased too, even though I drove like a learner this morning by feeding the wheel through my hands.

My Mrs has been at home since the op but she is back to work today. Not a problem, I can do what I need to do and get what I need to get without her. I even managed to sweep the floors and do some washing!

My bandages are due off tomorrow. I'm gonna enjoy not being itchy and am looking forward to seeing my chest even though I think it may be pretty bruised still. The bandages only really like they are giving any compression when my shoulders are pinned back and I have to be really conscious of doing that. Can't help thinking my compression vest is gonna give quite alot more compression than the bandages ever did.

Offline moore

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I was thinking much the same with the bandages giving me poor compression.
I toiled with the idea of moving to the compression vest earlier than the week guidelines but decided against it.
I was also curious as to why Karidis paitents dont seem to have the same bandage guidelines post op.

Offline sjwsjw

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I think because karidis doesn't use drains the idea is to keep the incision sites clean and fresh with daily plaster changes with the compression coming from the vest and not a more fixed bandage that Levick uses after drainage in the first few hours. Once the incisions are healed which shouldn't take too long it's just a case of both doctors advising further compression from the vest for a few more days.

Offline Stem

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Karidis goes in through the nipple and I'm sure that has something to do with it.

The most painful part is just above the bandages toward the armpit incision. Really tender and already some type of scar tissue. I think this has been exacerbated by my pinning my shoulders back an the top of the bandages actually digging in, much the same as a heavy carrier bag does in the hands.

Tomorrow is 1 week post but I may well remove them this evening and opt for the vest instead..

Offline sjwsjw

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Karidis takes the gland from the nipple incision and does the lipo through the armpit incisions.

I haven't found the vest to be too bad, just started digging in under the arm area the last 24 hours.

Offline Stem

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This is where it digs in. It's really quite tender so the bandages are coming off in the next few hours!!!!

Offline sjwsjw

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Ah yea looks sore, I'm having a similar problem with my compression vest. Do you have a full length compression vest? I've found mine has restricted me to half size meals since the op. Feel really bloated quickly.

Offline moore

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Thanks for the info men.
I hope your delighted with what you see stem.

Offline Stem

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I have a cropped compression vest. It's on!! I'm gonna put it on the tighter setting tomorrow when I get a bit used to it. TBH it's not uncomfortably tight, I'm not sure how tight it needs to be. It's a large. I'm gonna return my 2nd one for a medium. I suspect I'll have some muscle wasting in the chest and back and the large will be too big in a week or 2.

Bandages off. It stung a bit. Lot's of residue left on me too. Highly recommed you soak the bandages thoroughly before you take them off. Maybe lie in the bath.

Anyhow, I can't believe how flat my chest is. I look like I've never lifted a weight in my life! I little bit of indentation here and there but that's to be expected. I expected more bruising and more swelling. Roll on recovery and t-shirt weather!!!

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Awesome, very surreal moment taking the bandages off. Congrats! 8)

Offline Stem

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8 days post op and last night was my first good nights sleep since! Still sleeping on my back, think I'm getting used to it.

48 hours done with my compression vest too. It's ok, no real problems but then I've gone for a 'snug' rather than too tight fit. There's a permanent compression where it needs to be and the only discomfort is from the shoulde straps. I'v placed some folded quilted toilet paper under them to cushion them. I got 2 vests and put the second one on tonight. I'm gonna rotate them every 2 days as they definitely loosen a little as you wear them.

Chest is remarkably flat. Looks weird not having the gyne there, but in a very good way! Bit of bruising still, suspect it will be another week or 2 before that goes and they really start to settle.

I'll take an up to date pic tomorrow, it's a good tool for me to see recovery as well as others.

Offline Stem

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I just did a big 10 day post op write up and this damned old laptop crashed! My conclusion is that you only wanna see pics and not here me waffle anyway!

Side profile pre op

Offline Stem

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Offline Stem

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