Hi there,
I underwent surgery on my gynecomastia 2 weeks ago and you can see the results of my surgery.
Height: 5'10
Weight: 70KG
Age: 22
I has surgery on the NHS at Chelsea and Westminister hospital, and the surgery was performed by a Dr Ion, who is a plastic surgeon. It has taken about a year from my first consultation with my GP to get to the surgery stage, and this involved having my hormone levels tested, my liver ultra-scanned, pre-surgery consulations and one visit when I was supposed to have surgery but couldn't as their machine was broken.
Dr Ion decided to do an ultrasound assisted liposuction to remove the fat (he removed around 300 from each side) and said that he would remove the gland if he thought it was necessary. In the event he decied to remove the gland for better results.
As you can see there is a noticible improvement in flatness. I measured my chest at 38 inches before surgery and 12 days after at 36 inches. When I realised this I promptly order a smaller compression vest!
My clothes all seem a bit big and baggy now, as I used to wear loose clothing to make the effect of the gyne less noticible. When I wear more fitting clothes, my chest now looks wider, and I am really pleased with that result. The rest of my upper body also looks more in proportion now that my chest is smaller.
The scarring is not noticible unless you look for it, but that maybe due to my skin colour. Also I have not noticed any bruising.
The bottom part of my chest, below the nipple, is, however, rock hard. This was at its worst two days ago and has calmed down a little bit since then. I suspect this might be fluid or scar tissue, but I am not sure.
The area is a lot less tender than before, although the incisions under the arms for the lipo are still hurting and the range of motion of my arms is quite restricted. I still can't lift my hands above my head.
I am really missing exercising right now, but I was told not to go back to the gym until atleast 6 weeks after surgery.
Oh, and a warning to anyone who is going to have surgery - for 5 days after my bandages were removed my chest itched like a b*tch! Even itching it would not give me any relief - it was probably the worst part of this experience so far.
Look forward to hearing any feedback from people who have had surgery and also those who have not.