Author Topic: no drains  (Read 3794 times)

Offline uk2000

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for those of u who had ops without the need for drains, how did that work, did excess fluid just leak out naturally or something???

im due for my 3rd op next week, and will be having it without drains, so was curious.
July 04 - Gland removal + liposuction- Adriaan Grobbelaar. Results: Terrible
Feb 05 - Lipo Revision- Alex Karidis.
Nov 05 - Gland + Lipo- Alex Karidis.
Jun 06 - LHS gland + Lipo - Alex Karidis.

Offline markashleigh1979

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Is any one able to anser this question as i am curious too :)

Offline chestrockwell

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yes i can help you out guys as i didnt need drains either in my op yesterday.

basicly you just get sewed up and what little fluid there is leaks out the incision just under the arm!, there was only about a table spoon full came out of my left hand side and about a teaspoon full from the right hand side and it seems as tho its stopped and has dried up now.

hope this helps.


Offline markashleigh1979

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What happens if they close you fully up? does it find another way out?

cheers :)

Offline daddynubbie

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I didnt have drains,

I am pretty sure that in most cases any fluid build up is absorbed by your body. It doesnt need to be drained out, the drain concept is for more rapid healing in certain cases.

I think that you want any incisions to be closed up as tight and neat as possible to avoid scaring.
Suffered For 20 years, 36 years old
Had 1st Surgery October 2005
Had Revision August 18, 2006
Looking Good So Far

Offline chestrockwell

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What happens if they close you fully up? does it find another way out?

cheers :)

Yes like what daddynubbie say your body will absorb the fluid back in, think of it as a black eye!..your eye swells with fluid to protect the area that has been traumatised and your body will heal this area and reabsorb the fluid without having to drain the injury, but gyne trauma is on a larger scale ofcourse.


Offline markashleigh1979

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I can't wait to give this Gyne a good kicking :) . I feel i am am thinking of loads of silly questions.....guess i am getting a little nervous :) , but i can't wait to start the new year boob free.....i have seen so many fine nit fashionable jumpers and t-shirts i would like to wear but can't ......but come this january....i will :). I
I only have little boobs anyway, i shouldn't be to much fluid,,,,,,i hope :) .

Offline markashleigh1979

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Congrats once again on your , how many new outfits have you spotted? Will you be going on a mad shopping spree?

Offline uk2000

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well i guess i can answer my own question since ive been thru it now.
i had small cuts made, prob not more than 2mm.  a little plaster was put over them, for any gunk to ooze out naturally.  not alot come out, makes me wonder why they use drains in the first place.

Offline markashleigh1979

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And these little cuts just close themselves?

Offline uk2000

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yep they close themselves, today i was goign to change the plasters and they have already closed up,  its much better then having stiches.


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