Author Topic: Re: Enough of levicks incompetence and lies  (Read 3988 times)

Offline Yorkshireman

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Sounds liek you've had a VERY bad experience....this is the problem when dealing with any type of professional, it is just so easy for them to fob you off, and you must feel pretty helpless, although you obviously know what you want, and know that you havnt got it...

Who are you going to get the revision by?....

My advise would be not to 'let yourself go' with regards to exercise etc, as this will merely compound your problems....

Best of luck.

Offline irish_dude

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Firstly, Friday, let me say this. Gyne is an ultra-sensitive thing for all of us, full-stop, and at times it's hard to actually see things objectively.

Secondly, I can understand your frustration, but legally if you were going to take a case against any professional, the last thing I'd do with be to bring into question his professional competencies in a public-forum such as this.

In any UK court, such a posting would be considered by a judge to be 'prejudicial' if drawn to his attention by a QC and basically your case would collapse day one. End of story.

Without seeing any recent-post op pics Friday, the post op pics you posted look fine to me.

Three weeks post op with Mr.Levick, I still have small areas of fat/liquid, but until waiting at least 6 months for my body to heal and reabsorb, plus until I lose my tummy fat, until then I won't know the full picture.

As it is, I'm thrilled silly to be able to just wear a shirt/tee-shirt I public for the first time in 20 years. I'd be now happy to stroll into the bedroom topless and say to my SO "where did you leave the shampoo you daft cow?!"

Now, to my untrained eye, I'd say you were in your late 30's. Like me, your skin isn't as elastic as it used to be, and looking at your RHS in your pic, you seem to have a wee bit of 'sagginess'.

Having said that, judging personally from your pics, if it was me, I'd be happy with the results.

But as I always say, beauty is in the eye of the beer-holder.

Offline RRB

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The problem on this board is a lot of people are wussies

And I can see your problem is complete ignorance.
Surgery performed by Mr Paul Levick, 17/02/05. I am here to help.

Offline uk2000

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i can see where u are coming from.  U have a slim build and yr chest is a little large fromt he side views.  tho its not bad honestly.
i can see where u are tensing yr pecs the little lump of gland / fat there

i had a similar problem as u.  Had my first op with grobellar, he didnt remove enough, and i had lots of lumps and gland left over.  I had really bad deformed looking chest after, the op, main thing being the symmetry.

yr wasting yr time to be hoenst trying to sue, as it wont work.  i just moved over to a new P.S who did lipo 2nd time round.  It solved the lumpy problems i had.  but didnt reduce the gland.  hes now going to do a 3rd op on me to remove the gland and further lipo all for free.  i got to pay hospital charges.
i still have symmetry problem which im hopin will get resolved.

I knw cost can be a issue my advice would be stay cool, and find another P.S who can really help u..

good luck
July 04 - Gland removal + liposuction- Adriaan Grobbelaar. Results: Terrible
Feb 05 - Lipo Revision- Alex Karidis.
Nov 05 - Gland + Lipo- Alex Karidis.
Jun 06 - LHS gland + Lipo - Alex Karidis.

Offline Yorkshireman

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  • Posts: 161're posts are coming across as very angry...Im sure you re inside...however you have posted a long post , no doubt in search of some consturtive comments, which you simply will not get if you display such a militant attitude....

Im not criticising you....just my humble opinion...

Offline oxman2k

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i had an op with levick and will be going to see him in the next month or results are not good my problem is that around and to the sides of both nipples the skin is stuck to the muscle and when i flex my chest is looks a mess.if to much fat has been removed and the skin is stuck to the muscle then as far as i know nothing can be will be very intresting to see what levick has to say when i see him.i was expecting better results for £4,000 and what people had posted about his work on this forum.this address has some pictures to results that are similar to mine  // post own pics in future

Offline IT100

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I know you may shout me down as a Levick lover, But I have to say in half of those photos I can't actually see any probs at all. I can see the ridges on your sides though and the slight crease under your right nipple when you tense.

I know your not happy. But are these (in my opinion from the most recent photos) minor problems worth all the stress and anger you seem to be going though, not to mention still putting your life on hold. Or even backwards if you don't go to uni. I can't see anyone seeing these as your walk down the beach. No one could say you had gyne any more anyway.

Everyone seems to be keeping a bit quiet... what does everyone else honestly think of GTA's post op chest.

Regarding the skin sticking to the muscle, Mine did and does this a little when tenseing, it doesn't bother me and anyway I know its going... I bet in another years time it will be gone.

« Last Edit: September 12, 2005, 07:27:08 AM by IT100 »

Offline RRB

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Everyone seems to be keeping a bit quiet... what does everyone else honestly think of GTA's post op chest.

Well he stated he was not interested in others opinions, he is calling people on the board names and being generally unfriendly, i can see why people aint posting.

Offline irish_dude

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Everyone seems to be keeping a bit quiet... what does everyone else honestly think of GTA's post op chest.
As I said earlier Ian, I think he looks A1.

Sure you can see that small ridge of flesh pop out a bit on the RHS when as he says, he flexes his pecs and bends over. But to be honest, how many times are you going to be flexing your pecs and bending over? (on second thoughts, don't answer that!).

It's a bit like that old joke about going to the Doctor and saying "Doctor, it hurts when I do this", and him saying "Well, don't do that then".

If I was your size GTA, I'd be thrilled. As it is I'm not totally flat because a) it's early days, almost 4 weeks post op and b) I ate all the pies, without losing sufficient stomach fat I can't judge how things look in total.

But honestly, if I were you, I'd be really happy.

Offline Yorkshireman

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My chest is far from perfect but a helluva lot better than it was before..

GTA.......dont bite my head off , but have you been massaging regularly since the early days...?

My post edited as per Fridays request!
« Last Edit: September 13, 2005, 10:57:39 AM by Yorkshireman »

Offline Fr1dayGTA

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Seeing him again tommorow, wednesday, after sending a letter to him explaining how i feel he would like to see me and said if it is what i want he will do the revision.
I made no mention of lawsuit threats and didnt send him a list of things i felt hes done wrong nor insult him so hes done this out of i feel good intentions not through fear of repurcussions and he was understanding on the phone so tommorow will be interesting.

I should have waitied to post perhaps until after he recieved my letter and recieved his final decision but nothing short of rage prevented that.
If he sticks to his guns now then i will delete this whole post and redo it simply as a diary with the third revision pics at a not too distant date and give my final opinion.

A point i would like to make is that if i had listened to people who said i had great results etc then i wouldnt have fought as hard for this and wouldnt have got him to change his mind this is a point i have been trying to make if indeed not in the most friendly manner, sometimes you got to be cruel to be kind and i want people to be as cruel (more importantly honest) as possible when it comes to there opinions of me and i will make my mind up if they're right or not and act accordingly.

*update* have deleted my posts anyway and i encourage all to do the same
« Last Edit: September 13, 2005, 10:43:25 AM by Fr1dayGTA »

Offline Yorkshireman

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Nive 1 Friday, Im very happy to hear that you have managed to get a positive sounding response from Levick, please keep us posted as to how your meeting goes, and best of luck.

Offline webster

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Fri, likewise.  By the way I just sent you a PM. Ta. Webster.

Offline Pferdestärken

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*update* have deleted my posts anyway and i encourage all to do the same

It's a shame the thread topic isn't quite as discreet. Hope you get some resolution nevertheless. Good luck.
Pics | Op 3/6/05 Mr Paul Levick


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