Author Topic: Surgery with Karidis 7 months post op pics NEW before and after pics  (Read 17432 times)

Offline odt52

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Looking good mate. The key is having a good result immediately post surgery. The chances are you will swell up something fierce over the next one to two months. However this will subside back to how it is now so don't let it get you down.

Enjoy your new life!

PS 30 minute run and 50-60 sit ups a day will be more than enough to shift your spare tyre. Just try to eat healthy during recovery as it's easy to put on weight just lounging around watching Jeremy Kyle!

Offline Melono

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Looking good mate. The key is having a good result immediately post surgery. The chances are you will swell up something fierce over the next one to two months. However this will subside back to how it is now so don't let it get you down.

Enjoy your new life!

PS 30 minute run and 50-60 sit ups a day will be more than enough to shift your spare tyre. Just try to eat healthy during recovery as it's easy to put on weight just lounging around watching Jeremy Kyle!

Yes mate, I am very pleased with the results. To be honest with you I thought that there will be a lot of saggy skin.
Number 1 priority is recovery.
After Pre and post op days I am back on my low carb diet with whole foods: lean meat, healthy fats, fruits and vegetables plus lots of quality sleep ;D
Life is beautiful...

Offline Melono

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Offline thetodd

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Vitually no bruising and very light swelling, keep on wearing the vest and relax and youl be golden!

Surgery With Alex Karidis - 16/05/09 - Completed!

Offline Melono

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10 days post op.

Offline PecDec

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Nice one mate for adding the new pictures.

Looking a lot better, good luck with recovery.

Make sure you keep us update with your progress :)
Surgery with Dr. Karidis - 12th April 2011 - Status: Recovery

Offline ad21

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Looking good bro!  nice to see the plasters are finally off :)  Im 7 days post today.  Going to take plasters off tomorrow and do some more photos so will also update :)  How you been getting on the last 10 days? how you found the vest

Offline Melono

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So far I can't complain. Pain is bearable-since the op I had only one painkiller tablet. I can't believe how fast your body heals after all that fat and gland tissue was removed. Everyday I can see difference. 
On the fourth day some bruising appeared (it looked like a purple triangle in the middle of my chest). I had very little swelling at the beginning but it is completely gone now.
Most of the fat was taken out from the sides of my chest and from under my arms. It was very numb at the beginning. I was worried that the saggy skin will not be able to adjust. That is the time when you really have to wear your vest 24/7. I will wear it for 14 days and nights. After that for another 14 nights and after that I will wear Nike compression wear (it looked awesome when I tried it on:-)) during the day for some time until the check up with "The Man" Karidis on the 4th May.
I took the plasters off because the incisions are healed. I am telling you guys, I couldn't find them on my nipples:-) and the ones on my armpits are gone. You really have to look for them with magnifying glass:-)

Now I am a little bit worried about scarring. I don't know if it's scarring under my skin but it feels different-harder then the untouched parts of my chest. 
I know that it is too early to worry about it. I am going to start very light massage after 14 days.
Another thing I experienced was reduced range of movement in my arms. Only when I rise them up. It feels like your biceps is pulling your upper chest. It is painful so I do it once a day to test if it is improving.
Guys let me know if it is normal because I'm a bit worried. 

Ps. Sorry about the grammar. English is not my first language.

Offline waves

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Limited range of motion is totally normal.  Took me until about week 5 or so before I felt like I could lift my arms over my head with full range.  Results look great!

Offline ad21

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So far I can't complain. Pain is bearable-since the op I had only one painkiller tablet. I can't believe how fast your body heals after all that fat and gland tissue was removed. Everyday I can see difference. 
On the fourth day some bruising appeared (it looked like a purple triangle in the middle of my chest). I had very little swelling at the beginning but it is completely gone now.
Most of the fat was taken out from the sides of my chest and from under my arms. It was very numb at the beginning. I was worried that the saggy skin will not be able to adjust. That is the time when you really have to wear your vest 24/7. I will wear it for 14 days and nights. After that for another 14 nights and after that I will wear Nike compression wear (it looked awesome when I tried it on:-)) during the day for some time until the check up with "The Man" Karidis on the 4th May.
I took the plasters off because the incisions are healed. I am telling you guys, I couldn't find them on my nipples:-) and the ones on my armpits are gone. You really have to look for them with magnifying glass:-)

Now I am a little bit worried about scarring. I don't know if it's scarring under my skin but it feels different-harder then the untouched parts of my chest. 
I know that it is too early to worry about it. I am going to start very light massage after 14 days.
Another thing I experienced was reduced range of movement in my arms. Only when I rise them up. It feels like your biceps is pulling your upper chest. It is painful so I do it once a day to test if it is improving.
Guys let me know if it is normal because I'm a bit worried. 

Ps. Sorry about the grammar. English is not my first language.

Same as me mate! alll exactly the same! I am also booked into see karidis on may 4th, may see you there mate. what time u going in?

Offline Melono

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I am booked in for 9:50 am.

It's been 22 days post op, recovery is going well (bruising and swelling is almost gone).
Everyday routine:
- massage every evening (scar tissue is slowly disappearing)
- light stretching (to improve arms range of motion)

I decided that I will go to the gym on Monday for the first time since the op. It is time to get back to the routine.

I will post some new pics next week on Tuesday (4weeks post op).

Offline ad21

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Offline Melono

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Hi Guys,

It is been a long time...
Everything is going well, new life, new smile on my face... and new t-shirts:-))
I will be posting new photos after my second post op consult with Dr. Karidis - 19.10.2011.

Offline Trevor2522

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Why didn't you get him to lipo your waist fat too?   Once prepped it wouldn't have cost that much more.   Doubtful you'd lose the spare tyre otherwise.

Did the surgeon remove glandular tissue via the nipple, or was it all lipo-only?

How much was the total cost?

Offline thetodd

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He could lose that fat, it just takes a proper diet and a decent amount of cardio

however, it will take more than 60 situps a day

youd need to go on a cut based diet and be running a few miles 4 times a week. Without a clean diet its impossible!


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