Author Topic: Surgery on Saturday 25th + Diary  (Read 4926 times)

Offline Roversboy

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Day 6 - The itching continues, I can't explain how bad it it - horrendous. I've re- read a couple of the other diaries and thankfully they mentioned the itching :). Post op has also been described as a roller coaster ride and now i know exactly what everyone means. The compression vest is starting to be a real pain in the backside but I know its for my own good. Someonelse wrote about becoming paranoid and I now fully understand what they meant. I know the moobs have gone but you do get convinced that if you take too long in the shower and leave the vest off for too long then they are going to explode out again :o :o
Surgery : 25th October 2008
Surgeon : A Karidis
Location: London UK


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My itching was bad too but all gone now at 4 weeks. No more vest for me after tonight but I dont mind it now. I don't look good at all at 4 weeks so know all about ups and downs. I looked great a few days after but now the swelling comes and goes especially when not wearing the vest through the day. Still a little sore on my nipples and the creases are very deep on the incision sites and left nipple sunk. Creases on sides where lost of skin was left too. Not gonna get too down about it though as still a long way off finished and I have a follow up with Karadis on the 4th of December so may look better by then. My son noticed my incisions today saying you have a little dint there are you ok (he is 5) I said it was due to loosing weight. He said good that treadmill aint it!

Hope it sorts itself out long term though which I am sure it will ???

Offline Roversboy

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I'm sure it will sort itself out, patience is the key but easier said than done :) At the end our chests have gone through massive trauma, having a steel rod jabbed in & out numerous times. We can see the scaring on the outside healing up but what we can't see is the damage thats done under the skin (thank god we can't). When I had a hernia done last year I was getting really frustrated at how long I was taking to heal and I'm sure the doctor said that it took about 6 times longer for you to heal internally.
Just gotta stay positive, on a brighter note the itching has eased a little bit today (I hope I haven't just tempted fate)

Offline Roversboy

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Day 10, at last the itching has subsided ;D ;D ;D ;D. Everything seemed to be settling down until yesterday afternoon when everything suddenly went really sore, it was the worst pain I've had since the surgery and typically it was my first day back at work and I hadn't taken any painkillers with me - idiot. It was a long afternoon and an even longer drive home! I eventually got home took a couple of painkillers and just had to lie down and unzip the compression vest to relieve the pressure, this helped a bit and the tablets took the edge of the pain but it was an uncomfortable evening. I woke up this morning and the pain has eased a bit but I've got the strangest of feeling in the nips it feels as if I've burned them?? They are really sensitive so I hope this settles down as I want to stay of the painkillers as they don't half bung you up :-[ :o :o

Offline newlife

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My nips are still v sore and I am now 1 month post op.

Dont worry about things too much - were are on a long and winding road to recovery  :D


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Yeah 1 month here too and my nips are also more sore now than when it was done. I also dont look as good today as I did 2 days after surgery. Very uneven and strange looking and the left is still a different shape to my right completely, more like the top of a mountain has been chopped off where right is rounded. Not too concerned still though as time will do it's work.

Offline Dave_8

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Nice man, congrats on the surgery, hang in there, things are still healing.
If you have gyne, dont expect not be laughed at.

Just like if you walk into a locker room, you're gonna see some hairy asses and dicks.

Unfortunately for me, both have occured in my life way too many times.

Offline Roversboy

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Well its 2 weeks today since the surgery. Its not been the most pleasant 2 weeks of my life but without doubt its the best thing I have ever done for myself. I feel better and just more confident, its amazing!!

Todays the first day I've been without the compression vest (wearing it at night for the next two weeks) and its really strange as I feel 'naked' without it, although I am still wearing the Nike compression vest, its just not the same. The nips are still well sore, but the bruising is starting to subside and it still feels a bit tight when I lift my arms up. I know its very early days but I'm getting frustrated, mainly because the confidence its given me has really motivated me to lose some weight and tone myself up, I want to get down the Gym but I know I'm not up to it yet and thats what is getting to me. I'm normally a really patient person but I've just got so much of a buzz that I want to get started.

Its the Ball next week that I've been so worried about not being ready for, I got my Dinner Suit out this morning for its annual airing & dry cleaning, I just had to try the jacket on to see how it looked? I couldn't take it off, for the first time in my life I didn't have these two lumps sticking out ruining the line of a jacket :) :) :), infact its now a little big around the chest :o :o. I only wish I had done it years ago!!!!!!!!!


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