Author Topic: Swelling...sigh....this is depressing....  (Read 2687 times)

Offline Yorkshireman

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Well guys, here I am almost 1 month post op..

Ive a near perfect looks great....


The RHS is a total mess now...the swelling is like a breast, worse than the gyne, and it doesnt seem to be going away...

It was going down slowly slowly, and I was really chuffed, but this week all the swelling has come back, and Im back to square one..I cant begin to describe how disheartening this has become.....

In to see Mr Levick on 25th....wondering what he will it a haematoma? it just it scar tissue gone mental....I dunno...


Offline doddy

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Chill out mate. I can imagine it must be hard, but remember it can be a long process. Rest assured, Levick will have the answers.  ;)

Offline uk_bloke

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yorkie ,

you say you have a near perfect LHS ,well im 10 weeks post op and im concerned about both sides (one side seems fatty ,the other side seems to have a crater in it !)

i saw levick at 6 weeks and he said to me exactly what he'll say to you ,and that is that its far too early to judge what the final result will look like , i really dont think hes gonna commit to admitting any problems are there until at least 6 months post op.

he thinks everything looks ok so far so im taking him at his word and giving it a good 6 months till i go back and see him (hopefully i wont need to)

for now,just enjoy the fact that you'll look damn fine in a t-shirt and worry about the close ups after 6 months

chill out , and as for the swelling its only temporary so dont worry.

« Last Edit: April 15, 2005, 11:28:10 AM by uk_bloke »

Offline Yorkshireman

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UK Bloke thanks for your reply......I am expecting Mr L to say just that!

Howvere sadly I can wear any type of t shirt as Ive got one massively swollen side, and one flat side! So I look a freak at the moment.....!


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