Author Topic: Time to do something about it  (Read 2488 times)

Offline mikky

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Hi everyone,

I have been reading these forums for awhile now and firstly I must say this site and especially its forums has given me some real hope, before here I had tried to find information and solutions but not had much success.

I have had Gynecomastia for as long as I can remember, although when I was young it didnt really bother me but as time went on it became more of a problem.

I have been overweight as long as I can remember as well and always thought that with weight loss this would be fixed.

When I finally started to do something about my weight, mostly because of the Gyneco I managed to lose about 5 and a half stone and finally going from Obese to a Healthy weight on those charts.

However at this point it became clear this could not be fixed by excercise and weight loss.

I think reaching this point just made me give up as it seemed there was not much I could do about it.

Now I have regained about 4 and a half stone since Jan 04 and simply cannot go through the weight loss again without having this problem fixed, all the effort it took the first time and to not even get the result was tough and I think made me give up and become careless with my eating.

My main question is, should I wait to have the surgery untill im in a healthy weight range, this would mean me having to drop quite alot of weight which could take quite a long time, whereas this is something I would rather have fixed the sooner the better but will try and do what is best overall, having a goal to be able to have the surgery would probably be the motivation I need to lose the weight again.

Right now its nearing summer and during work I put my coat on anytime I leave the office, even when im staying inside the building, its really become too much to "put up with", going out to the pub is so stressful, not so bad in the winter as keeping a coat on does not seem out of place but during the summer you look a bit stupid when its nice out and your wearing a coat, I really enjoy the summer weather but this really spoils it for me.

Some basic information about myself and my condition:

Im 23 and have had this problem as long as I can remember.

My breast area is large, I can grab the flesh with my whole fist and be holding fat, it is not a mild case im sure of that.

The nipple area is soft and seems light directly underneath however the surrounding area is more solid fatty tissue.

I live in the South of England, I hear about Dr L and he sounds like the person I would most likely go to first, does anyone know if he performes blood tests which can help you find out about conditions you might have which can be the cause of this, read about these on the main site.

I honestly feel like I dont want to have to go through surgery for this but im thinking down the line this is absolutely needed for me.

Anyways thanks for reading this and any advice and information will be greatly appreciated.

Offline serg

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Generally speaking, you should be at a healthy weight beofre undergoing surgery as this gives the best results and exposes any stubborn areas of fat that can then be removed by your surgeon. Having said that I had my surgery a few pounds heavier than I should be.  ;)


Offline Taz

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Going into surgery at a healthy weight is always a good idea. Also, just think if you're lean when you have your surgery you'll be in great shape post op!

This is something I wish I'd really done. If I have to have revision surgery I will work my arse off to shed a stone or two.

Offline Yorkshireman

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It is always better to get down to a decent weight before any type of surgery, a healthy body heals faster.

Also the benefits of exercise, and being the correct weight are massive, both in terms of physcal health, but it will also boost self esteem and give you a real boost...

Weight loss is not so hard for those who can dedicate themslevs......Ive seen people go from fat blokes to muscley studs in no time! Its all about mind over matter!

Offline Kk

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mikky, go for it. Dont put it off any longer, you've waited long enough, we both have, it's time to live a little...

If you're worried about yoru weight, well then start eating healthy as of right this minute; im not saying starve yourself, just eat more fruit and vegetables and less crap, cut out unhealthy food altogether and find alternatives to what you can (eg: low fat over chips instead of actual fried ones...)

I know surgery is a big step, but its worth it. I agree you should have the blood test first, but likely hood is that even then, you'll need surgery... and it is scary, because i am petrified of the whole thing, of it going wrong, of having scars, of having an uneven chest, etc... but unless they completely darn up the op, it will be better than this...

Dude, be honest with yourself, I know there's a part of you that WANTS to believe this'll just go away, just puppy fat like you may have been told, but at 23 its not gonna happen, its time to make things happen. Im taking out a load to pay for my op, and i dont give a flying darn about how much debt i'll have, some things are worth it...

I think you need to just have a reality check, i know it sounds harsh given i dont know you from Adam, but in a sense i do, we all know each other better than we realise because we've probably all lived extremely similar lives given that a great part of it has been controled by out overly large man breasts...

So go for it, because you deserve to enjoy ur youth, not get to 30, realise what a mistake it was to not have it done and then wait even longer... it isnt gonna get any better, im sorry, weight loss may reduce it, but (like me) it'll make it slightly more obvious...


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