Author Topic: UK boy, new member what to do to get surgery?  (Read 2914 times)

Offline harrowcd1

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Hi i have gynecomastia, its quite bad too, they're huge...

i am 18 years old living in london

i was wondering, i want to see my doctor about getting hayfever tablets, but this is just so i dont need to tell the receptionist or my mum what im going for!

i dont know what to say to my GP doctor
"oh here, i have breasts, can i get surgery?" !!

i am also poor and so i would love some advice about the NHS and what to do about getting surgery on the NHS

also, i am worried he will turn me away, is it worth saying "i have had it for many many years" or "i was told 2 years ago to wait"

but i am also quite overweight, when i was less fat, there was still a sign of breasts and they've just developed larger, but i am overweight, i am scared the doctor will tell me that i need to lose weight first, i cannot lose weight with these things, because i dont like going out, i cant wear a tshirt and i cant go swimming

help me!

thank you!

Offline kingboob

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If you are overweight then the first thing they will say is lose weight...........  Cosmetic surgery is very difficult to get on the NHS, the problem has to be pretty extreme and for something like gyne they will probably insist you are a normal weight (BMI under 25) before they will operate............ that is if they offer surgery at all.

I don't want to sound negative, I am just trying to be realistic.  Your parents and the receptionist has no right at all to ask what you are visiting the GP for, although the hayfever cover story is fine.

Stress the big impact this is having on you mentally and see what they say...........

What is your height and weight?

Losing weight is largely about diet, cutting out the crap and eating less basically....... exercise wise just brisk walks would get you started......... if you go out first thing in the morning or later in the evening not many people are about either.

Offline kingboob

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PS, there is a UK section where you may get more responses....... there are a lot of Americans on here who may not even know what you are talking about when you mention the NHS.

Offline harrowcd1

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If you are overweight then the first thing they will say is lose weight...........  Cosmetic surgery is very difficult to get on the NHS, the problem has to be pretty extreme and for something like gyne they will probably insist you are a normal weight (BMI under 25) before they will operate............ that is if they offer surgery at all.

I don't want to sound negative, I am just trying to be realistic.  Your parents and the receptionist has no right at all to ask what you are visiting the GP for, although the hayfever cover story is fine.

Stress the big impact this is having on you mentally and see what they say...........

What is your height and weight?

Losing weight is largely about diet, cutting out the crap and eating less basically....... exercise wise just brisk walks would get you started......... if you go out first thing in the morning or later in the evening not many people are about either.

thank you very much for rreplying
this summer after my exams i am goign to hit the gym every day and see if my man boobs reduce at the same time!!! i might get a compression garment, i dunno how to order without my parents knowing though!

i am very overweight, obese actually, im 14stones 5ft 5, but the gynecomstia is just too much since i've seen people fatter than me without this problem..

thank you again!

Offline thetodd

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how bad would you say it is? Yeah get a decent workout plan in place and start losing the weight its best to do it at your age

Id go to the doctor just explain the situation, there is no way that they will operate on you if youre obese. But if you go there and agree to lose the weight it will increase the chances of you getting surgery when you reach the correct BMI if you infact need it. If youre obese going to the gym wont be enough for weight loss. Basically its 70% diet 30% working out. A good diet really is essential to weight loss dont do these fad diet things. Eat healthy fruit and veg and cut out the crap.

The compression vest will just come in a parcel, i wouldnt worry about it. Id tell your parents your plans, i wouldnt mention the surgery yet just tell them that your weight is really bothering you and that you are planning to lose the fat. Your mum and dad will help you out! Get your mum to buy the specific food, and cook it for you :). A healthy diet doesnt have to be all doom and gloom i eat a lot of chicken and its really good for you (as long as it isnt southern fried etc). Fish is really nice and just basically a higher quality of meat etc not crappy microwave ready meals.

Wish ya the best of luck mate, its gonna be hard but the results will be worth it! 
Surgery With Alex Karidis - 16/05/09 - Completed!


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