Author Topic: Dealing with my Gyne (2008 Update)  (Read 8890 times)

Offline CanNick

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I have finally decided to deal with my Gyne, I told my immediate family that I am concerned with it and showed them online that what I have matches the condition and asked for their support. It’s a great feeling to not have to suffer in silence anymore and I think just telling my family and having their support through this will help a great deal; it has already eased my mind.

On Monday after work I will be phoning and setting up a doctor apt with my family doctor to tell him I think I have gynecomastia and that I want to deal with it. As soon as I finish writing this I will write up a list of what I want to tell my doctor and how I want him to help me. Hopefully he will be able to refer me to an endo as well as a good local plastic surgeon.

I guess I’ll have to go from there but for now I feel really good about this now that I have decided to have it fixed.
« Last Edit: October 03, 2008, 12:44:04 PM by CanNick »

Offline Grandpa Bambu

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So she knew that it was a problem, or atleast abnormal.

What is abnormal? Maybe both sexes were meant to have breasts and that flat chested guys are the so called 'abnormal' ones? Who knows? Guys with Gyne are not 'abnormal' (although it sure feels like it huh.... ). It's just that we don't have what is considered as the 'ideal' chest.


« Last Edit: October 16, 2005, 12:07:53 PM by Bambu »
Surgery: February 16, 2005. - Toronto, Ontario Canada.
Surgeon: Dr. John Craig Fielding   M.D.   F.R.C.S. (C) (416.766.8890)
Pre-Op/Post-Op Pics

Offline CanNick

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If I may ask, how did you go about introducing your family to the issue?  How did you approach them?

Well I have always had a very open relationship with my parents so I've always felt like I could share with them without having to worry about being embarrassed of feeling awkward.

I actually just brought it up during commercials while we we're watching T.V the other night. I explained to them how I felt and how I wanted to proceed with it and they we're very supportive and willing to help. My mom promised to take the week of my Surgery off to help me recover.

Offline CanNick

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Good and bad news, due to work I still havent been able to go see the family doctor since I work the enitre time the office is open and then some so I cant even call to book an apt since where I work my cell phone wont work and there isint a land line lol. Good news is that all the crazy overtime should make it very easy to pay for the op when I can finally get to the doc to make it happen.

Heres hoping I can get an appointment booked this weekend.

Offline CanNick

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Finally got a day off work to go see the family Doctor, everything went great. I don’t have to go see and Endo though my Doctor told me he is fully capable of ordering and interpreting the tests so that makes things easy for me, the test is done kind of odd where I live he just gave me a 'order form' that I can take to any of like 30 medical centers around the city, don’t even have to make an appointment and they will draw blood, do the test and send it to my Doctor; super easy. And since I did not have any recent blood work I am getting pretty much everything checked which will be great. The only problem is that again I work the entire office hours of almost all of these medical centers hopefully I can get off work early and go get it done this week.

It feels great to be moving forward to a solution to this problem I just wish I did not work so much, but then I guess it would be harder to pay for everything when the time comes. I am sure it will all work out perfectly in the end.

Offline Grandpa Bambu

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Keep pressing forwards my man!


Offline CanNick

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Just got my blood work done today hopefully the results come quickly; though I do have to go back again for my AM tests might have to wait until next weekend for that since work is pretty bad about letting us take mornings off.

Been talking the surgery over with my mother and she’s really helped me out since I have someone I can talk to face to face about this. I also helps that she really does understand that its not just the physical problem its all the problems that that physical problem causes in other areas of my life that is the trouble so she’s really pushing me to get this done as soon as possible so that I don’t have to worry about it anymore. She even offered to lend me the money for the operation; which I don’t need but it's still really nice to know that I have that kind of support.

Here's hoping the blood work comes back quickly and everything is good so I can start looking for a PS to do the operation.

Offline CanNick

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Ok, time for another update. I just went in for my AM blood tests. I cant believe I dragged my heels this long but It was mostly due to the holiday season and all that so honestly there wasn’t a lot I could have done to do this any quicker. I have an appointment with the family doctor on the 7th I don’t know if the tests will have gotten back to him by then or not but hopefully they have and I can find out where to go next with this.

Christmas break has given me a fair amount of time to think this over and I am finally over all my apprehension about getting the surgery. To be honest as soon as I got the blood test and I was finally moving forward with this I did not feel the relief I was hoping for I was honestly kind of dreading it, I kept trying to think of reasons not to go forward, like oh I cant take the time off work, I cant afford the surgery ect... but after some reflection I realized that my limiting beliefs we're caused by the fact that I really care about the judgments others will make about me because of this. After I realized that it actually gave me the relief I was looking for because I was finally being honest with myself.

I now feel a lot more comfortable moving towards surgery because at least I am being honest, the reason I want to get the surgery is because a part of me is still that kid on the playground everyone teased and as much as I am not that person anymore there are still a few things that prevent me from completely moving on and gyne is one of them.

Today is Christmas and we had all the family over today and I noticed something, gyne seems to run in my dads side of the family. My grandfather is in his 80’s not but you can very much tell that he has a larger amount of breast tissue than is normal. My father who is in very good physical shape has a very minor case and my uncle who is extremely thin actually has a pretty serious case that can be seen pretty easily even with a thick polo shirt on. This doesn’t actually help me in anyway but it does make me feel less alone.

I am re posting my pics from Aug 30th so that I can keep track of all my progress in this thread. I am also going to be taking some more photos when I hit 170lbs which shouldn’t be long considering I am down to 172.7lbs, here’s hoping all the Christmas treats haven’t fattened me up too much.

Offline InKubus

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man i hope you succeed with the route you are choosing. It's great to here your dealing with it and I have a very similar situation to you (lol we could almost be gyne twins as you look like you have about the same amount as i do)

good luck
Gynecomastia: An Oddessy of the common man.

Offline d3ll

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Mate, you've won! You've beaten Gyne!

Offline CanNick

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Wow, last post was on Dec 25, 2005 and it is now Oct 3, 2008 and the Surgery is finally done!

I had my surgery on the 1st of the month with Dr. Mark Haugrud in Calgary and I am so glad this is finally done! I still have a fair bit of swelling but I can already see an improvement.

Its really strange; because now that its done I really cant belive that I have been working towards this for 3+ years. I have learned so much in that time and added so many valuable things to my life as a result of dealing with gyne that I can be nothing other than truly grateful for the entire journey.
« Last Edit: October 03, 2008, 07:34:43 PM by CanNick »

Offline Grandpa Bambu

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Congrats dude!

How do you feel now that you are G free?


Offline user87

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on Pic 3 you still look puffy ... swelling??? or too much gland left??


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