Author Topic: Growth again.  (Read 4584 times)

Online taxmapper

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Well couple more checkmarks on my end:

I have had lousy teeth my whole life. 

This has led me to a situation where when I was 17 I had braces. 
(Not 8, 17!) 

Well one of the many odd things I simply could not wrap my head around was why I had so many physical issues growing up. 
My teeth were something that my mother said, she believed that god looked at my mouth and threw in a bunch of teeth and said.. here do something...

Well reading several articles on JSTOR, I found evidence (though nothing directly written) that growth hormones affect how large the teeth get. 
My teeth simply never fit my mouth. 
They were always larger than my jaw could handle and crowded in. 

In a very dry and long winded article written on growth hormones in children and orthodontics, there was alluded tot he idea that male and female teeth are more affected (this because of the baby teeth-adult teeth thing) that women's teeth are smaller overall. Then men's teeth (though in actuality only by about 5% or so) are larger. the teeth are overly sensitive to growth hormone and androgyne (male hormones). 

This means that men's teeth by this theory grow larger and if I have a smaller more "dainty" female sized and structured jaw (which would explain alot) my teeth wouldn't fit. 
Which they dont. 

This is more theory than something actually explored, but I think that angle has not been explored because it isn't on the radar of anyone. 

Its all subjective, but the evidence is there. 

Online taxmapper

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more pain and growth sensation. 

bra cups are now fully filled, but not pushing out yet. 

Online taxmapper

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Here we are again. 

I dropped down and am holding to 203-207 lbs.  

But my bust has been sore and itchy. I recently felt more of the "pop rock" sensation and moreover, yesterday I measured out and popped up to 50 inches again, then it fell back down to 48-1/2 inches. 

Emotions are weird, (have a ton of stressor going on) but I have resisted crying, have weird feelings and emotions, and desires that are throwing me way off. 

I actually love the changes taking place, I just wish it would hurry up! 

I have a feeling that by the end of the year I may be much more busty than I am now, and may have started curving out.  

Note: I am NOT taking any estrogen or similar supplements, its all God's hand. 

Offline WPW717

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Week 2 of estrogen patch is over. It is for bone health. It’s the lowest dose possible for this, the safest delivery method. There is an underlying’ feeling of awareness’ in my breasts. Could be a sign of growth? We shall see but I am okay if it happens. It’s beyond my ability to predict and my ability to consistently camouflage 44 D breasts.
I am wondering what my chest would look like sans hair. I find the idea appealing.
Regards, Bob

Online taxmapper

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On the Sperono, and I am down to 205 this am. BP is down slightly and trending downward.

Bust size has not moved and I still feel the pressure outward.  They seem to be getting larger in proportion to what they were previously, but I dont know if its actual growth or the weight loss making them more refined.

Online taxmapper

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The BP went down only slightly over the past few weeks on 25mg.  I sent data tot he doc. about the results and she wants to up to 50mg and pull a BMP in about three weeks.  

i have absolutely no headaches now and feeling far calmer and more at ease.  This am the BP was 119/93, PR 67, %SPO2 at 93 but at 6300 feet ASL.  

I am feeling way better now, and breasts are somewhat sore and are starting to define.   

We'll see how this plays out. 


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Glad to hear things seem to be working and health is don’t well. 


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