Author Topic: 6 months post op....considering revision  (Read 2560 times)

Offline jdizzlesc

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So here is my story.  I had lipo only done 6 months ago.  Now, I am aware that lipo and excision is the best treatment, but I wasnt sure how glandular tissue felt like.  I consulted with 3 different doctors and they all concluded that it was mostly fat, therefore lipo only will be the chosen treatment.  I deferred with skepticism with their evaluations and chose the one I was most comfortable with.  The surgeon said he removed about 500 cc.  I cant remember if it was each side or total because I was still a little groggy from the sedation.  My apologies for not including a pre op picture but I lost my other memory card.  Immediately after surgery I noticed that I still had puffy nipples but my lower chest was not as rounded and full as female breats are.  6 months later, my chest looks like this (pics below).  My surgeon refuses to do a revision and states that he "thinks its perfect", "there is nothing there" and "I dont know how else to fix it".  Bear in mind that this surgeon has claimed to have done a multitude of gyne cases.  Do you guys think I need a revision?  And if so, should I pressure the same doctor knowing the facts above, or should I look elsewhere?  And would anyone be able to recommend a highly competent surgeon in the southeast florida region?  Thanks.

Offline ellington7

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I didn't see your pre op pics but I think you need a revision.  You have a glandular problem that cannot be fixed without it being excised.  Lypo will not take out glandular, but it will suck out fatty tissue.  For your case inparticular I'd say that you need to get the revision, and have both glandular excission and lypo because the outside of your chest is too rounded and that could be because of excess fat, or swelling from the surgery, but I wouldn't know because I didnt see it before.  I'm not trying to smash on you, but this is what I see.  It's not bad at all man. You could actually wear  a t and probably get away with it, but you wont get that "flat" look we all desire without the gland being cut out and the lypo to assist it during the surgery.

Let me know what you think...


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