Author Topic: Comment PLZ pre and post op PICS will update as weeks progress with new photos  (Read 2877 times)

Offline rolo3175

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I had surgery on 9.10.2007 my surgeon in Hawaii said my surgery would be simple because i wasn't a heavy person and that i was in average shape just with the Gyne on my chest. i had this since 12 and now 24 5'7 145lbs some how never grew out of it, havent been to the beach since probably then either. i look forward to taking my shirt off at the beach soon. this picture was a month before surgery, and then 5 days after. I really notice the difference in the clothes i wear now. the doctor told me i had pectoral muscle there already that made my gyne stick out more. I was able to flex my pecs and see the muscle moving up and down which is something i could never see in the past. please comment if you can with your opinion.

Offline rolo3175

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yeah he just stuck the fluid to break up the tissue and then sucked it all out through a small incision less than a 1/2 in right under my nipple. he didnt take out any gland because he said i didnt have much to begin with. i mainly only had lots of fat there as you can see. did you have surgery? i trusted him since he does alot of models here in hawaii as well as famous people too. plus he was in the military like me so we kinda connected from the start and he gave me the straight answers to my questions.

Offline BigLouJr

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The glands must be remove for sure or you will be unhappy. I trusted my first surgeon since he was the chief surgeon at UM. He only did lipo. and it failed to remove it. He then did the excision two years later but did not remove enough glands, which he tried to correct two years later. He left some more glands.

At the end and after four surgeries, I still had glands which made my chest look like breast. I used to bodybuild so my chest is big as it is and the gyne made me look terrible. Anyways, went to Peru, paid $800 USD and the surgeon removed every single gland which I saw since it was under local anesthesia. Now, it looks perfect. Check the picture of the glands on the photos forum. I just did it three days ago and had some bleeding (it was drained) but felt great right after the surgery.

According to the surgeon, general anesthesia makes people feel very sick since it lower all of your vital signs and it is like almost killing you. They put a tube down your throat in case you stop breathing which is a sign of respiratory failure. General anesthesia can kill you and if they do not bring you back, you are done. Local anesthesia does not mess with your vital signs (heart rate, respiratory, blood pressure, etc.).

Anyways, I hope that you are happy but honestly speaking, without the removal of the glands the problem will persist.


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