Author Topic: compare how gyno changed in 1 year without surgery  (Read 7407 times)


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i have a question,i can feel something under my aerola,nd i know that its a gland but i can feel the same things on my legs where is a bit of fat or my arms as well.whats that??? maybe in my chest there is not fully developed glands nd they can disappear someday?

Breast gland does not typically exist in the leg.  Exam of the Male Chest by itself is insufficient to differentiate gland from fat. Although gland tend to be firm and fat soft, gland can be soft and fat firm.

Hope this helps,

Michael Bermant, MD
Learn More About Gynecomastia and Male Breast Reduction

Offline donie787

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its exact feeling in my leg as in my chest,but my chest looks different and in my leg or near armpits there is some fat so i can't see anything rly.i guess i have to check it with my doc. maybe its not gyno :D ? in my chest...maybe its just firm fat??? as in my legs or some other place??is it possible that i dont have gyno and its just fat? :D nd somehow i can loose it by loosing weight? i know its kinda stupid question,coz i need to talk with doc. but i want to know what others think...

Offline gyneco_1001

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In my opinion... there's zero doubt that you have puffy nipple gynecomastia.

Offline thetodd

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Nah its gland, youve got a large gland there really it protrudes out theres absolutley no way you will get rid of it through excercise

Nipple size's are irreleveant you dont have a big nipple area you have puffy nipples! There is always this debate "you must have breasts to have gyne" its a load of bollocks if you have glandular tissue thats oversized then you have gyne its simple as that. I had breast like gyne with non puffy nipples some people have puffy nipples only. Eitherway the only way to fix it is with gland excision

Surgery With Alex Karidis - 16/05/09 - Completed!

Offline donie787

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okey,so im gonna go to my doctor for some hormone tests,what else do i need to ask??? im thinking of surgery,but not soon,coz im still working to get that money :( pls tell me all the questions that i should be asking to my doctor first before seeing that other guy that specialises in gyno and other shit.i heard something of getting surgery for free if you say its painful or something and that surgery is called different and that means its not gonna be plastical surgery,it should be normal surgery...i dont have health insurance so what should i do first to try of getting surgery for free? pls help me with questions that i should ask my doc and that thingy that covers insurance company coz its not plastic surgery.i was reading that some guys got theyre gyno fixed for free in that way.i was thinking i should try all the possibilities before thinking of spending 3-5k£ coz its rly big money,nd i need it for studies/car/living and other stuff.if not,i will be saving about 200£ a month and till i get all that money its gonna take some time... sucks to be guy with gyno :( why some ppl are lucky and dont have it.if i will have it removed i will be even bigger chick magnet :D i get alot of response from females and fit,nice and sexy females and i could score easily but im soooo afraid of rejection just becouse of my gyno...

Offline thetodd

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Insurance is more of a US thing your hope is the NHS, which perform a small amount of operations for free. Saying to the doctor your feeling depressed may have some effect but not much because everyone walking through their doors with gyne (theres a lot) will say

"i cant go on, im depressed" no-one says  "well i can live with it i guess"

Its pure luck whether you get the surgery and is down to invidudual surgeons. You may get turned away due to your age and due to the severity of it (its not that bad compared to the lads they turn away). When you go to your GP they will refer you to a breast clinic in your local hospital and you will meet a surgeon who will have the final say. If i was in your shoes id explain to the surgeon

1/ your weight loss, will show youve tried to lose weight (you dont need to lose anymore you look healthy)
2/ how it affects you day to day

Some surgeons are sound some are cocks. Its all down to how they take pity on you my surgeon said "its from you lifting weights, its muscle". But to be honest the bulk of the lads ive seen on here have had poor results on here with the NHS and some have hated their chests so much theyve gone to Karidis months after having their NHS surgeys. The problem with some NHS surgeons is that they work on womens breast reduction and have very little experience with gyne operations but someone like karids will have done 1000s of them

Offline donie787

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i heard karidis takes 5k £ for surgery :D thats a bit it true? but i guess he can do rly nice work with my chest.i dont care about biggest fear is that after the surgery gyno can start developing again like after few years.

Offline thetodd

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you would hate the scars cause when people look at your nips and theyve got huge incision marks, they will know youve had surgery. You can also get inverted nipples and be left off worse than you were before. like this

Well its like £4300, but i got that money together in like 6 months when you put your mind to something youl achieve it! Karidis does work on celebrities (the only ones we know about are the ones who have announced it). And thats why he can charge huge fees and why hes chilling in a ferrari. If you want a good result then just start saving your arse off and if you get NHS surgery youl have a nice lump sum to get a nice car with

Offline donie787

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that guy in photos has a rly big incision looks like a crater or that doctors took some meat+skin from that place :D kinda scary. and about NHS,should i tell them that i have huge pain in my chest,i cant run and do activities becouse when nipples touch the shirt its rly painful and stuff.its not truth but they should do something about it.and if i would get free surgery from them,maybe they gonna give me not plastic surgeon but some normal surgeon that never did these kind of operations.i dont think so that NHS  gonna bother and pay them selves to Kharidis 5k £ :D what do you think?

Offline thetodd

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youl get a plastic surgeon but they vary in skill sets. I wouldnt lie about it being painfull because they will find out your lieing just be honest and say about the weight loss and that its feeling depressed. Gyne doesnt generally cause pain so they may start testing for stuff like cancer which you dont want

Offline donie787

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okey thanks mate. i think im gonna get a money loan soon so i will do that surgery even faster :) and one more question for you guys,if the surgery not gonna go well and im gonna get huge scars or gyno gonna start developing again,am i gonna ge anything back? or they just gonna say,surgery is on ur own risk,we not guaranty that everything is going to be okey. and if mine hormones are okey,is that mean that im not gonna get gyno again after few years??? or it depends not only on hormones. what do i need to watch out to prevent gyno occurance again??? thx.

Offline donie787

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i found a surgeon in ireland,and they are saying that its only clinic in ireland that are doing gynecomastia surgery.cost is up to 3.500 euro. its much cheaper compared karidis price in london ,so im thinking what to can i know what kind of experience that clinic have? would anyone agrees with me that i should go to a cheaper clinic. karidis is taking money coz hes famous in a place where he is working and i need only surgery. and by the way, this is the web page of a clinic that i was looking to.

Offline thetodd

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3550 is for vaser lipo, you can get vaser lipo here for less than that. Vaser lipo is just shite its just a way to bang out a shit load of hour treatments in a day. Its not as accurate as proper liposuction ... you also need excision with gyne

Karidis charges that because he's good people dont go there for the name drop, he could charge £8k and probally see the same influx of people. There is no cheap option in this (despite what you may read about poland on here, do not go!). Theres only three real options for surgery in the UK (if you want a good result) and you get refused by the NHS

1/ Pay for BMI treatment under the NHS - £3500ish
2/ Paul Levick - £3900ish
3/ Alex Karidis - £4300ish

Offline donie787

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if i would drop alot of weight and fat from my chest,then maybe i would be okey without lipo suction? only removal of glands. or surgeons always removes glands after liposuction? i was thinking that it should be cheaper surgery without liposuction.


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if i would drop alot of weight and fat from my chest,then maybe i would be okey without lipo suction? only removal of glands. or surgeons always removes glands after liposuction? i was thinking that it should be cheaper surgery without liposuction.

Weight Loss can help with the fat of gynecomastia, gland, fat, and skin can remain contour issues. Losing weight is the coarse tool and can help with global changes. The main benefit is feeling better and getting the global fat down so the contour of the muscles better show.

Gynecomastia Liposuction when done first, tends to target the fat digging a hole leaving gland behind. That is a great way to end up with the Puffy Nipple Complication after Gynecomastia Surgery. That is why I prefer to target the gland first with my Dynamic Technique. Liposuction then becomes a tool of refinement.

Hope this helps,

Michael Bermant, MD
Learn More About Gynecomastia and Male Breast Reduction


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