Author Topic: Did I just throw away 3500$ ?  (Read 12429 times)

Offline gofast_er

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The first pic was taken 12 hours after. The second was taken 5 days after. I know it takes time to heal but I thought by now I would have seen at least a little change. But so far I have seen NO change at all....I'm starting to get worried  :-\

Offline FreeinVegas

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What exactly did you have done?  Just lipo?  It's definitely a little early to tell.  I am currently on post-op day 19 and I didn't start seeing things tightening up and swelling going away until about 9 - 10 days.  I'm still seeing improvement every day though. 

I wouldn't pass judgment on your success just yet.  Some people see changes for up to a year.

Offline gofast_er

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Yeah...just lipo. It's just starting to get scary. I'm trying my best to be patient. But this issue has been mental hell for almost 16 years now. I don't know how much longer I can take it.....seriously. I don't know why it has affected me the way it has. Why I have let it run/ruin my life for the last 16 years. I just don't know. I wish I could just accept it....I can't. And I can't take much more...

Offline mrpower33

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Who did your surgery?  Did you feel like you had gland in there?  It looks to me like you really needed excision and lipo alone wouldn't do it.  Did you do any research on this before jumping into the surgery?  This is pretty major stuff, you should be confident that you picked a good surgeon who really knows what he or she is doing.  You can't mess around with stuff like this. 

Offline gofast_er

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I can't kinda feels like a gland in there. I remember when I was younger both sides started to get hard and they started hurting a little. So yeah, I guess their are glands. I did do research. I have wanted to do this for over half my life. It's a hell of a lot of money though and I'm just not that rich. It's only been about 3 days now that I have even had the courage to talk about it with people online.
I feel sick to my stomach. I serisously can't take this much longer. If I do need excision how long would I have to wait after my lipo?
I have no damn clue how I would pay for it but....yeah seriously....I cannot go on living like this.

Offline gofast_er

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What do I tell him? It's not like I can just ask for my money back...right? If I did manage to get the money to pay for excision how long would I have to wait? I can't believe this...

Offline thetodd

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No you cant ask for your money back, unless you had a contract with him agreeing that he was going to remove your gyne to a satisfactory state

Yeah really, hes screwed you over there mate you need to have an excision. But dont worry your not a complete loss! Dont get irate on the phone with him/ his receptionist. Explain the problem and what he needs to do for the gyne surgery and check that he actually does it. You may need to pay some extra fees but he should deduct some of the fees due to him not peforming a satisfactory job

i know you feel like shit now, but dont worry it will get sorted. He seems to have done a bit of a horrible job on your lipo though seems like a lot of lipo marks on your chest (i had one in my armpit). If the guy really is slap and dash as this i highly reccomend  you seek advice from others on here who has had surgery with him!

thats my surgery, you will see as soon as i took my vest off the majority of the tissue had gone and my nipple is flat (although you cant see it on the pics, it is). So dont let him fob you off with "its swelling". explain to the doctor that he hasnt actually peformed gynecomastia surgery hes just given you liposuction which is worthless on its own

Remember though, dont get irate (it will get you nowhere). Write down what your going to say to him and see what solutions he can offer

good luck!
Surgery With Alex Karidis - 16/05/09 - Completed!

Offline kingboob

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Well, I  hate to be negative but you do still have slight gyne in my opinion.....  Yes there is swelling there but swelling usually takes a few days to take hold, immediately after the operation things should be pretty much flat.

I also wonder if it was totally necessary for the surgeon to use quite as many stab holes for your lipo as he did.......most surgeons seem to be doing this op through a small incision in the nipple or one lipo hole through the armpit area.   I wonder if your doc ended up doing so many holes in an attempt to remove hard gland tissue which just wouldn't suck out well with a lipo cannula.

Give it time because things may well improve, but if it doesn't I think you should be seeking a revision surgery free of charge or getting some $$$ back.
« Last Edit: May 21, 2009, 07:08:16 AM by kingboob »

Offline Merangue

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Those holes are really concerning... usually there should only be two, and they should be in an inconspicuous part of the body (under armpit usually).

Obviously he didn't take the gland out, you should talk to him about revision. See if he'll do it for free (he should) if he charges than weigh his experience with gyne surgery vs. getting a well experienced doctor for the revision. It may cost more but would be worth it in the end.

Good luck, and keep us posted.

Offline thetodd

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No dont get irate over the phone, trust me it will get you nothing!

when you went in for surgery, they will have made you sign various forms to agree to surgery. Which will have been written up by a good legal team to cover their arse if anything goes wrong. What hes done for you is liposuction and thats what will have been on your forms not "gynecomastia operation" plain old lipo. Which hes has done

Unless youve had a pre written contract agreeing that he has to fix your gyne, to a degree you were happy with (doubtfull). Then you have absolutley no course for pursuing legal action against him. Because hes done what hes agreed to and you will have signed forms agreeing to this!

Now your only hope is that he will have some sympathy, and may reduce costs in further surgerys. You will not get your money back unfortuantley, your only hope is that he will peform an excision at a reduced rate! Phoning up and getting irate over the phone is a kneejerk reaction and will get you nothing

Phone up him up and say something on the lines of

Hi doctor ..... Im really not satisfied with the results from my surgery. Ive been doing some research via the internet and have have spoken to my GP and the general opinion ive got is that i should have got an excision to have the gland removed. And that the liposuction that youve peformed on me is going to do very little to change the appearance of my chest. Im now very upset because im now having to go through the extra pain of having surgery, and have more time off work. Do you peform gland excisions for gynecomastia? and if so how much would this cost me considering ive just paid a sum in which i though would treat the probem!

Personally, id put something along those lines in an email. If you get a snotty reply back then you can go explore other avenues!

But this will get sorted eventually, dont panic!

Good luck
« Last Edit: May 21, 2009, 07:58:05 AM by thetodd »

Offline tenncast

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yea...sorry to tell you but you need excision. I did the same thing....went to a doctore who convinced me lypo only would work..that improved it only slightly.

Next surgery was with a doc that was its fix.  .

I  would go to a different doctor...this one is not the one.

Offline NIN0808

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What is the name your doctor????

Offline gofast_er

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Oh yeah sorry. His name is Dr. Jerrery Melton in Oak Brook Ill. In all fairness he did tell me he thought it would be about a 50% improvment and that it is possible (though unlikely) that there would be absolutly no difference. I figured he was just saying that to cover his ass. I saw before and after pictures of his work and they all looked pretty good. Though I guess he wouldn't show the ones that didn't work out.

Offline mrpower33

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Hey man, from the looks of you photos, I would NOT go back to this guy.  I would try get the money back, or at least as much of it as you can.  No one here has ever seen those multiple holes, maybe you can post on another thread and have some of the doctors here comment on it, like everyone says, most of the time it's two holes on the side or directly through the areola if you have an excision (which is how mine was done).

I don't want to browbeat you, but frankly, it doesn't really sound like you did your homework because if you did, you would know that what the surgeon was planning on doing is not typical and you would also know that excision is probably what you needed.  You can't assume that the ps knows what they're doing and you should never subject yourself to a procedure that you don't fully understand.  I'm not saying this to make you feel bad, but to correct this now, you have to really be on top of things, you cannot be confused as to what to expect for your next surgery if you choose to have one.  If that means saving up for another surgery with a QUALIFIED surgeon, one with hundreds of good references like many surgeons on this board, then that's just what you have to do.  Don't dwell on how you feel about it too much, start focusing on what you can do now to fix it.  


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Gutted to say the least ... That looks exactly the same before & after pics to me. A lesson for any one rushing in to surgery, do your research and go with some one thats been recommended!

And reading your post you mention that the surgeon actually said it'd be a 50% improvement!?? tbh mate, I cant see any improvement ... fact of the matter is your chest will still show up under a t-shirt.

EDIT: Have a proper chat with your surgeon, tell him you cant afford to pay more, and you need gland excision ... he can't just tell you to pee off or what kind of surgeon would he be!?


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