Author Topic: IS THIS GYNECOMASTIA? (PICS)  (Read 4830 times)

Offline enjoi_life

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hi im 19 5'7 and 179 lbs. i am also new to this forum. i was wondering if i have a case of gynecomastia and if so, the severity of it. any help is appreciated.

Offline enjoi_life

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i also do not have a lump or ball behind the nipple. however i do remember having it when i was younger but now they're gone

Offline ddh

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Here's another way to look at your situation, other than "do I have it?"

1. Are you unhappy with the contour of you chest? If so, does it prevent you from living fully, or is it just something than mildly bothers you? If it doesn't bother YOU, don't worry about it. But if it does ...

2. Will it so away with exercise and diet?
For some men it will, but for many it won't. I'm no doctor, but I think in your case that even if you got down to an ideal weight and fitness, you wouldn't have the perfect male chest.

3. Is it worth the cost and risk to have the surgery?
Only you can decide. It'll probably cost somewhere between $4,500 - $10,000. And as you can read on this board, surgery doesn't mean you always end up with the perfect chest. That is why it is so important to think about how much it bothers you. For me, I thought about it every day, several times a day.

4. Am I glad I did it?
Yes, even though I did not end up with the "perfect" result. Still, I can now wear any kind of T-shirt all the time and be very comfortable with my appearance.

Lastly, don't get caught up in the gland vs fat worry. Just find a highly-experienced gyne plastic surgeon who routinely performs surgery on men. He or she will do the surgery that best fits your situation.

Good luck!

Offline Raider Fan

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Your case is severe enough to warrant a diagnosis of gynecomastia.  Nothing else really matters.  Big....small.....doesn't really matter.  You either have it or you don't. 

You do have it and surgery is the only way to get rid of it.  Look for a board certified plastic surgeon who has a wealth of experience in gyne surgery.  Ask to see before and after pictures of whatever surgeons you visit, then, pick the one you are most confident in. 

Offline cursed1

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dont worry about surgery,,lose some of that body fat, and see how it goes, your body fat is really high and losing that could help with chest fat..unless u have a 4 or 6 pack with that chest size, dont even sweat it for now

Offline Dr. Elliot Jacobs

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You are overweight and have puffy nipples.

Ideal treatment would be to lose weight, which will make your chest somewhat smaller (along with the rest of your body) but the puffy nipples will not disappear -- and in fact may appear more prominent as compared to the rest of your (now smaller) body.

At that point, you should do your research and find a plastic surgeon who is interested and experienced in gyne surgery.  But only do so if it bothers you -- many men opt to live with the condition -- perhaps using snug compression garments to give them a better shape.

Best of luck!

Dr Jacobs
Dr. Jacobs 
Certified: American Board of Plastic Surgery
Fellow: American College of Surgeons
Practice sub-specialty in Gynecomastia Surgery
4800 North Federal Highway
Boca Raton, Florida 33431
561  367 9101
Website:  http://www.gynecomastianewyork.c

Offline henry 41

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You're young and should be able to really start working out. When you do, testosterone levels in your system will increase, and there's a very good chance that the testosterone will "overpower" the estrogen. Estrogen is more prevalent when there's more fat present, and estrogen is what causes the nipples to swell. Testosterone causes the nipples to atrophy and get flatter. But to increase testosterone, you must increase your level of muscularity. Guys your age who make themselves into the "lean mean machine" always lose the puffiness in the nipples, if the nipples do not have a thick internal structure to them. Your nipples do not seem to have a thick internal structure, which means that they could atrophy and get more flat with a lot of excercise. Sometimes the diameter will even decrease, as I have seen happen in some over the years. But, if you feel hardness inside the nipples, they might not go down with exercise. I don't think your chest looks bad at all, by the way. Most heterosexual persons do not see nipples of the male chest as sexual objects. So, if I were you, I wouldn't waste time worrying about it.

I do wonder sometimes why there isn't more discussion on this forum about the relationship between fat and estrogen, and muscle and testosterone. Scientists certainly do know about these items. But one warnng: do not use steroids to build muscle, only do natural exercise/calesthenics to harden your physique. Steroids can cause nipple area swelling/growth (gynecomastia).

Offline **Gynefor**

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Your case is severe enough to warrant a diagnosis of gynecomastia.  Nothing else really matters.  Big....small.....doesn't really matter.  You either have it or you don't. 

You do have it and surgery is the only way to get rid of it.  Look for a board certified plastic surgeon who has a wealth of experience in gyne surgery.  Ask to see before and after pictures of whatever surgeons you visit, then, pick the one you are most confident in. 

I do agree. Gyne's there...  :(

Offline Enterprise19

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Don't get surgery. Not worth it.


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