Author Topic: Is this gynecomastia?  (Read 4126 times)

Offline Black_Sypher

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well i would like to give some background info on myself to help you guys diagnose me.

Throughout my life, i have always had some "Moobs..."  But as i entered high school the teasing started to get worse.  I am now known as the guy with boobs larger than the girls.

I am 16 now.  5'8 and 144 pounds.  I was a gymnast so my legs and arms are perfectly normal.  However when you enter my mid section, you can start to see some fatty deposits. and my Moobs.   I now constantly where a compression shirt wherever i go and baggy shirts or hoodies.

The past 2 months i have been exercising by running and doing sit ups and puhups.  I have lost around 10 pounds and have some muscle.  However my Moobs are still the same size f not larger.

I do not want man boobs, nor do i want pecs.  i JUST AND ONLY want a flat chest.  fr the last 2 years i have refused to go outside of my house without a shirt.  No more waterpark for me.... =[

*******  The major part that really gets me is the fact that i see kids twice my size, who are fat, that have little to NO Man Boobs!

Here are some pics.

« Last Edit: October 25, 2009, 02:28:34 PM by Black_Sypher »

Offline postiey

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i have a similar case! went to the docs wich said i had it.  u prob have a very slight case of puffy nipples

Offline woody05

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Whats up man. I am no doctor but I ill give you my two cents on your situation. There are two types of gyno; 1. psuedo-gyno, which is fat over the pec. 2. gyno, which is breast tissue(gynecomastia) over the pec.

A way to diagnose your case would be to feel your chest and if the excess fat feels like the rest of your body's fat than more than likely you are case 1.

Now if you feel your chest and the excess fat has a less normal texture than say the other fat on your body you may have scenario 2.

Offline postiey

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hate to be blunt but i personally can see its gyno, as it is like mine! u can see that ur top of ur chest is toned but by the nipples there seems to be fat or gland. u dont look over weight either.

not 100% sure but i think pseudo gyne wich woodie is on about really affect overweight people, wich obviously u are not!

hope this helps good luck

Offline Black_Sypher

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Is there anything i an do?

exercise/surgically wise that will help my situation?

Offline wannabemassive

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Yes lots of CV training. For yours i would go out for a run around the park and every 2 mins i would do 10-15 press ups. you should be out running for at least 30mins doning this. Dont run like a grey hound keep your heart rate at a consistant 140bpm. Do this training at least 3 times aweek.

Thats the cheap way, second join a gym and use the chest press machine upper and lower pecs and dumb bell flyes and with these excercises only rest for 1 min.  4sets up to 15reps. But also remember to do the CV training as well. You can also ask the trainer exercising tips on how to firm up that area.



Offline headheldhigh01

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if you mean is there anything you can do to fix it besides an op, the answer is just no. 

exercise is good prep for an op if you're overweight, but the point is mainly to get you to where you want to be once the op is over and make it easier for a surgeon to work there.  if you get the op then lose weight, i bet there's worse potential for an irregular final result, versus the other way around.  also fat can hide it a little, but if you're going for an op, that's the opposite of what you want to do. 

welcome to the site. 
* a man is more than a body will ever tell
* if it screws up your life the same, is there really any such thing as "mild" gyne?

Offline postiey

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i agree with heldhigh im afraid u dont have a bad case at all but obviously it bothers u.

busting ur balls running around is goin to be really frustrating when u dont get anyway just my point of view

Offline Jopet

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yes, i second the motion for that..
But if you really want to end up the teasing and obtain your happiness
go for the surgery.

Offline wannabemassive

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You local GP is your next stop ask to see if you can have blood tests done to see if you have a hormonal imbalance and you may only need a shot of testoserone once a month.

You might be a late starter through your puberty cycle so dont worry to much about surgery.

Please see a doc before opting for surgery.



Offline **Gynefor**

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You're a bit too young to say if it's gynecomastia. But as far as I can see, it will go away. It's normal at your age let's say. Wait a few years and the  see what happens. But I bet in 2-3 years away from today, that will be gone ! Do sports, eat healthy food and that will do !

Offline Trycer6

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That's what they told me and now it's two years later and my life still sucks. Talk to a doctor NOW if it's really bothering you that much.


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