Author Topic: Help!  (Read 3189 times)


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I am 28 and developing breasts, been to doctors they can't find the cause, I am comfortable with self so I don't mind, it's my gf and such that I worry about when and if they get to be large enough to not mask. Now I am a small a cup. 
As an avid gym rat I can vouch for anyone  especially in this case about people in the gym....we look at everyone, especially in between sets. It's not an observation of any sort of anyone out of the norm such as "whoa he has breasts, is he transgendered?" It's more of a just looking around till ready for the next set, or observing others working out to see if they are doing anything we are not doing to try ourselves. 95% of the time people staring are not staring to be rude or judging, they are staring cause we have eyes, they are open so we look and look around. Your nipples are definitely quite feminine and honestly it's nothing to be ashamed of at all! Be proud of who YOU are not what YOUR body is. At first I went from surgeon to surgeon consulting surgeries, they told me give it 2 years before deciding cause tissue takes about 18-24 months to solidify otherwise it could be growing still and removal could be cause of regrowth. It's been 4 years and I've grown slow an steady and it keeps growing but i dont care anymore and eventually you probably wont either. It's an adjustment and it takes us off balance a bit cause obviously the growth is not wanted but it happens. 
I doubt anyone thinks you are transitioning, if it looks like a duck sounds like a duck whatever else like a duck its a duck....if it looks like a guy talks like a guy and acts like a guy its probably a guy or a FTM not a MTF. As we get older our testosterone levels plummet a bit and breast growth is natural from it. Everything from xenoestrogens to phytoestrogens to other forms that create estrogens in our body can be the cause for earlier onset for Low T. If you are worried about it continuing may I suggest taking Zinc and Stinging Nettle. Zinc helps not just support and boost our immune systems greatly but is fantastic at creating a hormonal balance in our systems. As well as stinging nettle which is an herb that promotes testosterone by taking the Free T in our systems and putting it to work opposed to it sitting there doing nothing while estrogen continues to do its dirty work. I'd suggest an estrogen blocker too but honestly i'd talk to a supplement expert before doing so (NOT GNC A LEGIT SUP EXPERT) and see if its right for you cause it can cause adverse effects if not the right one or not cycled or whatever else that may be needed. But Zinc and Stinging Nettle do wonders. 


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Steven618, very good advice and attitude! You have a good outlook on gyne for a young man, and its good to hear that! As we age many other things will be changing that we have to learn to accept and the sooner we are able to accept them the better off we are! Some guys go though some big money trying to hold on to their youth! Expensive car, hair transplants, divorcing wives for younger women, and many other things to hold on to what they can not, youth! We will all age and no matter how hard we try, it can't be stopped, and along with aging comes change, and we can't control that!


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agreed! and mine i believe began as a hormonal imbalance from taking supplements..nothing steroidal or anything but overwhelming the body with testosterone herbs to try and get more physically stronger without risking steroid risks and stuff and feel i did just that, just naturally. I've developed a small a cup and am continuing to grow and have taken estrogen blockers and such to calm it when it first onset but hasn't worked. So I'm just letting it do it's thing. Though as sore as they always are and filling as they always seem to be week by week it makes me weary to think they may develop quite large..maybe i sparked something that was waiting to set fire inside :'( contrary to any of it or any reason, or if its even at the fault of my own or just a coincidence in timing i accept myself, and am okay with gf is not too keen on me wearing sports bras but doesn't seem to mind since they aren't lacy push ups or anything lol though i do have regular ones i wear to work (steel worker, bigger than usual shirts for work, can't really tell anything is diff plus i dont think guys look for bras on other guys and im isolated on my machine in the shop so no one is round me anyways...) but supports me and knows its not the sexiest but im still her man and she knows im not tg or anything so she doesn't fear for anything like that. Its nice to have support when ya need support


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I've grown to a 46H due to health problems and the lose of my testicles, but I fathered 5 kids before that happened and now have 4 grandkids. My wife and family as well as a few friends are very supportive of the fact I wear a bra, but what are bras made for, but to support breast and it doesn't matter if they are on a man or woman!


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