Author Topic: Hey guys, some advice please.  (Read 3406 times)

Offline el_duderino

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Gday everyone,

Firstly I'd like to say this is an excellent forum and I've found it to be very informative.

My story - I started getting puffy nipples at around 11-12 years old.  I was totally thin at this time.  Through puberty I put on a fair amount of weight and subsequently lost most of it at around 18 years old.  One thing that has always been consistent is an extra puffiness/bulk under and around my nipples.  I've always been conscious of this and it has had an impact on me from the way I dress to avoiding the beach/pools etc in the summer. 

Now, at 24, I'm still bothered by my appearance around this area.  People tell me I should just work on some exercises targeting the chest area but from what I've read on these pages I think that won't help much. 

I have booked a consult with a PS and they told me to get a referral from a doc.  So I went to a local doctor and told him about my worries and after weighing me and taking my height (I'm 182cm and 75kg) he pretty much said I'm normal and shouldn't worry about it.  My questions about differentiating gland from fat and why my nipples can range from small and pretty flat while cold to what I see as quite puffy went pretty much unanswered. 

I'm no expert, but I think i can feel some hard gland behind my nipples, more so on my lefty.

Basically guys, I'm wondering if from my dodgy pics (sorry bout that it's the best I can offer for now) you would think that I can be classified as having mild gynecomastia or not?  I want to get a referral to see a PS to discuss the possibility of surgery.

What do you reckon?

Offline misterspeed

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I would say it is mild gynecomastia. My case is almost identical to yours, although I'm still 18 and still trying to lose weight (5'7", 160lbs). From the pictures you've posted, it seems you're pretty much ok in the weight department. If you can afford surgery right now, go for it.

Offline el_duderino

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Thanks for your reply mate.  Its gonna hurt my wallet if I decide to get this done but I'm definitely thinking about it.  All I need now is a doctor to take it seriously and give me that referral. 
Good luck with your weight loss buddy.

Offline hyperballad

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I would say go for the surgery when looking at the side view, you can tell you have it. Working out would build up your muscle which is behind that...I don't think it would help reduce that tissue. When your nipples are hard or cold the skin tightens so it pushes back what is behind it (at least from my experience) and then it looks quite normal like that. You should be able to feel it and you said you think you do.

Offline mthatch1

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You should definitely have a consultation -- the pics look like a gland issue. 

Offline el_duderino

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Cheers guys,
I've got a referral to see a ps.  The trick was finding a good doctor and I was helped out finding one by another member of these boards. (thanks cecly)
I had to get a blood test, x-ray, and ultrasound.  Looking at the ultrasound it is very clear that there is a significant and distinct mass of gland between my muscle and skin.
Going to see Dr. Paul Belt later this month in Brisbane, Australia. 
Will post again after that with some details.

Offline mthatch1

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Huge congrats El Dude! 


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