Author Topic: Just some pics of my case  (Read 11790 times)

Offline yzhazer

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Yeah ... im just another guy who had his life ruined because of gynecomastia  :-\

Offline krucial

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yeah ! same club here... dude..... find a surgeon and get the fat and gland out of there! i believe that is the best bet

Offline fluffy_tits

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yep I agree with Krucial.  you have peperoni nipples like i had.  I kno you hate it (like everyone on here).  

By the way how old are you man?  

Fluffy ( o )v( o )...
« Last Edit: November 19, 2009, 03:52:11 PM by fluffy_tits »
My before and after surgery pics: Leave a comment if you look!! (HAD THE WRONG LINK UP! THIS IS THE ONE WITH ALL THE PICS)

Offline yzhazer

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Im 20.
I remember going to a surgeon when i was 14 because of the operation of my arm and he noticed my gyne .. he said "oh dont worry that will go off during puberty" yeah sure ...

Offline fluffy_tits

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Im 20.
I remember going to a surgeon when i was 14 because of the operation of my arm and he noticed my gyne .. he said "oh dont worry that will go off during puberty" yeah sure ...

yep I remember hearing that shit thing yah're chillin wit C-cups ;D!!!  GET THE SURGERY!

Fluffy ( o )v( o )...
« Last Edit: November 19, 2009, 03:51:41 PM by fluffy_tits »

Offline yzhazer

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Im 20.
I remember going to a surgeon when i was 14 because of the operation of my arm and he noticed my gyne .. he said "oh dont worry that will go off during puberty" yeah sure ...

yep I remember hearing that shit thing yah're chillin wit C-cups ;D!!!  GET THE SURGERY!
Im just a student i dont have 5000$  :'(  im cursed to live with this shit till like 5 more years .. fucksake life sucks really..

Offline fluffy_tits

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damn!!  Get a job this for fall break and save, and get one for the summer and also keep a part time job through fall semester. and should have atleast half saved up or more and you can then finance.  Most financing for this surgery is that you are given 18 months to pay it back without interest so you do the's really not that bad!! I just saved sooo much i payed in cash lol!

Fluffy ( o )v( o )...

Offline yzhazer

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Hi again everybody  :-\  ive been thinking alot lately about taking or not gyne surgery and ive decided that before going for it i will try something else.

I will start hitting BF as ive got 25kg/55.1ibs excess fat, of course i dont expect the gyne to dissapear my plan is to reduce body fat so that i can more easly make muscle visible so that the workout on my chest/upper-chest can be effective.

Starting today i wont consume ANY of the usual high calorie crap .. no more fast food, cakes, chocolate etc.  ( this will be the hard one )

I will do 40min exercise everyday at home, which will be 20min of skipping and 20min training with weights aiming for chest/upper-chest, biceps/triceps.

Im also taking a supplement, BSN Thermonex for some extra help in fat loss and energy.  ;D ;D

Im counting on at least 2weeks before any sign of improvement, and i will keep updating this topic.  ;D

« Last Edit: November 29, 2009, 03:11:33 PM by yzhazer »

Offline fluffy_tits

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you really shouldn't be weight lifting unless you wanna push them out any further lol... just run and do cardio if you're goin to try to lose weight.

Fluffy( o )v( o )...

Offline yzhazer

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you really shouldn't be weight lifting unless you wanna push them out any further lol... just run and do cardio if you're goin to try to lose weight.

Fluffy( o )v( o )...
Well i got a friend who also had gyne ( slightly better state than mines ) and a low BF he just worked out the upper chest and it worked perfectly ... he still has gyne but as he molded the shape of the pectoral so it looks much more like a defined pec rather than gyne.

Offline yzhazer

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hi yzhazer,
 obviously at age 20 you are very susceptible to peer pressure & fashion but believe me after a few years you will realise that having gyne isnt "ruining  your life"!
take a look down the high st next time you are out. See if you can see people who are crippled or have bad scars or some other deformity. Wait until a few of you best pals die early in accidents or disease.
 Then you will believe me.
A lot of people on this site are VERY pro surgery at all costs ( maybe for financial gain?) but Im just trying to give you the alternative view.

Sure, get them chopped off when you have better finances in the future If you think that will transform your life,but in the mean time chill out man! 8)
 you are dead a very long time!
Sure much worse things can happen but meh ... i want to be able to go to a damn beach without having people looking at the fricking puffy man boobs ... wearing a normal t-shirt ... all the normal things that normal people do ... i just got to do something about it  :(

Offline fluffy_tits

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you really shouldn't be weight lifting unless you wanna push them out any further lol... just run and do cardio if you're goin to try to lose weight.

Fluffy( o )v( o )...
Well i got a friend who also had gyne ( slightly better state than mines ) and a low BF he just worked out the upper chest and it worked perfectly ... he still has gyne but as he molded the shape of the pectoral so it looks much more like a defined pec rather than gyne.

Aight koo i feel yah man.  I just thought you was tryin to get rid of it and doing what you said isn't goin to do that, that's why i said don't do it.    If you think you can mold it then go for it homie.

Fluffy( o )v( o )...

Offline headheldhigh01

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yep.  anytime somebody starts using words like "chop" or "butcher" or "cancer" i just start tuning them out, they don't know jack.  my gyne, which is not a severe case, f**ked up my life probably much worse than even a cancer could have.  posts like tm's are the kind of argument that says, don't give money to a harelip foundation, those kids are just a bunch of whiney egotists that need to get over their body dysmorphic disorder narcissism, at least you don't have aids, boo hoo you whiney p*ssies that think you have the right to reverse your disfigurements or make choices for yourselves and your own dignity.  i don't think even a bucket of ice water would wake some of these twats up.  

i've always stood up here for the rights of keepers, but so many of them love to cross the line of respect and turn into wisecracking trolls instead no different from the b**ch-ass bullies that make fun of gyne kids in school.  if a guy knows his life better than you do and wants to fix the gyne that's f**ked him, butt out, shut up, and

* a man is more than a body will ever tell
* if it screws up your life the same, is there really any such thing as "mild" gyne?

Offline krucial

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headheldhigh01!! TRue dat

Offline headheldhigh01

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sure, guy, you're the only person that ever lost family and friends to accidents and cancer, never happened to any of the rest of us  ::)

and you have it the wrong way around.  it's YOU who thinks only YOU know what gyne is.  that's why you keep telling any of the rest of us who DON'T fit into at least a 38 or bigger to stop complaining and posting pictures that YOU keep always making fun of, and that somebody only half your size is "normal," only YOU have "real" gyne  ::)

i don't think you ever did say if you were one of those earlier guys i named under a new handle, but it doesn't matter, because you act exactly the same way they did.  i love how the rest of us talk down kids from the edge when they come here nearly suicidal sometimes, and guys like you go tell them they're just whiny narcissists ::)  

there might be other names for it too, but troll still pretty much sums up your behavior for now.  'nuff said.  stop calling people choppers and picking on site noobs and the poor guys posting pics of gyne "inferior" to yours.  

« Last Edit: December 01, 2009, 11:13:22 PM by headheldhigh01 »


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