Author Topic: My Gyne Surgery Before/After THOUGHTS PLZ  (Read 24570 times)

Offline SmokeyNYY

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Congratulations on your results.  As I said at the beginning, your immediate post op results looked good.  They were consistent with your body at that time -- and that was the appropriate goal of the operation.

Since then, you have obviously dropped a ton of weight and added considerable muscle bulk.  This result should serve as an inspiration to all guys with gyne who despair and allow their bodies to gain weight and deteriorate.  Properly done surgery is only the beginning. Once the bane of gynecomastia is removed, then a determined regimen of diet and exercise can result in a terrific body of which you should be justifiably proud.

Once again, congrats!

Dr Jacobs

Thank you Dr Jacobs. Yes my results wouldn't be anywhere close to this without the diet and exercise.

I would STRONGLY recommend for anyone getting the surgery to dedicate time for at least 3x a week chest workouts. It really does make an amazing difference. 45 min easy peasy. Instead of watching your nightly television show get a gym membership for 10$ a month.

Offline Line6

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I found your wonderful thread yesterday afternoon and have read through its entirety probably 4 times now. I'm amazed and inspired by your procedure results and your hard work finishing the job. I am even more impressed by everything you've done for the gyne community by taking all this time to help us. I cannot thank you enough. I have been looking for a thread half this detailed for months and I'm not sure how I overlooked yours so many times.
Of all the posts I've read through, I have never found someone with more similar gyne features as yours. Minus a few differences, our moobs could have been twins. Because of how large my breasts are regardless of BF%, I was very worried that I could not expect results anywhere near as spectacular as yours. Hopefully, you're living proof that I am wrong.
I have my consultation with Dr. Bivik Shah next Monday and my procedure has already been scheduled for Aug 9. I'm certain this will be the longest 55 days of my life. 
I'm going to start documenting my process similar to the way you have, so I can also give back to the community.
I want to ask you a few questions. During your pre-op appointments, did your surgeon predict your final result would be anywhere near as flawless as they have become? I swear, you look like you've never had gyne, I see no indication that you ever had the procedure done either.
I would also like to know if I could DM you the next couple of months for advice and assistance documenting my journey.

Offline SmokeyNYY

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I found your wonderful thread yesterday afternoon and have read through its entirety probably 4 times now. I'm amazed and inspired by your procedure results and your hard work finishing the job. I am even more impressed by everything you've done for the gyne community by taking all this time to help us. I cannot thank you enough. I have been looking for a thread half this detailed for months and I'm not sure how I overlooked yours so many times.
Of all the posts I've read through, I have never found someone with more similar gyne features as yours. Minus a few differences, our moobs could have been twins. Because of how large my breasts are regardless of BF%, I was very worried that I could not expect results anywhere near as spectacular as yours. Hopefully, you're living proof that I am wrong.
I have my consultation with Dr. Bivik Shah next Monday and my procedure has already been scheduled for Aug 9. I'm certain this will be the longest 55 days of my life.
I'm going to start documenting my process similar to the way you have, so I can also give back to the community.
I want to ask you a few questions. During your pre-op appointments, did your surgeon predict your final result would be anywhere near as flawless as they have become? I swear, you look like you've never had gyne, I see no indication that you ever had the procedure done either.
I would also like to know if I could DM you the next couple of months for advice and assistance documenting my journey.

Thank you for the kind words Line! No my doctor did not predict these results. He is just as amazed as me at the results. I would like to stress these are not normal results. These results have been accomplished by not only an amazing surgeon, which was only a part of it, but by an insane amount of dedication to changing my entire lifestyle.  Believe it or not I look even better now.  I was holding off on posting update pictures until my one year anniversary in around 3 weeks to sync everything up. Sometimes I just stare at myself in the mirror and can't believe it's me. Or that I am in a dream or something haha. My confidence is so much higher its crazy. I actually went to the beach on Sunday with a female that I am now currently dating.  Something I would have dread doing just one year ago, and would have avoided at all costs.  I kind of even forgot I even had gynecomastia walking on the beach and swimming and how it even felt being so scared of showing my moobs, but every now and then I would remember and just feel liberated.  It is a feeling that is so hard to describe.  And yes you can DM me anytime. I check this forum every few days or so. 

Offline Line6

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I couldn't agree more, your surgeon was only marginally responsible for your results. I did not mean to suggest that your hard work was unrelated to your transformation.
I think anyone considering surgery needs to take the time to understand how much of the end result is dependent on our actions. The surgeons do for us the one task that we cannot do on our own, everything else in in our hands. Your story outlines this perfectly.
So glad to hear your old chest is leaving your memories. It's also great to hear that when you remember how things were a year ago, you get a fresh sense of confidence and relief. I'm looking forward most to those feelings.
I hope things are going good with the new lady and congratulations on your upcoming anniversary. Again, thanks for the work you put into sharing your story, it is priceless information.
I will PM you soon.

Offline George Pope, M.D.

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Well, I think the term "marginally" is a bit strong - lol - but I do agree with you Line6 and Smokey, that the patient's participation in this process is really key for an optimal result. You need to be commended Smokey on your hard work after your surgery.  Your case is a perfect one to showcase on this forum - I know it has inspired a lot of guys here who have struggled with this for years. 
One of my best success stories is similar to yours.  This 30 year old young man worked hard in the gym After his surgery and ended up with a result I would have never expected.  I posted his photos in the Patient Galleries section - dated August 20, 2012.  He lives in the panhandle of FL so I seldom see him (I'm in Orlando). But he popped into my office a few months ago and is now married (didn't even date when he had gynecomastia) and is happier than ever.
So once again, a motivated patient who will work hard before and/or after his surgery can really play a major role in his success.
Dr. Pope, MD
George H Pope, MD, FACS
Certified - American Board of Plastic Surgery
Orlando Plastic Surgery Center
Phone: 407-857-6261

Offline imtakinemout

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Hey Smokey,
Incredible man!
As you know, I had mine done by the same surgeon. I noticed in your pics that even by 2 months you had some swelling, especially noticeable in the lower halves of the breasts. That is reassuring to me, as I have similar swelling on my right side. My left has flattened down perfectly. But I had a worse case on the right. I wonder though if that was fat that you lost in your transformation process?
I am looking forward to your first anniversary pics to see if it is true that the chest keeps improving up to a year or more.

Offline SmokeyNYY

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Hey Smokey,
Incredible man!
As you know, I had mine done by the same surgeon. I noticed in your pics that even by 2 months you had some swelling, especially noticeable in the lower halves of the breasts. That is reassuring to me, as I have similar swelling on my right side. My left has flattened down perfectly. But I had a worse case on the right. I wonder though if that was fat that you lost in your transformation process?
I am looking forward to your first anniversary pics to see if it is true that the chest keeps improving up to a year or more.

Yes the swelling lasted many months as you can see by the photos. I would say around 5-6 months it was mostly gone, however I also lost some fat and gained a ton of muscle, which most likely helped the swelling dissipate faster, as well as helped shape my breasts better.

Well I might as well give you guys a little preview since I took a nice picture with my mom on the beach today during July 4th Weekend. Basically one year from surgery here minus a week :).

« Last Edit: April 28, 2018, 11:58:08 PM by SmokeyNYY »

Offline joe7

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You look awesome, I can't even tell you've had the op from that beach photo. This is one of the most inspiring transformations I've seen in general, not just for gyno.

I'm also amazed by how many months the healing process takes, you really can't judge the results a couple weeks, or even couple of months after surgery.

Offline res.Cogitans

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Well, smokey,
You look totally great,except the gyno,
You look healthier, great generally shape..
Where are the six packs though? Lol
I think the surgeon did a very good job, though your persistance of a totally change made the final results we see today..
Now, after a year, you enjoy your efforts..
Keep up the hard work, at next photo waiting the six packs lol..

Offline SmokeyNYY

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Well here are the official one year anniversary pictures. So I dropped all the way down to 152 lbs 3 months ago and decided that was enough, and wasn't gaining any more muscle or weight at the gym, so I decided to eat a lot more, and change up my workout routine a bit to utilize higher weights and lower reps, and I broke through recently, and am now lifting much more. I now weigh around 165 lbs and may stop around 170 depending on muscle development. Yes no six pack yet but I was pretty naive in thinking I would get it in a year. Will take much more work, dedication, and time. Also res no offense but "you look great except for the gyno"?? Not sure I understand. I don't even look like I have gyno anymore. It seems you may not be English native speaker so you may not know that was somewhat insulting. But its OK. Still working on that six pack buddy! I swear I will have it by next summer (another year). Well without any further delay here are the pictures. The scars are still pretty visible but blend in fairly well with the nipple, so I don't think they are very noticable. My surgeon said he could "cut them out" if they bother me a lot. I am not sure I understand how that procedure works and may ask him during my next follow up visit soon.

« Last Edit: April 29, 2018, 02:57:32 AM by SmokeyNYY »

Offline SmokeyNYY

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Before/After comparison picture after one year.

« Last Edit: April 29, 2018, 02:58:17 AM by SmokeyNYY »

Offline longdrives

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You look awesome.  Truly an inspiration.  

Offline res.Cogitans

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i had to write it better so you can understand what i mean..
I meant, your total image is very good, not only the chest (that you removed the gyno and did workout to improve)..
You look generally healthy, body and face, your body has very good shape...
So, if the chest wasnt so good, but with your general good image, you would even look aswell very good..

I was teasing you about the six pack.. The thing that you dont even have body fat, looks very natural and good.. To make the six packs to come out very noticeable you need to do very hard work, like you did with your chest.. 
Keep up the good work.. 
PS i dont even understand how they will make the nipple scar to disappear, without making another scar (maybe with laser? you can ask him, and inform us back).. But for me, i would say dont even bother.. its not noticeable, looks very natural scar.

Offline imtakinemout

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As you know we had the same surgeon, so I am hoping my results turn out as yours. I am two months out. Right side considerably getting smaller; almost getting to be the same size as the left. I feel some "liquid fullness" behind the nipple and below it, something that looks similar to yours in the pictures taken at 2 months.  I am hoping it's not a left-over fat, but just some swelling. Nipple also puffier on the right.
Now, the scars. Mine feels firm and raised on the right side, not so on the left. They are light brown. I don't know if this firmness is the underling internal suture or the scar itself. Overall, I am happy with the looks of the scars. They are barely noticeable.
For yours, may be check with him to see if it's ok to use silicone patches. They say they lighten and soften the scars.

Offline imtakinemout

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Btw, how old are you and what is your height/weight now?


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