Author Topic: My pics  (Read 5652 times)

Offline domsnips

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Ok guys I am new here thought I would put up some pics to see what you think I have a miled case of gyn I think but it is enough to make me sick to my stomach from worry. I am going for surgery but it is not for a few months. The main problem I think and I hear it more and more is the fact that most of us are losing weight we are training hard to try and get rid of the man boobs the problem is they just do not go away that easy. I train very hard I was over weight and I got to the stage that I am currently at and when I was over weight I could not see the puffy nipples but you spend months even years getting body fat levels down and what do you know there is gyno there. Really pi#@es me off just because I have put in all this hard work to show of my body and know I can not because I do not want everyone thinking that I am some kind of freak.
I actually had a very close friend pick up on it. He wanted to see how much weight I lost I took of my shirt and he said what the hell is going on there he pointed he did not laugh at me at all he said mate I would get that checked out if I where you he said that is not normal he said he would go to the doctors with me just as long as I go.
I did not go I just started wearing the shirts and never taking it off you know the story the things that we do to hide. I asked my wife and she said you look fine so I tried not to worry about it. The problem is I found myself getting very upset and anxious at the fact that no matter what I am wearing I had these pointy things sticking out.
So here are some pics you will see what I mean.

Offline domsnips

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Come on guys no one out there having a comment do you think that I will get good results from surgery. I am really worried about it as I have heard so many bad things about the surgery and the things that it can do and that people have come out looking even worse.
The P.S. that I visited was really good he had heaps of pics for me to go through and made me feel very comfortable. There are others on here that have been to the same surgeon and had great results with similar cases as mine.
With a chest and body like mine what are the possible things that could go wrong what are the things that after surgey could present to be a bad opp. And by saying this I am not talking about infectons I am talking about things like the concaved look, weired looking nipples from the photos and things that I have seen it only seems to be the overweight people that really get this. Please do not think that I am putting down overweight people because there is no offence intended but the truth is I see that there is not much fat so only a little amount of lipo and mostly gland to be removed there seems to be a better chance of it looking petter post opp.

Offline what2do?

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thanks for sharing ur story.. urs is really not that bad, otherwise, ur in pretty good shape. if u wanted me to rate it, i would give it a 2-3 out 0-10.. yeah it really does suck going through all the hard work just to find out that it's still there.. trust me i know, i've gone from 187 lbs to 132 lbs just for the main purpose of loosing the "manboobs".  i realized that at 132 lbs, the "manboobs" did get better but considering how scrawny the rest of my upper body was, it stuck out more and drew more attention than other parts of my body. 

Offline what2do?

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ooops i accidentally posted and wasn't finished yet.. with ur surgery question, it all boils down to the quality and experience of your plastic surgeon.. just make sure he/she is well qualified, well experienced with this type of surgery, and that both of you have realistic goals.. don't know where ur from but this board does provide atleast a handfull of well qualified plastic surgeon who specializes in gyne surgery.  just do alittle research..

Offline wildman

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A compression undershirt would smooth your chest out perfectly until surgery.  It's hard to tell from the pics if you have any gland.  I'm not a doctor but it looks like minor excess fat pockets and maybe a little bit of gland.  I would get a real good PS to make certain what in involved.  From my experience looking at pre-op and post-op pics you will more than likely have excellent results based on your build, age  and skin elasticity. The only thing that could mess you up is if you have gland and then get lipo only.  I think that is the key for you - find out if you have gland or not.

Offline domsnips

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Yes I have gland the doc and the PS have told me. I can actually feel it myself the gland is hard I hope I get good results just waiting for my hormone test.

Offline manic91m9

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looks like you will get great results as your only flaw appears to be the puffies.

Offline **Gynefor**

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First of all, congratulations for your weight loss. You're in a really good shape in my opinion but still, gyne's there. It's not that serious but here it is.
I am sure surgery will give you excellent results. I have seen a lot of body builders on that site who used to have gyne. And the results they got after surgery were great. Yet, I do understand your apprehension. But it's nomal I would say.
Honestly, you're a muscular guy, well-shaped, so, with surgery I think you'll like to show off shirtless  8), and you will certainly be happier in your life. If it bothers you so much, go for surgery. Hope that helps.

Offline domsnips

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Ok guys thanks very much for the feedback I would really like to know if you think that after the surgery myresults would be good I am a little worried that after going through the surgery there are still going to be the puffies it is something that is really bothering me is it worth going through it. I feel that I look good but the nipples are the only problem that I have at the moment. If they where not there I would be a much more confident person.

Offline manic91m9

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looks like a pretty simple case to me, if u go with a doctor who is experienced in gland excision then u should get great results.

Offline Blue2

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Hi mate. Your case is similar to mine (see: however you are in better shape than I am at the mo! I have been in and out of the gym for over 10 years, always hoping that one day the moobs would just disappear. It will never happen, I know that now. I tend to have 6 month stints in the gym and reduce my BF to reasonable levels but the gyne just deflates me and I loose all motivation and end up stopping. So I too have opted for surgery. I am seeing a consultant in the UK next month (Alex Karidis) who is well known for performaing gyne surgery (approx. 40 - 50 gyne ops per year!), so very experienced. I am told his techniques also reduce the chances of complications and scarring as he only uses a very small 10mm incision in the lower part of the nipple and lipo through the armpit. Despite the estimated cost of £4000, I am now very excited about getting it done and can't wait to be able to confidently remove my shirt in public for the fist time in my life! You didn't mention where you are? Maybe if you let the guys on here know, a good surgeon could be recommended to you? Good luck for the future.
Surgery: 18/03/08
Plastic surgeon: Alex Karidis
Location: London, UK

Offline scousered45

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Definitely not the worst I've seen on here, well done on losing weight. Hope all goes well.

Offline domsnips

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I am in sydney Australia I have found a surgeon that I am comfortable with and I now of others on this boasrd that have used him and they are happy with the results his nme is dr thind anyway it seems to be just one of those things that seems to be poping up around here that the less bodyfat that you have the better the result and the better shape that you are in the better aswell only time will tell for me as I was offered finance to pay for the surgery but I have decided that I am not going throught he finance company and just going to slog it out for the next few months to be able to pay for the surgery. Save Save Save is the key I think who wants to get the surgery and be reminded about the gyne every time you have to pay your bill for finance I would rather just pay and be done with it.

Offline manic91m9

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I am in sydney Australia I have found a surgeon that I am comfortable with and I now of others on this boasrd that have used him and they are happy with the results his nme is dr thind anyway it seems to be just one of those things that seems to be poping up around here that the less bodyfat that you have the better the result and the better shape that you are in the better aswell only time will tell for me as I was offered finance to pay for the surgery but I have decided that I am not going throught he finance company and just going to slog it out for the next few months to be able to pay for the surgery. Save Save Save is the key I think who wants to get the surgery and be reminded about the gyne every time you have to pay your bill for finance I would rather just pay and be done with it.

i think one of the key reasons people are often advised to get in shape before surgery is because they are significantly out of shape.. if  you are having surgery and they are sculpting the fat and gland you have there you want it to still look ok if you gain 5kg or so (which allot of us do from time to time) if you were to cut down to a very low bodyfat and then have surgery then its possible more gland would be removed but if you gained weight how would the fat distribute? i cant say i know if this is how it works but it seems wise to stay within your normal bodyweight range when going for surgery considering you aren't overweight and should get good results as is.

Offline headheldhigh01

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like what2do said, it all depends on how experienced your ps is.  you want somebody who does this regularly, not a general surgeon who might do it a couple of times a year, but it sounds from the pics like the guy's done it.  in the right hands you would be fine, just remember not to panic if it doesn't look right the first month or two, it can take a little time. 
* a man is more than a body will ever tell
* if it screws up your life the same, is there really any such thing as "mild" gyne?


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