Author Topic: No camera atm - diagnose attempt  (Read 1803 times)

Offline TMacc

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Hey guys,

I've had "man boobs" for most of my teenage years and I am turning 18 in about a month and still have them unfortunately. Of course I have been overweight for the most part also. Currently I am 5' 11'' and weigh 200 lbs after losing about 20 lbs. I do not have a camera on hand currently but I still wanted to post and see what some of you think. The breast itself are conical in shape; if I am standing at attention they would be pointing forward. On other websites they describe lumps can be felt if the areola is pinched or if you press down on the nipple a bead-like shape should be felt; but this does not occur with me. If I grab the breast midway it is hard and feels a bit lumpish and if I push into my nipple its as if the tissue is concave; where my finger is going in the center of a bowl of tissue. Once a camera is available I will add pictures; but I just wanted to get some feedback...


Offline Paa_Paw

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The degree of enlargement is not the measure of how bad the condition is. Neither is it important what the percentage is of fatty or glandular tissue. Usually there are both to some degree.
Grandpa Dan


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