Author Topic: Should I get it done?  (Read 2265 times)

Offline Stevew87

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Firstly... i know it's down to me. but at the end of the day my parents will be paying for it (£4600. I asked the same question on the bodybuilding forum... most comments were insults lol but it was 50/50 some said just go to the gym/lift it isn't that bad and the rest were saying yeah i would get an OP.
I want to get it done but what makes it annoying is when its cold i look fine so I start thinking ''Should i really get it done''... but as soon as i get in bed/come out bam i realize why i want it done. What it comes down to is i feel guilty for asking my parents to dish out that cash for me (which i intend to pay back).
We aren't rich but my mum has inherited 280k from a deceased relaive within the last month and 40k 2 years ago (her side is quite wealthy). So that kind of makes me feel better about asking but at the same time i really need to put forward a good case i don't want them to think im just being a bit silly and this is all last minute... this has bothered me for a couple of years.

EDIT: The side view isn't that bad only because my nipples were cold then but you can see the 0 muscle i have and the fair bit of fat there... it's really the front view/puffy nipples. Also when i lean over you can really see the extra fat/gland... of course i don't intend on leaning over often but if i was at the beach i can picture myself being reluctant to pick something up for instance just to show it. but yeah for the most part its the large puffy areolas...
Oh and as you can see by the first image my right side is worse. The practice im going with offer free revision operations.


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I'm sorry to say, if you were my son, (or grandson) I would have to say you don't have a bad enough problem than requires going under the knife! Truth be told, I really don't see a problem at the place that your at, your chest looks fine!

Offline Stevew87

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Thanks for taking the time to comment. But i have noticed on other posts with the more minor cases you are quite quick to say 'I don't see a problem'. I know for many of the more major cases seeing what i have is probably making them a bit confused as they probably see it as normal compared to theirs... but the truth is i have got comments about it. Also I have heard building chest muscle only makes it stick out even more... so that has really killed motivation for the gym.
I almost wish i could get some kind of cold implant which would make my chest always somewhat cold or some kind of invisble patch i could wear... as stupid as that sounds my chest looks fine in cold weather. Which in a way almost makes it worse because my nipples can go from normal looking... to ... large puffy areolas (very feminine)... which makes people notice them more as they see the before and then after.

Offline longdrives

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Same problem I had, if nips are cold, it doesn't look too bad but how many times are you at the beach when its cold?  When I get out of the water, they look great for about 5 minutes till I dry off and get warm then relaxation kicks in and droopiness which was further compounded when I lost all my weight.  I got it done!! I am still recovering 23 days post op today and we had 100 degree weather the other day, I took off vest and let my nips relax out, nothing my man, nothing but flatness!!! Get it done!!  Cannot wait to get to the beach this summer!

Offline Paa_Paw

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You ask for opinion, then disparage the opinion given.  
Ultimately, the only opinion that matters is yours.  Those of us who are older grew up in a time when such surgery was not a realistic hope.  Also, with age, our priorities change.  Might I have looked for a surgeon to diminish the size of my breasts if such surgery was available when I was 18 to 24?  Possibly.  But in my case, the surgery was not available until I was nearly 50 and by then my priorities were very different.
No one really needs this kind of surgery, it is cosmetic.  That is why many insurance plans specifically exclude it.  The degree of need is purely up to you. 
How bad Gynecomastia is,  is not determined by size, but by its effect on you.  If you are greatly troubled by it, then surgery is justified. 
In this time, it seems to be a major issue for many men, especially younger men.   
Grandpa Dan


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To add what Paa_Paw stated, when I was younger we called the nipple problem "nipple hard on" and just laugh it off! I guess we were thicker skinned back then.

In my case, I had gyno in my teenage years,  but I didn't think anything about it, and no one ever said anything about it, at least to my face. Maybe it was I spent my summers on the farm and was built like a "brick shit house" and they were afraid to, or because I was the guy in school that protected other kids that got bullied by others, because I didn't like to see that happen to them. I once knocked a senior on his ass for treating his girlfriend bad in the lunch room when I was a sophomore, and the lunch lady was the witness so I didn't get in trouble!

I'm not going to apologize for my post, because if you read the 2 sentences at the bottom of each of my post you will see the model to which I live by! Life is much easier if you learn that you need not fit into what others think you need to, be it looks, or anything else!

I've learned that I only need to please God, wife and self! Anyone else needs to accept me for who I am, or its their problem,  not mine!
« Last Edit: June 30, 2017, 08:29:53 AM by hammer »

Offline Stevew87

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I was simply just replying to a comment I'm not asking you to change who you are.

I was expecting hammer to reply given how active you are on the forum (I've seen many posts and you guys seem to prop up a lot which is good). But I have seen both of you comment on more minor cases saying there is nothing there when in truth there is... maybe nothing ground breaking but something to the degree where it is noticeable.

In truth men back then didn't have a care about aesthetics in the same way men do now. Men are almost like women in terms of how much they care about appearance. I personally don't bother with spending hours on my hair and plucking things... but i do want to have a masculine 100% normal looking chest which will give me the motivation to hit the gym. The reason why i stopped the gym (i shouldn't have but it is the truth) is because my gyno was looking even worse which killed motivation. 

I have posted my pics on the bodybuilding forum (since posting them on here) and got quite a large amount of replies... some did say hit the gym it will improve while others said yeah get it done. I know I'm not making a mole hill out of nothing when people have commented on it.

And when you say treating his girlfriend badly... if they were just arguing i don't see anything heroic about beating someone up because of that. If he was hitting/pushing her around fair enough.


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He punch her in the face! Sorry I didn't get so specific, but he was a real ass! The reason was that she was talking to me and the lunch lady.

Offline SmokeyNYY

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In my opinion if I saw you shirtless I wouldn't look twice. But I know the feeling. I had a much worse case than yours which killed any motivation for me to eat right and exercise. Once I got the surgery my motivation went through the roof. Now I try to find situations in which it wouldn't be awkward to remove my shirt and flaunt my amazing chest haha. If it bothers you get it done! That is the only thing that matters, and no one else's opinion is going to change that.

Offline Stevew87

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Oh damn that's 100% warranted then.
@smokey, Thanks for the comment! And yeah i know it doesn't look horrendous by any means but like yourself It stopped me from really hitting the gym properly and exercising/dieting (stopped and started for many years now) etc. I'm the complete opposite to how you were post op... i look for any reason to keep my shirt on. 

Offline nonini

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Might be a very minor case there but not sure its worth the risk/cost of surgery, I would try working out with heavy weights for at least a year first, try putting on 20 lbs of muscle and see how you look.


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