Author Topic: Surgery March 2013 - Full Before/After Picture Diary  (Read 13385 times)

Offline gynecomastiauk

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A quick note to let you know that I've been following your progress as I'm about 4-5 weeks behind you. I'm now 6 weeks post-op and I have great scars yet there is some scar tissue that built up behind my nipple (about the size of the original gland) and puffyness equivalent to what it was pre-op. Similar to you.
I started massaging the scar tissue a week ago yet it seems to accentuate the puffyness yet soften the scar tissue...
Are you massaging at all? How are things looking today?

Cheers ;)

Hey mate, so the nipples are starting to calm down, they look fine in a t-shirt which is great, the right one is almost 'normal' the left one still has a strange crease along the top edge. I have been constantly massaging to get the blood flowing, tried ice, heat and yesterday borrowed an electronic massager to see if that helps.
My girlfriend assures me they are getting better week on week and she is very honest, when I look back over my photos I do see an improvement but am just very impatient now as I am approaching 3 months and most people say the 3 month mark is a good measure of how it will all end up looking. I will post some more images on my site this week so you can see 3 months post op...thanks for following the site and good luck...keep in touch.


Offline wj74

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I hope both of you continue to post your progress.  Sadman, I'm about the same timeframe as you, April 17th was my day.  Things were great until I hit the gym again on week 4.  I immediately got the puffiness everyone is talking about here.  Strange.  I've been wearing the vest, massaging and icing and nothing seems to help.  Patience I guess.

Oddly, wearing tight fitted clothing is not an issue anymore, no one can tell the puffiness is there.  My pecs are really swollen so people think I have a very defined chest.  I might, but its hidden down there under the swelling somewhere. 

I'll keep posting any progress I make here as well, it's encouraging to hear of people who've went thru this puffiness and had success.  I'm in the same boat as the two of you.  Oh well, still much better than before.


Offline gynecomastiauk

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I hope both of you continue to post your progress.  Sadman, I'm about the same timeframe as you, April 17th was my day.  Things were great until I hit the gym again on week 4.  I immediately got the puffiness everyone is talking about here.  Strange.  I've been wearing the vest, massaging and icing and nothing seems to help.  Patience I guess.

Oddly, wearing tight fitted clothing is not an issue anymore, no one can tell the puffiness is there.  My pecs are really swollen so people think I have a very defined chest.  I might, but its hidden down there under the swelling somewhere. 

I'll keep posting any progress I make here as well, it's encouraging to hear of people who've went thru this puffiness and had success.  I'm in the same boat as the two of you.  Oh well, still much better than before.


Hi mate, good to hear from you, good to be able to track this with others in the same boat with similar time frames. So I am 3 months post opp now and I have good and bad days. The chest now has pretty much zero swelling which is good. My nipples are still going through a phase of uncertainty. If they are hard they look perfect, if they are not they still have the flat edge on the bottom and the left one still has the crease along the top making it look square, like I say some days are better than others. Don't get me wrong the change is amazing and so much better and I am so much happier...I just want to point out these issues as ideally I would rather they weren't there and I am led to believe over time things will just get better and better...I also want to point these things out so others know what to expect. One of my concerns is that there are not many threads (or any threads) I can find where people talk of swollen nipples where it just clears up...the threads just drift off and these guys are never to be heard of again so if anyone reads this who has come through the whole process that we are all discussing...get in touch or paste the URL of a thread on here, it would be a great help. Thanks again for your post mate and good luck with the rest of your recovery, keep in touch!

Offline gynecomastiauk

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For those of you following my progress I have just put my 3 month post opp pictures up on the website...www questions get in touch!


Offline gynecomastiauk

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Just been on my first holiday since the op, went with people who knew me pre-op and they thought I had just been working out loads :) they are right, I have! But no amount of working out would have given me the chest I have today so all good! Nobody noticed any scaring and paid no attention to my nipples even though they are not quite right (in my critical opinion!) Was very happy with my shirt off for the first time in a very long time, nearly 4 month post op so more pictures due on www shortly, thanks for all of your kind comments on my website :)
Any questions just shout and I hope those of you who have had this done in a similar time to myself are progressing well!

Offline gynecomastiauk

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Hi All !

I have just posted my four month post op pics on www to continue to show my progress.

All the Best

Offline gynecomastiauk

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I am going to add the comments from my site to this page in case you dont want to visit www but want to read the posts....

Hey, i had surgery with the same surgeon just over a month ago now. My nipples seem to be slightly coned shaped (slightly puffy) and there doesn't seem to be any scar tissue directly under the nipple. This has all gotten worse since i stopped wearing the compression vest. Did the nipple become more flush with your body? Or is this normal? Thanks for this incredible site btw!

gynecomastiauk admin
Hi Mate, my nipples were extremely flat post surgery and developed puffiness after taking off the vest. As you will see in my photo's I am paying close attention to this subject as even though the nipples are very flat if I hold good posture they do still have a bit of an unnatural shape and look if I slouch or tense my chest does seem to be improving as time passes. I am being ultra critical btw but that is why I decided to create this recovery diary highlighting all of the good and bad phases. I must say at 4 months I am very flat so hopefully this is just a recovery phase for you and it will improve with time also. Thanks for the comment on site and good luck with the rest of your recovery.

Offline wj74

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Here is my update:

While not perfect yet, my swelling has reduced dramatically since my last post.  I did see my Dr again, he mentioned that if things still aren't right by October, he'll do a minor "tuck" through my areola to get rid of the extra skin.  At this point I'm not sure if it will be necessary.  When I flex or move in certain ways there is some loose skin around my nipples, but just standing there it's almost perfect.  I do still wear my compression vest at night when I'm home, in my head I feel it's helping but probably just a placebo effect.  Oddly, I still have a kind of "itchy pain" from time to time.  That's about it from a medical standpoint.

From a personal standpoint, I feel great.  4 months post op and I'm wearing very light medium sized fitted t-shirts - as with most people on this forum this is a miracle for me.  I've been dating a 26 yr old smokeshow (I'm 39 and not rich lol) and life is good!  I've noticed my confidence level is way up - oddly what used to be a source of humiliation (my breasts) are now a source of pride.  It's so foreign to me but beautiful women hit on me constantly and when I'm in a club I get my pecs felt up several times.  Crazy! I do work out like a mofo and I'm in great shape, but still - people used to pinch my nips and make fun of me, quite the opposite now!  I actually walked around my neighborhood topless this weekend, and it's a nice neighborhood!  I can do stuff like that now...

As a side note to people reading this post - post op it does get better for most of us.  I'm separated from my wife of 16 years as of January this year, which prompted me to lose 35 pounds (I call it the divorce diet - I might write a book - basically don't eat for 2 months... lol).  I'm saying this because although it's a ton of work, exercise and gyne surgery are truly life changing.  Don't just rely on your surgeon, get to the gym.

I'm happy to answer any questions people have.



Offline gynecomastiauk

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Hello mate, what a truly great update! This just shows you what a life changing experience this type of surgery can be :) A fitted t-shirt makes the world seem a better place!!!
I have still got the odd crease if I slouch but wouldn't want my old man breasts back and things seem to be getting better day by day. Thanks for posting your update on my thread, i hope your recovery continues, keep up the hard work in the gym and keep in touch.

All the Best

Here is my update:

While not perfect yet, my swelling has reduced dramatically since my last post.  I did see my Dr again, he mentioned that if things still aren't right by October, he'll do a minor "tuck" through my areola to get rid of the extra skin.  At this point I'm not sure if it will be necessary.  When I flex or move in certain ways there is some loose skin around my nipples, but just standing there it's almost perfect.  I do still wear my compression vest at night when I'm home, in my head I feel it's helping but probably just a placebo effect.  Oddly, I still have a kind of "itchy pain" from time to time.  That's about it from a medical standpoint.

From a personal standpoint, I feel great.  4 months post op and I'm wearing very light medium sized fitted t-shirts - as with most people on this forum this is a miracle for me.  I've been dating a 26 yr old smokeshow (I'm 39 and not rich lol) and life is good!  I've noticed my confidence level is way up - oddly what used to be a source of humiliation (my breasts) are now a source of pride.  It's so foreign to me but beautiful women hit on me constantly and when I'm in a club I get my pecs felt up several times.  Crazy! I do work out like a mofo and I'm in great shape, but still - people used to pinch my nips and make fun of me, quite the opposite now!  I actually walked around my neighborhood topless this weekend, and it's a nice neighborhood!  I can do stuff like that now...

As a side note to people reading this post - post op it does get better for most of us.  I'm separated from my wife of 16 years as of January this year, which prompted me to lose 35 pounds (I call it the divorce diet - I might write a book - basically don't eat for 2 months... lol).  I'm saying this because although it's a ton of work, exercise and gyne surgery are truly life changing.  Don't just rely on your surgeon, get to the gym.

I'm happy to answer any questions people have.



Offline gynecomastiauk

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Hi all, there was an issue with the photos on my website but this has now been fixed.


Offline gynecomastiauk

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