Author Topic: Best gynecomastia surgeon Los Angeles  (Read 2451 times)

Offline yomkapoor

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Tale of Two Titties; It was the Breast of times, it was the worst of times. if you are a roid-head body-builder chances are I've lost you already. but if you have landed on this website its probably that you are somewhat discerning and intelligent when it comes to researching things much less a doctor who's going to cut you open.
to put it simply, there is no "one best" gynecomastia surgeon. i think it all depends on your location, your resources and most of all your feeling once you've met a few.
if i was near Austin i would say Caridi is your guy. If in NY i'd go to the very caring  Elliott Jacobs or the white plains' rockstar himself "removed doctor". Jacobs I assume, is the only guy in the lot to get the YomKapoor joke.  In the Bay area, Delgado is the Homerun hitter. In the OC no one has done more procedures than Cruise or Corbin. In the City of Angels there are a few choices. I met with Koplin, Dadvand and Kapoor. I wanted to stop in and see Sanders but sadly i didn't make it to Encino. I hear he is great in the 818. Koplin is a stud for sure, very gorgeous office and he charges $250 for the consultation. most everyone else is free for the initial consultation but nevertheless, i wanted to see how the other half lives.i mean who doesn't at least take a peak in the first class cabin when boarding a flight? Dadvand is a superb guy. his photo looks a little cheesy but i can assure you when you meet him you don't get that creepy "plastic" guy vibe. he spends a lot of time on the initial consult and communicates with you like a regular guy. in fact, what blew me away about him was he didn't hard sell and his case pictures were great. he also seemed like a conscientious artist in talking about the contour of the chest. if i could've i would've had Dadvand do my left and Kapoor do my right. most everyone these days has an impressive website with many before and after photos. i tend to take yelp and google reviews with a grain of salt. even fast food restaurants can manipulate that garbage. most plastic guys wear cheesy suits and have sex machine employees that have had one too many procedures done themselves. Dadvand's staff was a foxy gal named Deborah. very smart cool caring lady. Kapoor's gal is Kati. Kati is a doll seemingly on the younger side. she's definitely the kind of gal you'd want to ask out if you weren't just coming in there to get your breasts reduced. nevertheless, she is the best combination of adorable, thorough and professional. these front women are the nuts and bolts of any and every operation. you can generally gage a lot of things by how helpful and attentive they are with your questions and follow up. Kapoor is a spunky accessible guy. very down to earth, in fact he's had the surgery done himself. he even ripped off his shirt and showed me his results. even though i would have preferred kati to do that, in a weird way, it made me feel incredibly comfortable. kapoor seemed honest, and like most of the others he's done a few hundred of these procedures which is also paramount in the decision process. although i'm sure he'd deny it, Kapoor worked with me on the price. i'm not saying he's the cheapest guy out there but he's certainly not the most expensive (Koplin)i also feel Koplin needs to do many more of these ops and stop charging guys $250 for the consult.
i got my surgery done this past Friday the 13th so 3-4 days ago. i think maybe they made me a deal because no one wanted this date, also i figured Kapoor was probably going to end up letting his little 15 year old nephew do the operation on a holiday weekend. just kidding, geez, making sure you're following.
i've had this gyneco problem ever since i was a teenager. so for 25 years i've been battling the stigma of not always being able to rip my shirt off with confidence and i've never been able to wear a medium sized shirt for fear that it would look bad. luckily i've always had above average intelligence and a decent sense of humor and great eyes that have gotten me this far. nevertheless, i wanted this gynecomastia operation finally so i could get on Tinder and take sexy shirtless photos in weird bathrooms. not true. i will take them in my bathroom. in some ways i'm glad i waited this long because the technology and experienced surgeons are amazing today. Kapoor, Caridi, "removed doctor" and Delgado have some amazing videos available on youtube. i myself watched them all. indeed everyone's case is different and their healing rate and results will depend on a ton of variables. but listen to me carefully,  if you're on this site and you're mulling over getting this done--do not wait another day. make an appointment and pull the trigger. if you are a parent researching this procedure for your son-- get it done. i will never forget sitting by a pool in college and having an extremely gorgeous girl say to me "do you have breasts"? thankfully the story ended well because i did hook up with her and she then turned out to be a trashy whore and dropped out of school.  ha ha. everyone's definition of a perfect chest is different. so far so good for me but i'm only on day four. i never expected to look like the Abercrombie and fitch models all these docs have on their website. i'm not a roided body builder that's starting out with 5% body fat but i'm also not a mess. regardless of what you see when you look in the mirror, everyone would like to look and feel their best as a result of getting this done. i'm not a kid so i followed directions perfectly. a few tips to consider: i had a La Fuma relax the back beach/lawn zero gravity chair. it sounds fancy but in actuality you can get one of these types of chairs these days for $59 at Costco Target or Walmart. its a chair where you can recline but your chest is still raised and your legs are slightly up. you have to consider it like a business class seat on an airline. i couldn't see tossing and turning in the bed with pillows all night. also, i took an ambien the past two nights. making sure i spaced things out nowhere near a painkiller. truly there was some discomfort the next day after surgery, but it was in no way horrible. i had an ice pack for the back ready to go in the freezer. i've used it on my chest area numerous times in the past few days. i really believe it helps with swelling. i've also put a little stepping stool near the freezer so i don't have to "lift" my arm too much and extend for anything. the first day it felt like my chest was sewn to my belly button, and i felt like if i straightened up the whole deal would blow. not true. i've been eating pinapple chunks like crazy. look it up on the web for healing. i've been taking probiotics and fiber as well as multi vitiamins, zinc and vitamin c. i've also been taking arnica pills and drinking an insane amount of fluids. my ultimate silly goal is to heal like i'm bieber's age and to walk around to clubs with my shirt off. just kidding. i would settle for Zac Effron's chest. nevertheless, i unbuttoned the compression vest yesterday for the first time and although there's a little swelling it looks pretty good. i think kapoor or someone wrote on my chest with a black sharpie while i was sedated; "you're a loser". just kidding. the other thing that sold me on Kapoor was that he said if i was at all unsatisfied, he'd work with me to get it perfectly where i wanted. most of the guys today should absolutely do that i feel.

so perhaps i'll check in after a few more days. maybe even post pics if i can. i will even try to fish out an old pic of the chick from college. nah, that would be mean. i am in no way affiliated with dr Kapoor. in fact, my bill was paid in full as are most before my surgery. i will say this also, he was referred to me by a great orthopedist that i trust and that in itself, doesn't hurt either. again, if you landed here and you're considering this procedure, or you are a responsible parent researching this for your son, do not wait. you can pay back whatever money it will cost but you can never buy back the years of discomfort and embarrassment that will be lost.

in the meantime, perhaps someone can recommend a qualified surgeon to give me a well needed Dicken's Reduction. if you didn't get that joke then you should not bother getting the gyneco procedure because you are a moron and even with a perfect chest, no one will find you interesting or appealing. ha, ha. seriously good luck and don't waste time. if you want any other questions answered from me post here or ask kati in kapoor's how to get a hold of me.
If you are a doctor, and seen that i've posted any inaccuracies please inform me via post.
ps: i predict in 5 years, Kapoor and Dadvand will easily be two of the leaders in this field in Los Angeles. They will both get a super slick fancy office like Koplin soon enough, if they want that kind of thing. book and go now!
« Last Edit: February 17, 2015, 04:11:12 PM by yomkapoor »

Offline Bobby - LAgyne

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Welcome to the forum and good luck on your recovery!

Pictures are really appreciated..

Offline s00ntobe

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Good read, nice job man, put up some pics!


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