I am a 20yo male from the UK with gyne. I am 180cm tall, with a bmi of 23 and in good health. I should be living my life as fully as possible, but because of a f*cking layer of breast tissue across my pecs am living like a freak. I have tried everything to shift the tissue, I've been in the gym for 2 hours 3 times a week, I've worked split routines of every kind. Nothing will make this go away. This is what is driving me crazy, if I want to lose weight it's no problem, but gynecomastia is there no matter what you f*cking do, all the hard work you put in is such a waste, because those stupid lumps make a mans figure look fat as f*ck and idiotic, it's embarassing. I have friends that do alot less excercise than me, yet I am stuck with this freakish figure, worrying about what to wear. It's affecting me psychologically, I dwell on it everyday, I see little point in relationships at the moment, I'm too ashamed of my chest, I'm paranoid people are staring. It makes me so mad because I can control every other aspect of my life, but the one thing I hate the most I am completely powerless to deal with. I hit my chest in frustration sometimes, punching until the pain is unbearable, at times I've held knives and sissors near my chest and just imagined how wonderful it would be to have these f*cking things gone, grabbing, dreaming of ripping them off, all to just appear normal for once. I've become vegan full time, terrified of the hormones in animal meats and liquids such as milk, I've blamed my mother, she did'nt quit smoking soon enough, or drinking when she was pregnant with me, recently it was because I was'nt breast fed, it's ruining my family relationships aswell as my friendships. I know surgery will change everything, I need to get this surgery so i can move on with my life, i am 20 now, this pattern of living is'nt healthy and I'm scared of what I might end up doing to myself. I don't just look at myself in the mirror and think what a mess I am, I look down at my chest and despise it, I have so much hatred towards my breast tissue and nipples I actually want to hurt my chest as though it were not even a part of me.