Author Topic: Had the Surgery... Rough Time Since (Revision Done 7/8/14)  (Read 3684 times)

Offline 1alanc

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15 days ago I had the gyno surgery finally after years of wanting it. I wasn't put to sleep and it was performed in the surgeons building, not a hospital. It was virtually painless and went great. The next day I was sitting at my desk when I felt a *burst* in my right nipple area followed by pain. Called the doc, went in next morning to have blood sucked out. I'm not kidding when I say it was more painful than when I had a kidney stone. It was like someone stabbing me in the nipple repeatedly.

This is a picture of almost a week after swelling broke out (9 days ago):

I have been wearing a wrap 24/7 since the surgery except to shower, which looks like this:

And here is what I looked like yesterday:

I have been terrified since the bleeding happened, that it'll happen again and I'll have to get drained again. When he sucked the blood out I do recall him using a laser, but for what I don't know. The environment has left the skin under my wrap, especially my nipples, extremely dry. It's peeling and occasionally hurts, but I've been using lotion. My doctor said after one week I don't need the wrap anymore, but it's been 15 days since and I'm still wearing it.

I don't know anyone who's had this done, so I desperately wanted to know if everything looks like it'll be okay? Thanks for your time.
« Last Edit: July 10, 2014, 06:19:31 PM by 1alanc »

Offline moobius

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sounds like you had a bleed that he cauterized and the bruising is still dissipating.

Offline 1alanc

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That's the only thing I could think of. Thanks for your reply.

It has now been four weeks since the swelling broke out. Swelling has been slow to go down but progress is being made. Discoloration has improved a bit.

Puffyness in the right nipple has returned, which obviously has me concerned. I really hope it goes away. It's the reason I had the surgery in the first place.


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It can take several months before you are completely done healing after a surgery, even one like this! I'm sorry to tell you that you really need to be patient to see the final finished result because not only will you have swelling, but scare tissue as well, and it all takes time to works its way out.

I don't know if you've ever slammed your finger in a car door, but that hurts like hell, and the surgery is more hell on your body then your finger getting slammed in the door. The reason you may not have the pain that you did with the finger is the pain meds and being put under for the surgery. That being said, it still takes a long time for your finger to completely heal, and there is a great chance it will give you trouble in the coming years as you age with things like arthritis. Now I'm not recommending that you go slam your finger in a car door to see if I'm telling you the truth, but your welcome to try it, but trust me, I am be honest with you!


Offline 1alanc

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Thanks so much for your reply Bob, that was really encouraging. I thought I was being really patient, before my surgery I was running 5 miles a day. That's how active I was, now I haven't tried running since. I was concerned because I didn't expect my nipple to bulge back out, I hadn't heard of another case like that on this forum, but I'm not an extremely active user. I didn't take all my pain killers and muscle relaxers. I'm all in favor of taking as little of that stuff as possible. Pain killers over time can wreck havoc on your liver.


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Yes, I. Know! If you read "my story after all these years" in stories, you will find I live with chronic pain and have had several surgeries. I've never had gyne surgery, because I'm busy having others and have come to accept my breast. I also don't think it would be a very easy surgery due to the fact I'm a double D because I lost my testicles in the mid nineties, so low T is a understatement with me.

Even with all that, I've lived a very full life! 11 years in the service, fathered 5, 3 grand kids, still married to the love of my life for 27 years, owned my own company until I was 40 when disability to of me out of the game, 16 years ago!

Truth is, life is good if you believe it is!


Offline 1alanc

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It has now been 112 days since the surgery. The problems with my right nipple did not go away. I needed a revision surgery. So I went through a third painful surgery two days ago to remove scared tissue and below are the results:

After I had it done the doctor told me to apply pressure for 24 hours, which I did. I'm kind of bummed the nipple still sticks out a little. It's been very miserable and I just hope that it improves since I was told it can take a month to heal. But anything is an improvement to having gyno.

Offline jayman

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