Well I have been hesitant to post here in the past but now that I have done the surgery, I feel the need to talk about it with this great community...
So since Ive been 12, I started noticing signs of gyne - my doctor said it would go away with age which it didn't. In high school and college I was teased a bit about them but never had the money to fix them. There were times where I would tape them down so I could wear certain shirts I liked - otherwise I stayed away from anything tight and white. Now pushing 30, with a successful business of my own, I have taken the plunge.
I will not mention my doctor yet until I am sure how I feel about this procedure and his work.
Yesterday I finally had the procedure. I will tell you I was confident for weeks until the day before when I heard of someone I knew very well passing away while under anesthesia getting a nose job yesterday. Awful news and bad timing. This freaked me out and I proceeded to research anesthesia heavily and damn near cancelled my surgery. Finally I went through it anyways and all went well thank God.
I will say that like everyone says, the after surgery feels like a heavy workout on the chest. I can tell that under the two foam pads stuck to my chest there are some deep bruises...
The one thing that really bothers the heck out of me are the Drains. The doctor definitely minimized this part of the surgery saying you wont even know they are there. Well, I KNOW they are there, I cant NOT KNOW they are there, and upkeep on them 3 times a day by milking, applying bacitracin, and putting new gauzes around the drain site to stop bleeding/leaking is not easy and not simple.
The Drains are not easy to cover up. In fact, there is only 1 or 2 shirts in my wardrobe that would cover them up. The pouches or pumps that collect the blood and fluid are actually large and annoying. I can't wait to get these off but I am told I have to keep them in for 7-10 days and that means no showering for that long.
And they say I can go to work the next day, they wont be a problem, theyre small blah blah blah....its not true. They are not small, you can not shower with them in, they irritate and are difficult to function with.....bottom line. Drains suck (no pun intended) and I will be home-ridden until they are removed.
Living in NYC i had my choice of alot doctors but did not choose Dr Jacobs because of his availability in April. I liked the fact that he doesnt use drains and maybe wish I waited. But hey, I'm still only on day 1 here so we'll see but so far, I can honestly say, I wish I did not do this surgery as of right now.
hope that feeling changes...will update soon....