Author Topic: Looking for some advice but also want to share my story  (Read 5604 times)

Offline porpoise

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My brother used to tease me and lift up my shirt to show his friends when I was very young, somewhere between 5-7. I dreaded going to the swimming pool because all my friends were normal and skinny, but I was fat and had these giant, obnoxious, puffy nipples. I used to get out of the pool really quick and get a towel or just stay in the pool and get out when nobody was looking. My friends would be running and doing crazy jumps and whatnot and I'd just be standing in the pool, trying to stay up to neck level so nobody could see.

I lost a fair bit of weight once I got to middle school and I had a pretty select group of friends that I'd hang out with every day. Well, of course they would want to go swimming in summertime so I had to join them or they'd taunt me with endless questions as to why I didn't want to go in the pool. I took my shirt off and instantly they began cracking up, pointing and laughing at my "funny-looking nipples". I had never felt so bad about it in my entire life. I always knew they weren't normal compared to everyone else's, but nobody had ever teased me that about it before in my life.

During high school, I lost even more weight and started to feel pretty good about myself besides my "handicap", so to speak. I still didn't want to take my shirt off around anyone and I completely neglected all beach or pool-related events, along with anything else that involved me taking my shirt off. In the locker room during gym, I would quickly take my gym shirt off with my other shirt in my hand so that I could put it back on as fast as possible. I was totally embarrassed by it and thusly, I never once asked a girl out or talked to a girl as anything more than friends. There have been girls that expressed some interest but I just shy away and pretend like I want nothing to do with women, even if that couldn't be further from the truth. I spent most of my high school years avoiding any contact with females, sitting alone at home in my room playing on the computer or watching movies.

I'm now 19 and I'm still terrified of the thought of anyone else finding out about my gynecomastia. I still cannot talk to women for the life of me, even if they show subtle interest in me or have their hands all over me in a drunken state at a party or something. I don't think I could live it down if I was ever laughed at or teased by a woman because of it, thankfully it hasn't happened so far. Gynecomastia has made my overall confidence and self-esteem basically non-existent, I struggle with pretty bad anxiety almost all the time.

The last time I took my shirt off in public was when I was incredibly drunk at a concert where it was dark and I didn't think anybody would notice. Nobody said anything, but even in my intoxication I felt like everyone's eyes were fixed upon my chest instead of the show that was going on in front of them. Every day I look at myself in the mirror and in the shower and I'm literally repulsed by my breasts. I recently started working out 4-5 times a week and it has made me feel better about myself, but of course my disgusting fat, puffy nipples remain. I knew in my mind that working out wouldn't make them go away, but I thought maybe if I lost some extra body fat they might look a little better. Nope, if anything they are even more noticeable because my stomach and abs are getting smaller.

It wasn't until a few weeks or months ago that I actually looked into it, searching for something along the lines of "male breast reduction" on Google. I came across this site and found out that there was a surgery to correct the disorder. I was pretty impressed by the photos I saw and I began fantasizing about having the operation done myself. However, like a lot of people, I haven't found a way to come out and tell my parents about it. They are very understanding people; they once paid for my brother to his ears pinned back because he felt like they stuck out much too far. I'm pretty positive that they would support me and pay for the surgery but I have no idea how to go about telling them about it. I've envisioned myself breaking it to them and just having them laugh and tell me that there was nothing wrong about it or I'm making things up. I'm thinking about just telling them they hurt or there's something wrong with them and then just using that as an icebreaker to lead into more serious matters, telling them how I've always been very embarrassed and self-conscious about it.

The advice I'm looking for is what to do when I eventually do let them know about it. Would it be wise just to see the family doctor and take it from there or should I just start looking around for doctors who can perform the operation? Also, I know there is a "Find a surgeon in your area" section, but can anyone provide me with a rough estimate of how much the procedure will cost in the state of Illinois?

Offline MSJ108

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Dude get the surgery it will change your life. Also, kick your brothers as$ for me!  ;)
Most plastic surgeons offer free consultations. Start searching for surgeons in the area and do your homework on them.
Expect to pay 3k - 8k for the surgery (you can finance if you need to)
Good luck and keep us posted!!

Offline PhillyPUFF

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I would recommend writing your parents. I wrote mine an email. It was much easier that way. Just let it all out. Let them know how it affects you on a daily basis. Let them know about all the things that you miss out on because of your 'condition'. I would have them read this page:

and this page:

Good luck with everything man. Your on your way to a 'normal' chest.
« Last Edit: May 28, 2008, 11:23:32 AM by PhillyPUFF »

Offline karnik_y

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< I was totally embarrassed by it and thusly, I never once asked a girl out or talked to a girl as anything more than friends. There have been girls that expressed some interest but I just shy away and pretend like I want nothing to do with women, even if that couldn't be further from the truth. I spent most of my high school years avoiding any contact with females, sitting alone at home in my room playing on the computer or watching movies.>
I also stayed away from girls during my teen-age. is it true with every gyne victim?
i thought I was shy .. that's why I don't talk to girls... so gyne makes you shy??

Offline Angel_of_Death

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< I was totally embarrassed by it and thusly, I never once asked a girl out or talked to a girl as anything more than friends. There have been girls that expressed some interest but I just shy away and pretend like I want nothing to do with women, even if that couldn't be further from the truth. I spent most of my high school years avoiding any contact with females, sitting alone at home in my room playing on the computer or watching movies.>
I also stayed away from girls during my teen-age. is it true with every gyne victim?
i thought I was shy .. that's why I don't talk to girls... so gyne makes you shy??

I think gyne can be a major factor for someone getting social anxiety. The way Porpoise described his situation, I'm convinced he has it.

Offline karnik_y

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 I also suffer from social anxiety.. i thought I had some other disorder..:(.. the worst thing is I always feel like I have never been myself... gyne's like some daemon taking control over u..

Offline Angel_of_Death

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I also suffer from social anxiety.. i thought I had some other disorder..:(.. the worst thing is I always feel like I have never been myself... gyne's like some daemon taking control over u..

I have it too man, it makes life a living hell. I had suffered from gyne for so long, I always thought it was the direct cause of my social anxiety. Now that I've got surgery done with perfect results, I've realized that the surgery only will not solve all my problems. Although it makes life much much better, I still have some major steps to overcome my social anxiety.

Offline porpoise

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I e-mailed my mom yesterday and she was pretty understanding about it. She wants to see a physician first before talking with a surgeon but I don't know where to look. Our family doctor will probably not work, he's one of those "just deal with it" or "it'll go away" kind of doctors and I highly doubt he will recommend surgery. Are there are kinds of specialists I can look around for on the Internet or elsewhere?

Offline MSJ108

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I e-mailed my mom yesterday and she was pretty understanding about it. She wants to see a physician first before talking with a surgeon but I don't know where to look. Our family doctor will probably not work, he's one of those "just deal with it" or "it'll go away" kind of doctors and I highly doubt he will recommend surgery. Are there are kinds of specialists I can look around for on the Internet or elsewhere?

yes go see an endocrinolgist. They will take blood work and look for hormonal issues.

Offline porpoise

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Great news: I spoke to a surgeon yesterday and he agreed that surgery is a wise decision. My surgery is scheduled for next Friday. I can't wait!

Offline porpoise

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I had my surgery today. I might still be coming off the anesthesia or the Dilaudid and Hydrocodone cocktail, but I'm feeling very little pain except when my shirt brushes against my chest. I'm so excited for it to heal properly. I'm already feeling a hundred times better about how they look. Thanks so much to everyone on this forum, I probably would have never gotten the surgery if it hadn't been for this website. I'll upload some after pictures when I'm fully healed!

Offline MSJ108

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I had my surgery today. I might still be coming off the anesthesia or the Dilaudid and Hydrocodone cocktail, but I'm feeling very little pain except when my shirt brushes against my chest. I'm so excited for it to heal properly. I'm already feeling a hundred times better about how they look. Thanks so much to everyone on this forum, I probably would have never gotten the surgery if it hadn't been for this website. I'll upload some after pictures when I'm fully healed!

keep us posted!

Offline cube

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I also suffer from social anxiety.. i thought I had some other disorder..:(.. the worst thing is I always feel like I have never been myself... gyne's like some daemon taking control over u..

Yeah it's been problematic even with a relatively fit physique I have had issues with women and anxiety. I just had the operation 3 weeks ago and I'm awaiting the final results. Once I'm feeling better I'm going to hit the gym 4 times a week and keep weights around the house at all times. That should alleviate any anxiety I ever experienced. 


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