I’ve been poking around this site for about a month, reading, looking, learning and figuring out how to navigate the site. Turns out pain ended up bringing me to this forum, not the size of my breasts. In October 2024 I had discomfort/pain in my left breast that wasn’t constant but was gradually increasing. At times it was a sharp pain, or an ache in the left breast and at times a tingle in my breast like you get holding a 9v battery to your tongue. My right side felt nothing like the left.
Because of the increased pain/discomfort, in November I finally decided to see my primary physician and got an appointment in December. Upon seeing her she thought she felt a lump and ordered a diagnostic mammogram and ultrasound for my breasts. (And she made me extremely comfortable as she kept me covered as she examined me.)
Anyway, I had my mammogram and ultrasound done in January, all clear no indication of cancer. And everyone at the facility was kind and professional. But then a new word was introduced to my vocabulary: Gynecomastia, and with that a referral to a plastic surgeon.
But it took awhile to find one that took medicare. The first only wanted cancer patients, the next few didn’t want medicare patients but I finally found one that would give me a consultation. It was relatively a quick visit.
He rated my left side a Stage 2B and my right side he thought was just fat tissue.
Remove breast and fat tissue from just the left breast and then leave my left side like a flap.
Remove breast and fat tissue from just the left breast and cut out a swath of skin to eliminate the flap of skin and remove the nipple along with it.
Remove breast and fat tissue from just the left breast then cut out the nipple and excess skin and replace the nipple which would no longer have any feeling in it.
And all of these options would probably be out of my own pocket as my condition is not life threatening.
And he rated me high risk for surgery anyway given my heart issues.
He also ordered blood work to see if I needed to be referred to an endocrinologist. (All the bloodwork came back within normal ranges so no referral was made.)
As i didn’t think any of those surgical options would actually improve my life and, but for the pain/discomfort, I don’t think anything needs to be done so I’ve decided to live with it. I learned from you guys & Sophie that cup size is meaningless without band size. Maybe my left side is a B cup and my right side an A, but that would be with a much smaller band then my 42”. But the pain continues, not bad, but it’s there so i needed to do something.
So I tried mustering up the courage to just go buy one, did my best to figure out what size, walk around some women’s departments and was overwhelmed by the selection and styles. I wanted to see a sign saying sports bras, but that didn’t happen. Was hoping to find a sales associate by herself but that didn’t happen either. Finally in one store i saw some bralettes that could work and took one and tried it on, then took it off and went and paid for it. Turned out it was a touch small.
Reading this site the advice was suck it up and go for a fitting. So I went to the Lane Bryant site, scheduled the appointment and they had a place to put a comment and so I told them what was up. When i walked into the store it was no big deal to them, I said I had an appointment for a fitting and away we went. I ended up with one sports bras and two bralettes. My breasts aren’t big enough to fill any cup when my under breast measurement is 42”. So thanks to everyone who said to go for a fitting! It was really the best advice. I think I’ll try Torrid and see if they have something that’s even better.
I’ve found the Sports Bra needs to have adjustable straps because the current one rides up.