Author Topic: Please Look For Brownman(Updated Pics)    (Read 5669 times)

Offline politik1

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Your progress sounds amazing, and from your pics there seems to be a great improvement - makes me want to get this procedure done sooner.

Do you think you may be hitting the gym a bit too fast though?
« Last Edit: April 08, 2006, 01:42:26 AM by politik1 »

Offline brownman

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nah i feel fine i even did 4 sets of benching

pre surjury i did 195 10 times then 185 10 then 175 10 etc to 155 or so

that day i did 175 8 times or so 165 8 times then 155 and i feel great today, i would suggest just waiting tell your nipple/scars feel fine stretching and you should be good.

Mind you i never requied painkillers after the 2nd day so i gues sgo at your own pace.

i worked out my biceps afterwards i plan on going back tomorrow tod o abs, and biceps and legs.. then work on some cardio

Offline brownman

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tesnsor/vest free now! dr said it no longer required as the skin is snug when i flex/normal walk


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can I have your doctors contact information?

Offline brownman

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located in kitchener

Offline KingCobra

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Congratulations on getting the operation done.  You look absolutely fantastic.  The good doctor did an incredible job.  However....

10 days post op and i just went to the gym tonight

Definitely not a good idea my man.  Looking at your pre-op pictures, it's clear that the Dr. took out alot of tissue from your body.  When I went with Dr. Fielding he told me to wait a good 3 to 4 weeks before going back to the gym.  I waited 4 weeks and then went back to the gym.

Initially you definitely want to go lighter as your body has suffered a trauma.  Whether or not you're actually pressing those weights is a different story, but putting a 175lbs. strain on your body only after 10 days is definitely not good.  

Secondly if you've been doing it for years - you're not going to lose everything with a break of even 2 months let alone 3 - 4 weeks so take the rest then jump back in.  

After the first week of light weights I was at 90% of my normal routine the following week.  With that said good luck to you and all the best towards a speedy recovery.


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