Author Topic: Please Look For Brownman(Updated Pics)    (Read 5687 times)

Offline brownman

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Well there it is the last two are 7 days, sorry for the darkness i will try to lighten them up but its hard to get a good photo for me i have to do it without people knowing..

I need some Answers

Does it look good?

Will the tensor really help ?

I have a tensor and it is a pain in the fucking ass it is useless and keeps sliding down at work.. Do i really need the tensor or am i fine just massaging now ?

i can probly take the bandaids off but i havent due to paranoia and im not sure if i am supposed too, the white one i put on myself as i peeled a bit of the other.. anybody know when they took those bandages off? (nipple one)

ALSO is a slight skin discoloration on the chest normal or is this a bad thing ?

I also feel really sick lately not sure if its the flu or the surjury.

Please COmment as best you can..

Keep all comments here please
« Last Edit: April 05, 2006, 05:31:35 PM by brownman »

Offline brownman

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I see some improvement, it seems to be getting a bit worse looking some days or maybe its just me.. i cant afford to do a touch up but i think he got the gland.. with all those scars (two on the sides  and two by the nipple) im assuming he did excision (Dr. Law). i See him again on the 13th he said to wear the tensor for 6 weeks.. i find this brutally hard to do, i have wore it for 3 and it has been slipping off as i walk and stuff.. its a piece of crap im gonna try to buy some small undershirts and wrap those.. i don't have alot of money to spend as i blew it all on this.. any extra i have and i need to start saving for gas/books for school as i already paid the tuition and everything else..

Any tips on the tensor appreciated, i will try to get better photos soon i am going to be taking these down in a bit as i don't want people i know to see them.

Offline crow

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I see some improvement, it seems to be getting a bit worse looking some days or maybe its just me.. i cant afford to do a touch up but i think he got the gland.. with all those scars (two on the sides  and two by the nipple) im assuming he did excision (Dr. Law). i See him again on the 13th he said to wear the tensor for 6 weeks.. i find this brutally hard to do, i have wore it for 3 and it has been slipping off as i walk and stuff.. its a piece of crap im gonna try to buy some small undershirts and wrap those.. i don't have alot of money to spend as i blew it all on this.. any extra i have and i need to start saving for gas/books for school as i already paid the tuition and everything else..

Any tips on the tensor appreciated, i will try to get better photos soon i am going to be taking these down in a bit as i don't want people i know to see them.

It looks smaller but the photos are dark and hard to really tell........But their sems to be improvement....

All the best 8)
This is a great site and all should be proud to take part........

Offline brownman

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ok i will wear it tight as darn lol

i am positive he had to have done some exicison i have the scars for it.. and he did do the nipple scar as well as the arm pit scar on each side. Just buddy said the dr. told him he did not do excision so i am worried if he did it for me, i see the DR again on thursday (april 13tH) i will wear the tensor more now.. and i see him again anyway and will double check

So the compression makes the skin attach itself to the muscle? darn i already have not worn it for up to two hours some days 4 today because all my clamps broke... tomorrow i am wearing a really tight undershirt + the vest hoping it stays on that way i cant get more metallic clamps tell tomorrow night.. assuming the health supply store has them (specialty store) no other shoppers or pharma plus had it.

i will get better photos when i can, i am happy with it but i think ihad too high expectations.. i am gaining wait sadly can't jog or anything yet/

Offline goaliesuperstar

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Looks great!

I agree with BillBoy in that you should know what the doctor did.

The two scars on the side are from lipo and tissue excision is done from behind the nipples.  I really advise you to look this stuff up, going into surgery blindly is not a smart idea.

When I went for my consultation I did enough research to understand EVERYTHING the doctor was going to do or could do.

In any case, much improvement.


Offline brownman

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i did too but the problem is the DR said he did excision for "Buddy" and that wasnt the case.. my sheet said Excision i have a scar under each areola so i think he did do it but i will ask thursday to clarify.

the tensor is a pain keeps breakin! didnt wear it two hours today again had to re-wrap at work and it slides i dont know how to combat this its frustrating..

DR said to wear a tesnor for 6 weeks i cant afford an underworks atm soo i asked my sis to go look for more clamps at the health supply store..

i wish i had asked to see if he provided a vest, the video he showed me said most dr's do as well as the book and his pamphlet i just assumed.

Offline Grandpa Bambu

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The problem is the DR said he did excision for "Buddy" and that wasnt the case.. my sheet said Excision i have a scar under each areola so i think he did do it.


I think you have misuderstood what buddy is saying....

The way I see it is Dr. Law said that he was going to do both excision and lipo on 'buddy'. However, during the procedure, Dr. Law took it upon himself not to do the excision as buddy would 'look' better without the peri-areola scars. Which, by the sounds of it, the Doc told this to buddy after all was said and done.

I would be savage if my Doc agreed to do excision and then during surgery,  took it upon himself to decide for me that I would 'look' better without peri-areola scars.

Dr. Law should make it very clear to his patients that he may not perform excision if he deems in not necessary during surgery.


As for your tensor... Personally, I think 6 weeks is overkill my man. I wore mine for 2 weeks. Think about it... how long does a cut take to heal? A couple of weeks right? I can't see how it would take any longer than that for disturbed chest flesh to readhere. Just my opinion!   ;)   But then agian... everyone heals at different rates. I guess it's best to follow your Doc's instructions....

Yeah, the tensor wrap that the hospital gave me kept on sliding down on me also. It was also very difficult to put on. SO... I bought a Dale 'Ab Binder'. The Ab Binder is very easy to put on and take off. It it fully adjustable and there is minimal slippage! I paid $50 (CND) at a local medical supply shop. I realize that this product was designed as an abdominal tesnsor. However, it also works well for post-op Gynecomastia patients as a chest tensor!   ;)      

« Last Edit: April 05, 2006, 12:15:13 PM by Bambu »
Surgery: February 16, 2005. - Toronto, Ontario Canada.
Surgeon: Dr. John Craig Fielding   M.D.   F.R.C.S. (C) (416.766.8890)
Pre-Op/Post-Op Pics

Offline buddy

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You are correct GB. I knew immediately after the surgery that only the lipo was done. It looked real good right away, so I was really happy that the Dr did not to the incisions. However over time, (when all swelling went down), the glands started to become noticeable.

I agree that the DR should have explained before that he could make the decision to not do incisions depending on the lipo results on the table.  I would have immediately told him to do it, rather than risk going through another surgery.

Now I risk alienating the Dr if I continue to harp on this -- especially if I expect him to fix me up right this next time.

Offline Grandpa Bambu

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I agree that the DR should have explained before that he could make the decision to not do incisions depending on the lipo results on the table.  I would have immediately told him to do it, rather than risk going through another surgery.

Exactly! You are the 'paying' customer. The patient tells the Doc what he wants. Not the other way round! If JCF did that to me, I would have reamed him out big time.

Now, if it was a 'life' or 'death' decision that the Doc had to make, that's a tad different. However, to 'decide' on the patients behalf on what would be 'more acceptable' to him is a tad presumptuous!

This would be good question for a pre-op patient to ask his PS during the consultation.


Offline brownman

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I will, i bought three new tensors

i think six weeks is totally overkill too, i figure the skin can adhere even without the tensor can't it ? or is this impossible?

and will it automatically adhere with compression or can it adhere awkwardly ? i don't think this is possible like having it adhere slanted or something..?

I boughgt new tensors with metal clamps hopefully they will work they working well right now, stayed up all day and slide or move.. its such a pain im gonna wrap it insanely tight tomorrow as well.

the skin will adhere normally too won't it? like it wont unpaste if i take the tensor off for too long at a time ?????? i think i am worrying for nothing here.

I don't know i am pretty positive Dr.Law did excision on me as i have scars under the nipples.. i will post more photos when i can of a lighter photo as per the first two

John is  it safe to assume that he did excision if i have two big areola cuts? i twas super-flat the first day i took the tensor and bandage off.. it feels flat when i tensor it and if i flex i can feel my muscle right behind the skin.. but i think their may be some gland left but i am assuming he removed a goo d portion.. its hard to tell even at 8 days i will check it tomorrow again.

Thanks for the link Bambu i think i will just stick to the tensors..

Is ist possible for the skin to adhere even without compression though? like if the tensor falls off or moves down and isnt compressing fully and i let it stay like that for a few hours it will still adhere won't it if i keep it wrapped as much as i can?

damn i am worrying i really hope he did all the excision and stuff, i can't afford the time off to do it again or the money.. and it will be hard to explain during school!~

« Last Edit: April 05, 2006, 05:33:49 PM by brownman »

Offline brownman

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Right side
Left Side

Notice the weirdness of the nipple it has a dent above it or something it looks weird too me (look above and slighlty to the left

Also i have some weirdness on the side i think its scar tissue shown here - There is some weird item where i am grabbing i don't think this is gland since its in an awkward spot it does go right up to behind the bottom half of the nipple though so i am hopings its just a bruised/scar tissue

Day 8 post op view

From these can you tell if the gland is excised? i feel its partially excised compared to the above

He said three weeks to work out again, think i can do it in two ?
i feel good now and wanna start running i am up on the weight scale and my gut seems bigger too me, it stretches out like a madman and is more obvious now so i gotta start work on it

How long did you all wait before you went back to the gym for some light weights/just getting back into the grove of it
« Last Edit: April 05, 2006, 05:53:02 PM by brownman »

Offline Grandpa Bambu

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John is  it safe to assume that he did excision if i have two big areola cuts?

Dude... even if Dr. Law didn't perform an excision, I wouldn't worry about it. Your chest looks good to me my man.

Thanks for the link Bambu i think i will just stick to the tensors..

Okay, no prob!

Is ist possible for the skin to adhere even without compression though?

Prolly, but why take the chance Dude.


Offline goaliesuperstar

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agreed with grandpa, looks great, making me anxious for when i go under the knife :)

Offline brownman

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10 days post op and i just went to the gym tonight lol

i bench pressed 45's seemed a little hard but then i removed the tensor for the other 40 mins of the workout and wow

i bench pressed 45 + 20 on each side for 175 lb's i left benching 195 so i was happy i didnt loose much, i probly could of done 195 too just not as well as i had previous to surjury.

I went to the bicep curls and did 50 lbs only got 8 but then i did 40's and got 10 and 10 i left doing 50, 50, 50 so i was a little dissapointed here..

My workout buddy told me i looked thinner but didnt figure it out, i guess some people didnt notice my gyne. he is also my best friend so maybe he just didnt think i did this, i never told anyon the actual surjury except my parents and older sister told lies to the rest.... the same lie Muscle damaged from working out..

It felt so good to lift the weights and it didn't hurt at all no discomfort or anything and i think it will help adhere the skin if my chest grows a little

All my scar tissue is gone i have some sag a slight one when i look down but this is just loose skin and it is already decently tight it just looks a little fatty but when i flex and push it is all muscle.. I have some weird item that can be shown in one of the photos i think its scar tissue it works up from the left lipo scar by the arm pit to just behind the nipple.. at first i thought it was gland tissue but i think its just scar tissue as it starts at the lipo area and works to just under/below the lower half of the nipple on the left, the right side has a similar build up near that lipo scar.

Nipples are healing nicely

odd sensation when i drink water or anything really quickly as it drops down my throat past the chest area, i think the area is just super-sensitive also being rapped in a tensor all day

I think i will hit the gym again sunday

Think it will hurt me much if i remove the tensor for an hour to hour and a half for my workout session?> its quite hard and probly bad for me to work out with it on

i love the look in a sweat shirt and sihrt now almost flat but muscley and defined working out all those years paid off overnight :D

im 80% happy with it so in a few months i think as the skin naturally tightens up and i get bigger/loose the gut it will look really good!

Looks normal now, that last photo looks good ill have more soon

oh and the discoloration seems to have dissapeared or it is really invisible
« Last Edit: April 07, 2006, 05:56:41 PM by brownman »


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