So it's been 11 weeks since my operation and I thought I would post an update for the silent few of those reading this thread. Firstly I still feel great about having surgery and think it was the best £1600 I've spend in my life. The swelling around the nipples never came back after I drained it. I have been a bit rubbish at massaging every day and I think because of this I still have quite a bit of hard scar tissue under my nipples. This causes my nipples to protrude a bit. Also both nipples are slightly indented where the incisions were made under the areola. This has been slowly improving over the last few weeks and I'm hoping someone will come on and assure me that it can go completely back to normal with time and massaging.
Now there is something I am concerned/unhappy about and that is a slight plumpness and fleshiness I have on the lower part of my right breast. I noticed this 2-3 weeks after surgery but thought it would go away. It's still there and I don't know what to make of it. You can see this in my pictures and in the linked video I made back in December. It isn't very noticeable when I have an upright posture but as soon as I lean forward you can start to see it, especially in 3/4 profile and from above.
I thought it was poor skin re-adhesion because the compression garment I used (which was given by the clinic) was tighter on the left side and hence the right wasn't as compressed. perhaps this caused an unsuccessful bonding of the skin with the fat and connective tissues beneath the skin? Perhaps because of this there is a void which is either filled with fluid or is now filling in with fat!?
A dr in the "ask the doctor" section of the forum said that as I have worn my compression garment most of the time every day for weeks then it shouldn't be poor adhesion. I wonder if she didn't liposuction enough fat from that area? I haven't really gained any weight since the op either.
The downside to having your surgery at a foreign clinic is that going back for check-ups and re-assurance is difficult and expensive. I am going to send these pictures to Katarzyana and try to chase her for a phone consultation because I'm worried. This plumpness is also appearing now on my left breast albeit to a lesser extent.
VIDEO FROM DECEMBER, cut and paste on to browser:¤t=rightchestfleshy.mp4![](
OK with upright posture but still noticeable on palpation:
more pics 11 weeks post op