Author Topic: MY TRIUMPH OVER GYNECOMASTIA: Surgery with Ostrowska-Clark on 02/11/2011 +pics+  (Read 23684 times)

Offline isambard

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Hello, as you will have guessed by the title this is the story of my surgery with Dr. Katarzyana Ostrowska-Clark at her clinic in Szczecin, Poland. I'm fresh from having the surgery, today being day 2 post op. There have been a lot of posts concerning this particular clinic.  I would like to add my own impressions of the clinic and discuss my story. Anyone who is wondering about surgery with this doctor please post your questions here or send me a private message, I'd be happy to answer.

(((Note to moderator: Please do not remove the names on this post as they are important to other readers who wish to seek her services! I am a genuine forum member with 2 years of posting history!)))

My story:
  I'm 27 and live in London. I've been a reader and contributor to this forum for 2 years. I have previously come very close to having surgery at Klinik Beaucare in Brussels but was thwarted by an array of personal, financial and health problems that forced me to delay surgery until now! In some ways I'm glad I did as I think the treatment I received here was excellent. (probably better than if done in brussels.) This time around I feel like I was truly ready both psychologically and financially to have surgery. Actually the monumentality of what has just happened is only now sinking in. I'm finally free from this burden that has compromised my self esteem and hindered my social development for 15 years!!

So, the usual procedure is to contact Jeremy Clark, the surgeon's husband, who is English and your point of contact from initial enquiry until the morning of surgery when he takes you around the city to get blood tests and ultrasound scans. He also organises the airport pick up and cabs. Mr. Clark is an affable man and was quite helpful with all of my questions. I did have to chase him a few times for replies to my emailed questions but I did ask a lot of questions. Some people are just happy to throw themselves in to surgery but I like to get a lot of information before making the big decision.  I'm also nervous going under sedation/anaesthetic so asking loads of questions up until the point of going under was the way I coped with my fears. In this respect the surgeon and the anaesthetist were obliging.  For those who might want to know they use "a mixture of local anaesthetic and general anaesthetic". They don't put in a breathing tube because it isn't necessary so I assume the patient isn't as knocked out as with normal general anaesthetic.

So on the op date I had the tests in the morning (after fasting the night before). Then I went back to the hotel for a late breakfast and waited until a cab picked me up at 3:40pm. On arrival to the clinic I was impressed with how modern and clean everything was. I had my own recovery room which was well appointed and spacious. Not in the least depressing like NHS hospitals tend to be. At 4pm I met Katarzyana and had my consultation with her. We reviewed the results of my blood and ultrasound tests. She explained the procedure and the risks. Then after payment we both got ready for surgery. I walked in to the operating room, laid on the operating couch and let the nurses and doctors do their thing, and soon I was under. I woke up from surgery still in the operating room just as the nurses were finishing with my bandages and ripping out the pads that monitor heart rate which was quite painful as I'm hairy. The surgery involved liposuction first and then full gland removal. It started at around 4 or 5pm and lasted 2 hours! It's normally meant to take 40minutes to 1 hour but Katarzyana said I had particularly fibrous fatty tissue which made the liposuction hard work. Just typical I'd have this weird fat structure, I'm so full of irregularities ::moan, moan::.  I also had a thicker than usual gland. If you see a cross section of the usual gynecomastia gland you see that it's like a cone, thicker just under the nipple and tapering down towards the outer edges. Mine was of one even thickness throughout. Unfortunately she didn't take a picture. I would loved to have seen it!

I spent that first night at the clinic.  There was a lovely night nurse that took care of me. She made me open sandwiches, tea, administered antibiotics, heparin, painkiller and emptied my drains and checked my vitals. She didn't speak much english but we understood each other despite this.

My impressions of Katarzyana was that of a very competent surgeon who was warm and friendly but like every other surgeon I've met also a bit 'no nonsense' and focused on her work. She has done a wonderful job on my chest and I'm very pleased with her. The clinic offers such a complete package for such a sensible price. They even do a histology of excised tissues as standard. I have had all the logistical worries of transport and medical testing taken away from me by Jeremy's inclusive service and ultimately the Surgery's cost to quality ratio is amazing!

The next morning Katarzyana came and removed my bandages to have a look at the area. Everything seemed ok. She stood me in front of the mirror and there I saw my post op chest for the first time. I swear rose petals flew out of my chest towards me in the reflection! It was a real American Beauty moment. I shook her hand. Now I feel immensely transformed by this procedure. I get a little emotional at the thought of the hardships I have been through these last few years and a great feeling of deserving that things are finally going my way. And things are going my way because of my own perseverance and hard work. And I've done it all by myself, like coming to Poland alone and just generally fighting for everything! ::sob story:: This may sound premature but I've already found my self esteem to be greatly improved and my very thought patterns have changed simply on the basis of not having gynecomastia anymore. It is a wonderfully liberating experience and it is a MONUMENTAL game changer in my life. To those in doubt, I would encourage you to go for it!

Costs and other details:
The usual time frame between first contact and surgery is quite quick.  I made my initial enquiry in early september, confirmed the appointment  by way of a £200 deposit (bank transfer) and then had surgery on the 2nd of november. So 2 months for me but others here have had it faster. apparently the clinic is less busy during early winter and the run up to christmas, for obvious reasons. On the surgery date you pay the remaining balance. In total the surgery cost me £1467 for gland removal and 'liposculpturing' as well as the cost of the blood tests and ultrasound as well as the airport transfer from Berlin to Szczecin and a night's stay at the clinic. I had a big mole in my abdomen removed for an addition £100. The average nightly rate at the Ibis hotel was £34 but I booked late. Early birds can probably get a better rate. I am staying 6 nights in the city, one of those nights being at the clinic.

The city/accommodation:
Szczecin is about 2 hours drive from Berlin. There are various hotels but I chose the Ibis as it seemed the cheapest. It's quite central and is very affordable, spacious, clean and every staff member I have encountered speaks English. it has a bit of a sterile quality to it but at £34 a night I'm not expecting great opulence or character. They also have a good restaurant that serves breakfast and is open from 16:00-23:00 for full meal service. This i have found very useful after surgery when when I did not feel like walking around too much, carrying heavy groceries, water bottles etc. The current exchange rate is very favourable. Euros and British pounds go very far in Poland!

I've actually just come back from a post operative evaluation and Katarzyana said things look pretty good. She joked that I must have had a very good surgeon. I hope to have my drains taken out tomorrow so I can finally take a shower. I'll be here for another 3 days and will try to post regular progress photos over the next few months to a year.

::pictures in following post::

I have a question I hope someone can answer: I would like to loose some 8 kilos. My gut and waist will naturally shrink down but will my chest, which is now nice and thin, shrink down much further? Possibly resulting in a strange emaciated chest not proportional to the rest of my torso? This is my fear. The surgeon said this shouldn't happen but I would welcome first hand experience from those who have had the op and then lost weight.
« Last Edit: November 06, 2011, 03:05:10 PM by isambard »

Offline isambard

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« Last Edit: November 16, 2011, 02:21:25 PM by isambard »

Offline isambard

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Taken on my mobile, looking funny with part chest shaved.
Picture 1: the last picture I took of me with gyne.

« Last Edit: November 16, 2011, 02:22:22 PM by isambard »

Offline isambard

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Taken on my mobile, looking funny with part chest shaved.
Picture 2: Today, day 2 post up, still with drains.
Picture 3: Today, day 2 post up, still with drains, 3/4 profile view.

« Last Edit: November 16, 2011, 02:24:03 PM by isambard »

Offline isambard

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Apparently the name of the clinic gets automatically censored with "--"  as soon as I submit the post. How dodgy on the part of this forum!

Offline isambard

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Is anyone out there? anyone reading this?! Perhaps others who have had surgery at this clinic?  I'm interested to know what you guys make of these pictures of my right nipple. i think there's fluid in there. I was given the equipment to drain myself but am putting off in case there is a chance it will empty by itself..opinions welcome.

At the moment I'm finding it really hard to get the full hour in of massaging my scar tissue. it's really tender! I can manage about 10-15 minutes resulting in a softer chest but still some hard tissue. Hopefully it gets easier.

Will post more post operative pictures showing progress soon.

« Last Edit: November 16, 2011, 02:36:33 PM by isambard »

Offline jakeyboy08

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Well done mate with going threw with it you was in great care with one of the best surgeon's,
I personally went to this surgeon a while ago and you have more then likley seen my post if you have been on here a few years.

Regarding fluid build up if you still have your drains in now when massaging fluid should come out if there is any when the surgeon removes the drains she will give your chest one last proper squeze which i wont lie hurts.

Massaging is good everyone who massaged got there scar tissue smaller alot quicker then i did as i didnt massage much and i certainly didnt do any longer then 5minutes each side, Remember your chest has just gone threw a war and is in major shock dont be to hard on it as this will cause damage which will make post recovery even longer.

I would also like to take the time to tell you from experiance and from alot of people who i have talked to on the forum, Your chest will get alot worse in the upcoming weeks dont get depressed about it, you will form scar tissue alot more then you already have which will be quite think making your chest look like the gyno is still there. Also when massaging you may also feel what you think is fluid build up once the drains are removed if this is the case dont be alarmed and stick a needle into yourself to drain it out with this will naturally drain through the body. (NOTE: In some case's extraction is nessacery but please consult with you GP regarding this before you do it as putting a needle in your self is dangerous)

If post op you have any questions you need answer just drop me a pm.
Good luck with your recovery your new life starts now!

I have a question I hope someone can answer: I would like to loose some 8 kilos. My gut and waist will naturally shrink down but will my chest, which is now nice and thin, shrink down much further? Possibly resulting in a strange emaciated chest not proportional to the rest of my torso? This is my fear. The surgeon said this shouldn't happen but I would welcome first hand experience from those who have had the op and then lost weight.

Answer: You cannot lose weight in a curtain area alone, when loosing weight via diet and exercise your body will decide.

Also if you are going to loose weight i would reccoment doing weights along with cardivasiclar training, I personally went to the gym prior to surgery to build up espically on my chest and it worked wonders so far.



Offline isambard

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Hey Jakeyboy08,
Thanks a lot for taking the time to a) be the first to acknowledge my post and b) write me a nice lengthy response with some good experienced advice. Thanks also for starting a thread on your surgical experience in Szczecin as reading it back in September gave me the extra assurance I needed to book with Katarzyana and go over to Poland. I'm sure it's been useful to many other guys who just never bothered to comment.

I've noted your advice on massaging and to expect it to get worse before it gets better. I'm at the point where I can massage for about 10-15 minutes, it improves the really stiff scar tissue but it won't make it super soft and smooth. I'm aiming for a daily softening but not complete mashing up of my scar tissue. I hope this is what I'm meant to achieve.

So as you also mentioned I am massaging and noticing a continued build up of squidgy fluid underneath both of my nipples. This is (still) concerning me as I hear that the fluid can eventually become encapsulated by the body and never drain. thus I'm wondering if the self puncture and draining might have to be done soon. Going to send pictures to katarzyana and hopefully she'll give advice tomorrow. Just for the sake of sharing, I've included pictures here of the swelling. ((SEE PICS))

Katarzyana also told me I need to pull on my nipples so they don't stick to my pectoral muscle and move when I move my pecs. Though I suppose my nipples and pecs are currently safely separated by all the accumulating fluid!

will update more post operative pictures later.

« Last Edit: November 16, 2011, 02:31:38 PM by isambard »

Offline Mickydubs

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1st can I say how brave you are going to a foreign country to have an op, I know the difference in money is a big factor but I still don't think I could do it!
Well I know because I booked with karidis in London, had my op on the 8th nov and so far so good, just reading some of your post makes me realise how different the procedures can be, listening to you talking about drains etc. I must say  I'm glad I don't have to do any of that. Mine was a case of in inthe morning and home at night, we are told not to massage until 3rd week but you are told to massage straight away ?

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Hey Mickydubs,
Thanks! it was an inspired and bold move to go to Poland. I don't think I could have imagined doing this five years ago but I've become a lot braver and more of a 'go getter' over the years. Life's too short to dither and delay! But really the whole process of going to Poland and getting the op and then flying back is a lot more banal than it sounds. The clinic organised a lot of the logistics for me like the minibus airport pick up and blood tests et cetera.
If I had the cash I might have sought out the UK docs but I really feel like I got a great service in Poland. I think I wouldn't have had the same service in the UK even at 3 times the price. Besides, I was glad for the week break from my London life and obligations. It was a bit of an indulgence. all i did was lounge around in the hotel, take walks, go to the shopping centre, watch movies on my laptop so on.

Also, congratulations on your operation!! I hope everything turns out well for you. Are you posting pictures on your own thread to document and share your progess?

  About massaging, there seems to be a conflict in opinion about when to start. My surgeon definitely told me to start massaging as soon as possible. I have decided to take it easy the first few weeks, while still massaging 5-10 minutes a day. Then will get more in to it as I approach week 3.

I removed my own stitches today, I know this is often frowned upon and I certainly wasn't advised to do this by my surgeon but I've had (non cosmetic) operations several times before and have gone to my GP to have these stitches removed and therefore know the procedure. The nurse that does it just cuts the stitches and pulls them out really quickly. She doesn't even bother to disinfect the area. I did it myself today with no problem and think I was even more cautious, using peroxide water on the site et cetera. ((I don't advocate others to do it unless they know what they are doing.))

Anyway I'll post progress pictures in the coming days.

Offline Mickydubs

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Yep, but I've posted on the uk forum.
Same again just shows difference in procedures, incisions are so small that no stiches are required, they heal themselves, my own had healed the next day at all four points. As for pulling the stiches, rather you than me!!!

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Ok. I will check your thread out. Interesting you only had small incisions. I'll have to have to read your post but it sounds like you just had liposuction and not gland removal? a crescent shaped incision underneath the areola is required to get the proper access to remove the gland. this always needs stitches....could be wrong...

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No I had gland and lipo, wouldn't think of using a surgeon who only does lipo because it just doesn't work and don't want to go down the route of having to have revision surgery.
Once again that is why I didn't mind paying £4300 for the op and probably would pay even more if it meant I was happy with the work at the 1st attempt, for me it's a one time thing which I won't be doing ever again so fingers crossed it works out ok, as with all things these days there are no guarantees so hopefully with going with the best surgeon in England I've given my self the
 Best chance of this.
I possibly just think Karidis uses a more modern technique which he feals will get the best result, who knows?

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Today is the 2 week "anniversary" of my honour of this I drained fluid from both sides of my chest today.
I'm doing everything! It Feels good.

So I started on the left breast with the syringe and needles the surgeon gave me. I was careful not to puncture my pectoralis muscle. It was a bit amateur at first, I didn't stick the needle in far enough, got blood down my waist, et cetera. The right side was much easier. I definitely drained fluid as it was watery, I got a good 10mls on the right. The left side might have been a bit more but it seemed more like blood. Still it benefited immensely from the drain as it is now much flatter. I could/should have done more on the left but decided not to. Hopefully the remaining fluid will go this week.

As discussed here are progress pictures of my first 2 weeks. I will update the post draining pictures soon.





DAY 6 (back at home now)



DAY 11

DAY 13 REMOVED THE STITCHES MYSELF!(nice and flat(tering) angle) I am not happy about the scabbing wound where my drain was. Katarzyana didn't redo the stitches when she took the drains out and it never closed as tight as I would have liked. This is despite me taking matters in to my own hands and putting steristrips on the site. Hopefully the scar is minimal, but I do scar easily! The nipple scars look excellent already though!

DAY 13


Offline jakeyboy08

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Time for a shave i think mate  :D :D

Looking good so far, Let mother nature get on with it :)


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