Author Topic: Best Exercises  (Read 11242 times)

Offline GrandMstrBud

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I quit smoking on the first of this year and joined a gym. I have been going about an average of 5 times a week for around 2-3 hours per day. I know since I quit smoking is seems as if I eat more but in all reality I am eating less. I have not lost or gained a single pound in the past month but I have noticed the gyne getting a bit worse. I am 6 ft 1 and weigh 205 pounds. I do a lot of weight lifting and running when at the gym but I would like to know what the best exercises would be to help reduce the gyne.

Offline sadgyneguy

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that was my case also before. i tried working hard on the gym and soon i noticed that my gyne is getting worse. i had lipo and it somehow subsided.
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Offline fightthegoodfight

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get a mountain bike or a bmx bike and ride that.....especially do alot of pulling up and arm movements your chest will turn to iron....and your arms will get huge and your gyne will start to get better

Offline gabbyhey

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Ok, a lot of people will screw this up and tell you to do chest exercises.  Sometimes, depending on your gyne, it can be a good thing.  A lot of time though, when you increase your chest muscle (pectorals) it actually pushes the gyne out so it protudes more.  It depends on where the gland is located.  (If you have glandular tissue).  If it's all just fat, then you shouldn't have to worry.  Hope this helps.

Offline gyneman

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Reduce your BF% as lean as possible. If you still have the moobs, surgery is your only option ;)

Offline Doodley

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If you're going to the gym 5 times a week for 2-3 hours per day, and just jumping into that routine didn't cause you to lose any weight, you're definitely not working out properly.

I'd expect you to dispute that, but really, that's impossible if you were actually "working out"; time to start setting goals for yourself at the gym and continually raising the bar, rather than just going to the gym and expecting some sort of osmosis.

I quite smoking 2 packs a day for 8 years last July.  I had to freakin walk on a treadmill at first, but I did more each day and my body had to adapt to the labor.  If you do the same ol routine at the gym forever you'll have the same ol body forever. 

Offline hategyne

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You also have to watch what you are eating.  Working out more does'nt mean you can eat more of whatever you want.  Try going for 1800 calories a day, and lift more weights.  Cardio alone is not enough.

Offline Bolognianips

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Man, thats A LOT of working out in a week.  I wouldn't worry too much about not loosing lbs.  Your goal is to loose body fat, and if you have a good routine you will certainly gain muscle.  I think I read a study somewhere that people that monitor their weight loss daily, loose much less weight that people that monitor their weight weekly or monthly..  Something to do with discouragement etc..  Regardless exercise is never bad, and perhaps you have arrived at a Plateau   in your weight loss.  Its important to remember that your body will adapt to a regular exercise schedual which it certainly seems you have, and attempt to preserve itself.  Your best bet is to completely vary your routine.  You need to keep your metabolism on its toes, and looking for energy.  If its possible, try doing two shorter sessions a day.

Offline SmileOnTrobles

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I have a question. Is it a variant to heal gyno with losing weight? I mean, really hard work with cardio and fitness and diet? Cause I was too bad but the trainings gives me very good results. I mean, is it heatable with that? Is it possible?
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Offline jackmac

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i think running and Swimming are the best exercise

but shaping body you might have to do light weight training.

Offline Bolognianips

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No, there is no way to heal gyno, with a variant in your workout.  But..  I would suspect some people just naturally gain weight in there chest faster than the rest of their body.  You see it all the time, some people have fat faces, when they get a gut, other don't, some people get big all around evenly etc..  So I suppose it is possible that some people with gyno could reduce it by going "underweight" but as soon as they gain a little bit back it will go all to the chest so really its not a viable solution.

Offline user name

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I quit smoking on the first of this year and joined a gym. I have been going about an average of 5 times a week for around 2-3 hours per day. I know since I quit smoking is seems as if I eat more but in all reality I am eating less. I have not lost or gained a single pound in the past month but I have noticed the gyne getting a bit worse. I am 6 ft 1 and weigh 205 pounds. I do a lot of weight lifting and running when at the gym but I would like to know what the best exercises would be to help reduce the gyne.

do not overtrain in the gym! what are your goals? do you want to be more muscular, and lower your bodyfat? if so, i would try lifting heavy. and doing 30 minutes of cardio, after lifting. this will allow you to keep muscle mass while losing bodyfat, hell you may even gain a little muscle in the beginning. what does your diet look like?

try the "losing fat" forums over there are numerous people there that have undergone amazing transformations.

Offline matthew1

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 I can not accept anyone that says they work out 2 to 3 hr a day, 5 days a week is not in great  shape and loosing weight'
         pro athletes dont put that much time in a gym

Offline GrandMstrBud

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Okay I have changed my routine to where I do weight lifting and then run about 4 miles 3 days a week and the other 3 days a week I just walk between 4-8 miles. My weight has gone down but I can not tell at all in my stomach area and my chest area. I have been doing this for the past 2-3 months and lost about 10-15 pounds. I am 6ft 1 and did weigh about 195 and now I'm down to around 180 but I can't see any changes especially in the chest and stomach area. One thing I think I am missing is ab exercises but I'm going to change that though even though I’m not as worried about my stomach just my chest area since I'll be at a resort on a beach for my wedding next year in February but the way it's going I'll be sitting on the beach while my wife and her family is all having fun swimming and since I didn't win the powerball I still can't afford surgery. This is all just so frustrating.

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you are overtraining,   2-3 hrs a day is too much. you are burning muscle not building it. stick to 45 mins tops for weight training, and dont overdo cardio or your body will become catabolic. eat slightly under maintenance if your trying to lose body fat. i gaurantee losing bodyfat will do nothing but help your case. and packing on muscle is nothing but good! the more muscle you have the more calories your body burns throughout the day, and the leaner your body will want to become. slow is the key, and try changing up your routine as much as you can. the more you keep your body from going into a routine, the less likely it will be for you to plateau.


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