Author Topic: Dirty look at PS office?  (Read 4419 times)

Offline Seal

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Anybody here ever got a dirty look from a female who works at the surgeons offfice? When I went for my consultation, the blonde secretary behind the desk gave me a dirty a$$ look when I was walking out after speaking with the plastic surgeon.  :(

Offline Javier

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Dirty in a good way or dirty in a bad way?

Offline Seal

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Dirty in a good way or dirty in a bad way?

In a bad way of course. I was tripping out about it for months afterwards...   :'(

Offline laurier

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Quite possibly your imagination, bud.  I imagine your confidence wasn't the highest at that point, and confidence makes a big difference in the way you perceive people looking at you.

Offline Seal

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My confidence was okay since it isn't really noticable even with just a t-shirt.

Offline nothingworse

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I don't know he could be right about a dirty look some people just give certain people dirty looks for some reason. Maybe it was about something else, your imagination, or I don't know. But, I am sure she has seen tons of guys with gyne just like every other person and doesn't think much of it. But, I don't know and I am not disagreeing with you. I haven't got a dirty look from female who works at the surgeons office but, got dirty looks from some people in school and out over the years and my recent consultation last month I got a dirty and flustered look from the surgeon and female secretary when I was looking for insurance to pay for my medical case of gyne. And to top that off they are completely lazy bastardsss. They were supposed to as promised send in my claim next day. Called they said they sent it in on the 28th almost two weeks after my consultation. That pissed me off but, to top that my mom called from her work because she suspected the may have not and she was right as always they didn't even send it in and my mom made a fit over the phone and they sent it while talking to her and told her they were very sorry and this happens sometimes. I am now giving them a dirty look about this because they took 3 extra needed weeks of my time away with their stupidity and I was supposed to know by tommorow at latest in the first place to see if they didn't cover it and we would have to appeal it. Now I am looking at the end of August or start of school I needed that first time frame for this and am now just totally awaed why they would do this. But, the surgery will come in the next 1 1/2 to 3 months at latest or there will be a war. I don't know the world is getting crazier everyday. Gas now $2.60 by us geeze. Thats just squeezing my parents more and more. While they are still making the same wages costs are skyrockiting and things keep looking worse with everything as days go by. Soon we are going to have to move because we can't pay these rediculous taxes anymore. Over the last 5 of the 20 years we had Aetna insurance they have become super cold and unconcerning unless it was worst case scineario. My gyne would have already been taken care of if it would have been 5-7 years ago. But, now it is going to be a fight I know it. Still that Dirty look at the PS story you just posted just makes me wonder about some people. I definetely believe you I have seen just about all the weird things possible. There are really cold people in this world about minor flaws and she could have been one of them. Maybe she is one of those workers who work with the PS and get discounted surgery and got a lot of them to look perfect and judges everyone else for any flaws. Just a hunch but, your story is still a believable one. Sorry to hear it has bothered you though and good luck with getting the pictures out of your head. I can never get rid of the taunting scenes for 2 years with my friends. They caused my partial depression to which I am slowly but surely relieving. I am 80% there the gyne surgery will at lease get me to 99% and won't care or concern about it anymore but, am still sure once and a great while the taunting scenes will come back. Good luck

Offline Seal

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I just think it's really ironic when one of the few dirty looks I get is from the plastic surgeon's secretary...

Offline nothingworse

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Totally agreed Seal. Why on gods earth would she give you a dirty look. I can see if you said something nasty to her or did something nasty to her (no pun intended) but for who you are. That is a bunch of bs. And a PS's employee wow that ones a bigger kicker. I swear this world gets crazier by the day. By the way not to get personal but was she younger or older. Just wondering because if she was like in her 20s or even early 30s some women can be nasty about the most minor of things. That could be the reason too. There are a few of those nasty and princess women you encounter everyday and are just terrible for some of the stupid things they do sometimes. I haven't dated a nasty woman and would never want to. I want one with a sane mind. Maybe she was just crazy. Don't know. Good luck with everything

Offline Seal

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I'm in my late twenties and she looked a little younger than me.

Offline Spleen

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Say that look really was a "dirty look", why would you trip out about it for months?  10 minutes, OK, but months?  

Offline jalita

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And it could be that she was just having a BAD day and didn't look too happy no matter which patient was there. I agree with the other posts, just forget it and move on. My experience has been that especially in PS offices, the staff are extra sensitive about not staring, or saying things to patients because they know we can be a little sensitive about our conditions. :)

My surgery is in 3 weeks. Can't wait.

Offline Seal

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Say that look really was a "dirty look", why would you trip out about it for months?  10 minutes, OK, but months?  

Because I have some mental problems.

Offline jc71

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It was probably your "Mustache Rides: 5 Cents" t-shirt.

That's hilarious.  ;D

Everyone who worked at my surgeons office was very nice and professional.  

Maybe she was having a bad day or her own insecurity about something was showing that day.

I'd forget about it. It probably had nothing to do with you.  

She was probably annoyed with all the calls the office was getting and since you were there, she took it out on you.

No big deal.
« Last Edit: August 11, 2005, 08:20:44 AM by jc71 »

Offline Paa_Paw

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The secretary could have flashed a dirty look because she just had a frustrating call from an insurance claims office, an irate patient, her Babysitter. . . .   continue the list as long as you like, It may have had nothing to do with you.

My Gynecomastia developed around the age of 12.  This is probably true of most people who have it.   I am 68 years old and the surgery did not become available until many years later.  I adapted, not because I was some kind of martyr or hero but because there was no choice.

I suspect that you have a greater problem between your ears than you have on your chest.

Having the breasts reduced will not repair your attitude.

Should it be that I have assessed the situation incorrectly, I owe you a very humble apology.

Grandpa Dan


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