Author Topic: Finally went to the Dr. today...  (Read 2628 times)

Offline hawk2000

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Hello. I'm new here and was hoping some of you could answer some of my questions. I went to the doctor today finally, regarding my "man boobs". She says its gynecomastia and I have an appointment set up with a plastic surgeon in a few weeks. So here are my questions, and any thoughts or suggestions would be much appreciated.

How much does it usually cost? I saw on here some people are saying 4-6k. Is any of that covered by insurance typically? If not, are most places able to set up some sort of payment plan?!?!

How soon after I meet with the surgeon do they usually set up a surgery?

How do I know if this surgeon is good or has done this type of procedure before?

Thanks again for any help!


  • Guest
Hello. I'm new here and was hoping some of you could answer some of my questions. I went to the doctor today finally, regarding my "man boobs". She says its gynecomastia and I have an appointment set up with a plastic surgeon in a few weeks. So here are my questions, and any thoughts or suggestions would be much appreciated.

How much does it usually cost? I saw on here some people are saying 4-6k. Is any of that covered by insurance typically? If not, are most places able to set up some sort of payment plan?!?!

How soon after I meet with the surgeon do they usually set up a surgery?

How do I know if this surgeon is good or has done this type of procedure before?

Thanks again for any help!

Cost of Gynecomastia Surgery depends on what needs to be done and can vary from doctor to doctor and around the world. Time until surgery depends on how busy a particular doctor is. Jane is my office manager and can better discuss insurance issues and what our current waiting time is.  She can normally be reached at our office by phone Monday - Friday 9-5 Eastern Time at (804) 748-7737.

I have posted How to pick a gynecomastia surgeon here in this forum:

Hope this helps,

Michael Bermant, MD
Learn More About Gynecomastia Surgery

Offline Dr. Elliot Jacobs

  • Elliot W. Jacobs, MD, FACS
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Insurance very rarely covers gynecomastia surgery -- you should inquire about the requirements for coverage from your own insurance company.

Costs will vary across the spectrum -- but do not let the cost be your only determinant.  Rather, get the best surgeon you can -- preferably one who has interest and vast experience in gyne surgery.  Saving a few dollars on your surgery, and then possibly facing the need for revision surgery, is not a wise choice.

I would be pleased to provide a free email consultation for you.  Kindly send me a PM with your real name and email address and I will send you the particulars.  I will personally respond to you.

Dr Jacobs
Dr. Jacobs 
Certified: American Board of Plastic Surgery
Fellow: American College of Surgeons
Practice sub-specialty in Gynecomastia Surgery
4800 North Federal Highway
Boca Raton, Florida 33431
561  367 9101
Website:  http://www.gynecomastianewyork.c

Offline gynedowner

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here's what I know...

1. How much does it usually cost? I saw on here some people are saying 4-6k. Is any of that covered by insurance typically? If not, are most places able to set up some sort of payment plan?!?!

The prices range drastically. Some specialists can cost nearly $8,000 or more while plastic surgeons who do a wide variety of other procedures can range from $3k to $6k. I'd say from my research that $4k and below is the low end of cost. Very few insurance companies will cover this. It is considered a cosmetic procedure by many. Thus, unless you can prove severe psychological problems or associated physical pain/danger, it is unlikely the procedure would be covered. However, it would never hurt to check with your provider. Most people take out surgical loans to pay the surgeon. There are websites of companies that offer these. Many say that the cost the surgeon quotes you for your procedure is often based on the difficulty of your particular case and their skill level.

How soon after I meet with the surgeon do they usually set up a surgery?

Depending on how busy the surgeon is you could be seeing them in less than a week to a month or more for the initial consultation. After that you could be waiting even longer for a surgery date (especially if your schedule is not flexible and keep in mind you will need a driver/caretaker for couple of days). If you decide to make an appointment, ask the receptionist what days you could call back to check and see if there are any cancellations so you can be rescheduled sooner. Then try to schedule a surgery date soon after you make your decision to hire them or someone else. Keep in mind, you are going to have to remain patient during this process. It can occur over a long period of time.

How do I know if this surgeon is good or has done this type of procedure before?

Ask the surgeon how many times they've performed this procedure and for before/after photos. Don't rely on cost alone as a judge of skill level. Type their name in the search bar of this site to read any stories about someone who may of used the surgeon you are considering. Research, research, research...


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