Author Topic: Minor gyno on a fit guy and my story (pics)  (Read 4449 times)

Offline KuscoBusco

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You do have a small case of gynecomastia with puffy nipples.  The presence of puffy nipples represents breast tissue just beneath the areolas.  That breast tissue will remain despite any diet or exercise you will do.

I have done a number of similar cases and they are tricky -- remove too much and you have a crater; not enough and you haven't done the job.

Only surgery can target those tissues and remove them to provide you with a nicely contoured chest.  Would very strongly advise you to seek an expert in gyne surgery for the procedure -- and consider traveling for that expertise.

Good luck!

Dr Jacobs

Thank you for your reply, Dr. Jacobs. I think the biggest thing holding me back from surgery is not only cost, but the possibility of having a deformity. For some with serious cases, the risk of a deformity may outweigh the actual hardship of having full-blown gyno. 

For me, I think my case is literally on the edge of being something I really have a problem with. I definitely don't like it, but the hard truth is; I haven't been in great shape since my freshman/sophomore year of college. I could hit the pavement and start running again, get on a training schedule at my gym, and start meal prepping to ensure my diet is where it needs to be. I'm probably around ~20% BF (like another member posted) and if I were to get around 10%, I have a feeling I'd be fine with pinching my nipples or rubbing gynexol cream on them to at least mask the "issue". 

The hardest part with that though is knowing I'll still have the gyno even after I put in a tremendous amount of work to get my body back to where I want it to be. I've attached a picture of me around 170lbs - that's 24 pounds less than what I weight now - you tell me what you think...

Offline Dr. Elliot Jacobs

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Hard to tell from that photo -- you do look quite good.  However, realize that getting down to that low body fat % and keeping it there is quite difficult, particularly as you get older -- those pounds just don't come off the way you would like.

At the bottom, you have to decide whether you can live with this or not at a weight with which you are comfortable.  If you are content with pinching your nipples to tighten them whenever you need or whether you want to get rid of the problem permanently through surgery.  I understand your concern about being "deformed" after surgery -- and that is certainly a risk.  But that risk is considerably diminished if you go to a gyne specialist.

Good luck whichever way you go.

Dr Jacobs
« Last Edit: October 06, 2018, 11:21:46 AM by Dr. Elliot Jacobs »
Dr. Jacobs 
Certified: American Board of Plastic Surgery
Fellow: American College of Surgeons
Practice sub-specialty in Gynecomastia Surgery
4800 North Federal Highway
Boca Raton, Florida 33431
561  367 9101
Website:  http://www.gynecomastianewyork.c

Offline joe7

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I've attached a picture of me around 170lbs - that's 24 pounds less than what I weight now - you tell me what you think...

I gotta say you look awesome in this picture and the "gyno" looks non-existent. It just looks like you have chiseled pecs. Seriously, get down to this level of bodyfat again before making any decision. At that level of bodyfat you will most likely be healthier too, provided you don't crash diet to get there. I know several people who maintain around 10% body fat year round with relative ease, without drugs.

Offline KuscoBusco

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I have a consultation today with a Dr. in NJ who specializes in scars along side the nipple for minor gyno like mine. They are generally, and literally, unnoticeable. 

I know I look good in that one picture - I was probably ~12% BF but mind you, I had no strength. I just don't look "healthy" being that lean. I'd much rather have just a tad amount of fat around my body if it meant I was able to put up good weight in the gym. 

I've been training/dieting hard for about 2 weeks now and while I am seeing results in my attitude, emotional health, and some body changes - my flare ups/gyno remain and are most noticeable in the morning when I wake up. I go to the bathroom and they're just puffy as all hell. I f*cking hate it to its core. Then my nips get a little cold from walking around and it doesn't bother me as much. But damn, when I wake up after being under my sheets they are very puffy/pointy. 

I can't imagine mine had anything to do with some MuscleTech Test3x that I took about 2.5 years ago. I know any type of testosterone boosting over-the-counter supplement never usually gives enough test to create moobs but for me, I think it at least aggravated the gyno I already had. 

Anyways, I will let you guys know how the consultation goes.

Offline KuscoBusco

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Went to the consult - feeling more relieved if anything. He basically told me what all of you told me. He did show me what was fat and what was gland so that was really cool. He said I have a good amount of fat in my chest and I'm probably around 18-20% body fat. He also said to watch my alcohol intake and marijuana usage because these two things adversely affect physique and can cause flares. I knew all of this but it's almost like I needed to hear it face-to-face from someone I trusted. This was a lesson for me in that sometimes, I need to trust myself and listen to what my gut is telling me. This provided a lot of motivation for me because I now know I am high in body fat (at least to me I am) and there is a lot of work that can be done to my body naturally without the surgery to make me look and feel better. 

What a journey this has been.....


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