Author Topic: Minor Gyno on a fit guy and my story (pics)  (Read 1596 times)

Offline KuscoBusco

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I have pubertal gyno - albeit minor (as I've been told by one plastic surgeon and my own doctor). My doctor thinks I should look into body dysmorphic disorder and the plastic surgeon doesn't think I'll be happy even if I lose the weight and get in ripped shape.

I've lost and gained weight probably 10 different times. I'm 22. I just learned about gyno 9 months ago. I've scheduled (and cancelled) roughly 6 appointments with reputable plastic surgeons. I've posted here before, but I still feel like I need some clarification and some advise on whether or not my thinking is straight.

Ever since I learned what gyno was it's been bothering me - a lot - to the point where I waste hours at work on my phone looking at before/after pictures or reading patient's stories of both successful and botched surgeries. It is unhealthy.

I would say I am relatively fit. My posture is habitually bad because of my gyno. I do not feel comfortable in anything pulling my shoulders back and standing up straight because my nipples point out. This is a huge inconvenience when talking to people since I always feel like I'm slouching and come off as insecure/less-confident.

I've always been into fitness and working out. I haven't worked out consistently since learning about gyno - it has destroyed my motivation for getting in great shape because I know the gland will always be there.

I've posted pictures below - 3 of them are soft nipples and what my chest looks like normally. 1 is with my hands on my waste flexing my pecs and exposing the gland. The last (on the second post) is with my nipples very hard and some Gynexol cream rubbed on them.

I need some advice here. If I go the surgery route, I'm very worried about a less than perfect outcome. I'm worried that even though I'll get the gland removed, that maybe I'll develop scar tissue that will make them appear puffy *and yes, I know about kenalog shots, but still*. I'm worried that one nipple might be higher than the other since the gland is slightly bigger in my left pec. I'm worried that my scars will be noticeable regardless of my efforts towards post-operative care.

I've actually been considering getting a consultation with Dr. Jacobs in NY since I am local - he seems to give good surgeries to guys with just puffy nipples.

If I don't get the surgery, I'm back at square one. I'm still in this body that still has glands behind the nipples. If I workout, there is no guarantee I will even be happy afterwards and yet the gland will still be there.

Is there ANYTHING I can do non-surgically to REDUCE the size of MY gyno? Yes, MY gyno. Please answer that looking, again, at MY case. I understand nothing else will work with someone who has a more significant case. However, I am hard-pressed to believe there is nothing out there that will shrink it to a point that I can at least deal with...

Thanks in advance,

Offline KuscoBusco

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Pic of hard nipples and Gynexol cream. 

Offline Busty

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I don’t think you have any gynecomastia. You look fit, also


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