Author Topic: New laws coming  (Read 3147 times)

Offline WPW717

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I lived in rural Oregon 35 years ago.
Deschutes county, Bed to be exact. I was a bit Red then. It shows on the political map as Blue now. Bend has grown tremendously since I left, still have some family & friends there. On visiting it seems it might be a consideration, the medical community there is good too.
I would not call it ‘rural’ as I knew it but it does have a lot more to offer the modern community.
Don’t know re a Torrid, though.
Regards, Bob

Offline Justagirl💃

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I lived in rural Oregon 35 years ago.
Deschutes county, Bed to be exact. I was a bit Red then. It shows on the political map as Blue now. Bend has grown tremendously since I left, still have some family & friends there. On visiting it seems it might be a consideration, the medical community there is good too.
I would not call it ‘rural’ as I knew it but it does have a lot more to offer the modern community.
Don’t know re a Torrid, though.
I lived in Eastern Oregon before, and my family owns 1540 acres in a small town near Le Grand. People are very accepting, and when I was still in boy-mode the "guy with large breasts" was accepted without hesitations. No one batted an eye! 

That is something I have never experienced here in Northwest Texas smaller communities where even in boy-mode I was confronted about my curvy figure and large breasts. Of course some of that might be due to the recent anti-trans rhetoric as of late.

Texas has already passed a "can't change your gender law" enforced at DMV that even ignores amended birth certificates and court orders. Texas DMV considers that an attempt to commit fraud. Communities are quickly passing bathroom ordinances making it in a misdemeanor to use a restroom that does not match your birth gender.

In my case I was born intersex, but gender was marked as male on that certificate. One or the other needed to be marked. I have recently petitioned to have that revisited sending ultrasound results of my uterus, and signed affidavits from several of my friends that know me. They amended my birth certificate right away to say female without a court order. Texas unfortunately will not honor my amended birth certificate.

I carry a copy of my amended birth certificate that may or may not be accepted if questioned by the police, and a DL that says male. Legally the only bathroom I can visit in my community are all-gender family restrooms that may or may not be available.
 Pretty much in the state of Texas, the baby born with no penis, a deformed clitoris, and a uterus must present as male for life because a doctor decided to check the male box just because I do have testicles. I can't really used a men's room without causing a commotion, so I really have to plan my traveling around town ahead of time. It's quite frustrating.

Oregon will accept my amended birth certificate and I will be able to have matching certificate/DL. 

Torrid online shopping will always be an option for me in Oregon. 
When life gives you curves,
flaunt them! 💃

Offline Evolver

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Nothing personal, Moobzie. There never has been. You keep believing your 'facts' and I'll keep believing mine. No problems at all.

Khelif may very well have a Y chromosone, but that does not imply that she is responsible for "olympian female boxers eliminated from competing for their gold medals by men pretending to be female." (your words). She has complete female bits and plumbing, for God's sake! Imane Khelif condition, explained: Fact-checking the XY chromosome at center of gender eligibility controversy | Sporting News

The more you double down on stuff like this, the more isolated you will become.

The reason I've been passionate in this thread in response to you is because in my humble opinion, you have been too easily fooled into believing the bigoted BS news stories that suit your narrative, as if they are evidence to support your views. In reality, it is far easier to fool someone than convince them that they have been fooled - and those sections of the media know it!

Again, nothing personal. Merry Christmas.

Offline WPW717

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Been through that area RV ing , and it’s lovely. I found the people there quite nice and accommodating. Perhaps it’s because it’s a university town ?

I have always enjoyed living in cattle / ranch country where the locals were laissez Faire. Yea to Le Grande !

Offline Moobzie

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Trav:  Knock off the personal attacks.
Never said I "cared about any other factor".
Whole point of my original post in this thread is that the minority of freakish behaving transes is what prompts a lot of the negative backlash against biologically non-normative persons. and that most biologically non-normative persons do not engage in the freakish behavior - but they often bear the brunt of the backlash.
What I said wasn't "political", nor "crap".
Having risked my life in defense of others' lives, and of everyone's right to free speech - including your vitriolic ad hominems - I reject your trying to order me to not express my opinions. And, of course, I will keep expressing my opinions. I never submit to bullying, so ... get over it. 
« Last Edit: December 16, 2024, 05:43:32 AM by Moobzie »

Offline Moobzie

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I am not "isolated" - whatever that was supposed to mean when you posted it.
The Algerian boxer has physical biological advantages that XX females do not have.  Period.
Therefore, allowing him to compete against XX females is unfair to the females. Period.
As I stated in another post, my point in this discussion (begun by birdie's experiences) is that the negative reaction experienced by Birdie stems in large part from the insane behavior and inane arguments of a minority of sexually non-normative people.  Addressing that to the people Birdie deals with can alleviate some of their negativity toward gynecomastia and intersex persons.
Like I mentioned to others here, ad hominems (that means disparaging a person instead of discussing the issue) don't work, except to demonstrate bigotry in those who use it.

Offline Evolver

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Like I mentioned to others here, ad hominems (that means disparaging a person instead of discussing the issue) don't work, except to demonstrate bigotry in those who use it.
Which is exactly what you have done (viz: your recent disparaging remarks about who you deem to be liberals, AKA anyone daring to challenge your RWNJ drivel and defense of conspiracy theories. I need to remind the proper people here that YOU are one of those strange people who were happy to spread the misinformation about Michelle Obama). 

For the benefit of all of us, you need to come clean and state loud and clear, what your definition of gender is. According to you, is it solely due to chromosomes or is it solely due to physical genitalia?

You have boxed yourself into a corner and we're all waiting for your next swing. 

Offline Justagirl💃

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I am not "isolated" - whatever that was supposed to mean when you posted it.
The Algerian boxer has physical biological advantages that XX females do not have.  Period.
Therefore, allowing him to compete against XX females is unfair to the females. Period.
As I stated in another post, my point in this discussion (begun by birdie's experiences) is that the negative reaction experienced by Birdie stems in large part from the insane behavior and inane arguments of a minority of sexually non-normative people.  Addressing that to the people Birdie deals with can alleviate some of their negativity toward gynecomastia and intersex persons.
Like I mentioned to others here, ad hominems (that means disparaging a person instead of discussing the issue) don't work, except to demonstrate bigotry in those who use it.
Human nature fears what we don't understand. It's an invasion of our norms. 

It does not mean that those are out of the ordinary, but simply that some people are ignorant to the facts due to lack of education (certain subjects are avoided in education).

Gynecomastia is much more prevalent than intersex, yet almost no one knows about it unless they know someone. 

Education is key! And different variations of development should be taught in schools to avoid bigotry when people encounter the unexpected. Religion also needs to catch up with the science as there are variations of gray area between just male and female genders. 

Like I tell religious people when they have a problem with me, "take it up with God because I am exactly as created without modifications."

Offline WPW717

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I like your quote, Birdie.

Offline Moobzie

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lol - so, next are you going to threaten me physically because I say something you disagree with? (Like the man in a dress who threatened Ben Shapiro with an ambulance ride for referring to the man by male pronouns?)
XX = female
XY = male
Never posted any misinformation about michelle obama. 

Offline Moobzie

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From Birdie today:
“Education is the key.”
That’s the thrust of my posts here - but you put it more succinctly!!!

Offline taxmapper

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geeze Loise!   We have identified 46XX males for 70+ years. Kleinfelder's, and a whole host of other anomalous genetic wierdows.  

This binary argument is IMO something made up to divide us. 

Where if we were seriously scientifically minded people would be asking questions as to how it occurs. And then celebrate the diverseness. 

Offline Evolver

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Never posted any misinformation about michelle obama.
Not directly, but the mere fact that you mentioned her in alignment with the unfounded rumors in another thread, threw plenty of shade:

Yes, the silly and contrived meme that WPW717 started the thread with, was rightfully questioned by you. But instead of calling it BS up front, you cast the net wider.

We all know about rumors. They are started by haters, spread by fools and believed by idiots.

Offline WPW717

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Contrived meme?
Nope, just something I came across in reading re intersex, had never heard about it before. 

Offline Justagirl💃

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geeze Loise!  We have identified 46XX males for 70+ years. Kleinfelder's, and a whole host of other anomalous genetic wierdows. 

This binary argument is IMO something made up to divide us.

Where if we were seriously scientifically minded people would be asking questions as to how it occurs. And then celebrate the diverseness.
Considering that the condition was talked about in the Jewish talmud that was compiled during the Babylonian exile, I think the condition has been around as long as man has existed. It's awfully strange that we haven't come to accept it fully as a community.


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