Author Topic: is the process supposed to be this long?  (Read 2213 times)

Offline Ali19

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I went to my family doctor back in July of LAST YEAR, and got tests done but than he set me to an appointment for today (March 12) which is 8 painful months.

I go today and all the specialist does is check my nipples and he said he did feel something but I still had to get the ultrasound and blood test done.

I'm getting the tests done tomorrow, and he gave me an appointment now for April 18 (5 more freakin weeks!!), to come back to him and we discuss the test results.

Couldn't the specialish just have told me over the phone to get the tests done in january or something? and all i had to do now was go in today and everything was set, but noo!

I waited 8 freakin months just for this 30 minute appointment and he didn't even do anything, I'm beyound angry right now.

Help plz!


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I have heard of others going through the wait game like this before! Not anyone here, but personal friends. I am very lucky. I use our University hospital system, and my endocrinologist (for my diabetes care) is my primary, so I go right to specialist for everything with very little waiting time.

I'm not sure where you live and your health care coverage, but unless you are very comfortable with your doctor, maybe it may be time for change.

Offline BostonGyne

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IMO you are just wasting your time with PCP's. Your insurance company probably won't cover it anyway, just go right to a cosmetic surgeon.

Offline xelnaga13

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You are not wasting your time by getting a few doctors involved. The key is have the surgeon bundle all your paper work and then send it off to insurance. That includes blood work, ultrasounds, letters from doctors etc etc.

I was able to get all my apts. and blood work done in a week because I told the offices that I had a pending surgery and had to get this stuff together ASAP.

The trick is to stay on top of everyone. I learned that the hard way. I had great commercial insurance that was about to expire... so I had to get all my stuff out ASAP otherwise risk not having insurance to cover it . I had a month left... and the clock was ticking. I called my surgeons office several times and was assured that my packet was sent to insurance. I was HORRIFIED when I called a 4th time and was told that they forgot to send it off.

I saw my entire life with gyno flash before me . All my hopes we almost lost. They sent it out, I got approved and had the surgery a week before my insurance ended.

Offline VHDude78

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I've been dealing with my doctor and endo for over a year now. It looks MUCH better when you get doctors involved and tests done. Then it'll seem medical necessary to get the surgery done

Offline blackchevy

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i agree with bostongyne, go see a plastic surgeon.  insurance probably isn't going to cover it so you'll be waiting a couple more months. is this specialist the surgeon? if not he'll probably send you to a general surgeon which i would never go see. good luck!

Offline VHDude78

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The key is to tell the doctors that it's physically painful. If it's causing you pain and the Specialist recommends the surgery..they have to get it done. My doctor told me that he's dealt with insurance agencies and got them to pay for it.


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Most of the time it all has to do with the coding! If the doctor codes the insurance form right it will get paid for.

So the last poster is right! If the surgery is done to correct something that is causing pain, or making it hard for you to do your day to day activities they will in most cases cover the cost of correction.

I don't know if that would be true if it was coded as a cosmetic type surgery if the carrier does not cover cosmetic surgery, except do to disfigurement caused by an accident, as many do.


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