Author Topic: Pubertal Gyno Maybe?  (Read 3584 times)

Offline letsgetripped

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ok this is my first time ever posting on this site... ever since i was around 13 i've been getting bigger, pointy, noticeable nipples... i'm 17 now. i'm 6,1'' and only 150 lbs so obviously skinny as shit. but downside is i have fatty/pointy nipples. if i reach there i can definitely get a handful. the left nipples lump is a bit bigger and harder... but they both look symmetrical to me... its just really annoying and wondering if anyone had advice? as far as things i can take for this to possibly make it go away? i wasnt sure if any DIM or anything would work.. i emailed some doctor about it and told me to take some DIM nature's way..? any help would be appreciated...

Offline Paa_Paw

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First, Welcome to the site.

I have trouble with a "Doctor" who makes recommendations about treatments in response to an email. There are simply too many variables involved and nothing could be accomplished without at least a cursory physical examination. The opinion is questionable at best so I would not take the recommendations too seriously.

The bad news is that there is nothing available in the order of over the counter herbals that will have any significant effect on gynecomastia. There are several products which are highly touted by charlatains who are willing to take your money but they are basically just scams. Worse, the products can be very expensive. Be wary of any products that use testimonial letters to support their claims as a substitute for hard scientific evidence.

You stated that you have had the condition since age 13 and that it is progressive. Which is it? If you have had the condition essentially unchanged since the age of 13, it was probably due to hormonal upsets in early puberty which are now long past. If the condition is troubling you surgery is the only proven way to deal with it. Conversely, if the condition is progressing you might have a medical problem that needs treatment before you consider surgery.

Gynecomastia is a condition which is often self diagnosed but I think it is better to get an impartial professional opinion.

Ultimately, how you deal with the condition depends upon the impact it is having on your life. There are many people who simply ignore the condition and many people who suffer horribly from the emotional impact of it. Modern surgical techniques are quite effective and safe if you use the services of a cosmetic surgeon who is properly qualified and experienced in male breast reduction. Trying to save a few bills by using less qualified surgeons often lead to some unhappy results.

Grandpa Dan

Offline letsgetripped

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So are you suggesting I get checked up by a doctor in person right away? The fact is its troubling no matter which way you look at it.  And I've already asked my mom to take me but she thinks i'm overreacting... And can you even go to the doctor's only at 17 by yourself? I thought you had to be 18 or have parental guidance...

Offline Paa_Paw

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It is possible you are over reacting and it is also possible that your Mother fails to see anything wrong with her son. This is a battle we have been fighting as long as the human species has been on earth.

Perhaps there is someone here who can give you better insight as to how to deal with your mother regarding this issue. Unless there is better advice from another source, You might simply ask to see the Dr. and let the professional opinion prevail. As a bargaining point, you might alternatively ask to see a psychologist because this is messing with your ability to socialize etc.

It has been a long time since I've brought this one up, but sometimes a grandparent can be of great help. The grandparent is close enough to be loving and caring while distant enough to be more objective than parents.

Another possibility would simply invite your Mother to read what you have posted and the responses. Many people simply do not realize how much emotional impact this condition can have on a young man.

By the way, The toddler who had problems pronouncing the letter G and who called me Paa Paw instead of Grandpa is now a man. I think I'm the oldest regular here at the age of 72.

Offline letsgetripped

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Well I do appreciate your enthusiasm on this matter. Although I can never seem to get myself to bring myself to the doctors office. I've been taking some supplements for about a month and they're making my nipples sensitive and it seems that there has been a decrease in size. So I figure I better give these pills a try before I consider anything as expensive and drastic as surgery...

Offline Paa_Paw

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I don't have any idea what kind of supplements you might be taking, but while many herbal  products are marketed for the treatment of Gynecomastia none are actually effective and something that increases the sensitivity of the nipples could be having an effect opposite of what you want.

Self medicating is something often tried and never really effective. There is virtually no chance of improving things but a large chance that you could complicate things and make the condition worse.

Offline letsgetripped

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Well it definitely made my nipples a little sensitive... although I haven't seen much of a difference. I'm pretty sure no herbal supplement of any kind will be able to cure this noticeable problem  :( This definitely is a big problem for me considering I am 17 and summertime is coming up... beach season. uh oh...

And i figured pushups would help a bit... or to tone out my body or gain some shape. But it definitely pushed it out and I feel like it will never go away... is there any chance it will just go away on its own? I have had it for probably 5+ years...

Offline letsgetripped

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well if anyone could really tell me the first step on getting rid of my gynecomastia... it would be greatly appreciated.

Offline Paa_Paw

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There is no product that will get rid of Gynecomastia. Surgery is the only way to get rid of it.


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