Author Topic: Surgery to Remove the Extra Skin?  (Read 4079 times)

Offline toomuchskin

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Hi all,

I'm 19 and a half; I had surgery to remove my gynecomastia two and a half years ago.  These boards were a great help in moving me to do that.

Since then, I still have a lot of excess skin that falls down in a very breast-like shape, these would be A-B cup breasts formed primarily, if not entirely, from the skin left over (I had pretty severe gyne before).

Now I'm considering getting a second surgery to remove the excess skin because these are still a big problem for me.  The problem with a second surgery is that my areolas are already big (approx 1-1.5 inch diameter) and I'm told the new surgery would stretch them out more.  Also, because cutting skin involves more scarring, the plan would be to cut a full circle around the nipple, cut a concentric circle around the skin, and then reattach.  This would reduce the excess skin but it would be a small reduction, so I'm not sure what the cost-benefit is here in terms of the larger areolas.

My question is, do any of you have past experiences with surgery cutting skin?  Are there past postings on it?  This site has been a great resource but it's very hard for me to get information about skin removal from the second surgery.

Also, are there any surgeries for areola reductions?  Any stories about that?

Thanks for your help!

Offline Paa_Paw

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You have left little to say.

Hope for the best- - -Prepare for the worst

Good luck to you both!
Grandpa Dan

Offline toomuchskin

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Does anyone on here have skin removal stories though? Has anyone here undergone procedures to remove extra skin?

Offline boobhater22

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I probably will need to have excess skin removed when I get it done, and I probably will, even if there is scarring. I guess if there are bad scars or something and I wanted to go shirtless in public, I'd put some make up on over the scars (I seriously would), but that probably would not work if you went swimming or did some activity that made you get all sweaty and such...

I would be interested in seeing whatever information you discover, since I think I am gonna be in the same situation, so if you find out anything, please post it or private message it to me.

Offline toomuchskin

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I'm bumping this up in the hopes that someone out there sees this and has some more information/stories about removing skin.

Offline karl2me22

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I'd like to know more about this too, I asked my PS about scars and he kinda turned and said "not"

Offline haletownhill

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I had a surgery to remove a small amount of skin.  

The surgery that I had was like the one you described with concentric circles around the areolas.

Its been about three months since I had the surgery done.

First of all, my nipples were relatively small prior to surgery.  They are larger and "stretched out" a bit afterwards, but I'd say they look normal.  

The scars are already very unnoticeable.  They just follow the outline of my nipples, and although they are a bit darker pink right now than my nipple area, they aren't a big deal.  They have improved steadily since the surgery, and I expect they will only get better.  I think this result depends on how your body responds to injury and repairs scarring.  I've always had good skin when it comes to scarring, and these minimal scars were worth the removal of some skin and tightening affect.

The primary difference that I can tell after having this skin removal is that prior to it, my nipples seemed to hang loosely and even come to a bit of a point.  They lay very flat now.  The overall improvement to my chest shape was worth it.

This skin removal surgery was performed under local anasthesia in the doctor's office.  The most painful part of the surgery was the local anasthetic needles.  I will say that there was more pain for this afterwards than for the lipo surgery that I had before.  I think this is due to two factors.  First, obviously, this area is a particularly sensitive area of the body.  Secondly, I did not wear a compression vest afterwards, only steri-strips to cover the inciscions (you can buy them at WalGreens).

Hope this helps.

Offline karl2me22

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Weird, my plastic surgeon has said barely any scars hesitantly, and no pain whatsoever (easier than the first op)  My nipples are huge as it is so I'dlike them reduced if anything.  

Offline haletownhill

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Everything turned out as my doctor described.  It was his idea to do the surgery.

No, I'm no doc under guise...  Just rarely post here. :)

One thing that was kind of strange about the surgery is that immediately afterwards, in order to reattach the skin nips to the skin minus the extra skin, they have to "cinch" up the skin.  This leads to some crinkling and un-evenness where the nipple edge has its new attachments.  

Even though my doctor told me this would be the case, it kind of freaked me out a bit.  But again, just as my doc said, over time the texture has smoothed out and I think most people would have a hard time noticing that I've had anything done there.

I'm staying out of the sun and putting some lotion and vitamin E on the scars when I think about it.

Best thing is, throwing your shoulders back and no jiggling or nip-hard on in t-shirts.   8)

I swear, addressing my gyne has improved my posture incredibly.  I walk differently, I even got sore in different places, legs, calves, because I actually started walking and running like a homosapien was intended to instead of self consciously hunching over like a neanderthal to hide my gyne...  Worth every penny and second of pain.

Offline toomuchskin

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Any more stories?  Thank you very much for your posts haletownhill

Offline Spleen

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I didn't have any skin removed, but I did notice that my areola shrank a bit after surgery and are darker in color.  I attribute this to the fact that there's less tissue under the areola to raise and stretch it.

Having reasonable expectations is everything.  For less severe cases you're likely to have a better chance of sufficient skin contraction to achieve a "normal" result since there's less skin displaced.  If your case is severe then you have to accept that the result may be an improvement but less than ideal.  Do your homework, men.


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