Author Topic: Surgery Scheduled  (Read 2787 times)

Offline morpheus11

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Finally, I took the plunge and scheduled my surgery for November 1st.  I'm really freaked out about this and hope I made the right choice.  My consult was back in late May, and since then, I've been using excuse after excuse to not get it done.  Well, I've just about had enough, and I figured I wanted to get it done before the end of the year.  Could some of you all throw some encouragement my way?  I'm really nervous about the anesthesia, and the procedure itself.  By the way, my surgeon is Dr. Caridi in Austin.  You can find a pretty interesting video of him doing the actual surgery on youtube, so I hope I made the right choice. 

Also, just wanted to thank the community for throwing all the support they do via questions and encouragement.  I've been on this site for about 6 months now and lurked for about 6 months prior to that, so I don't really think I would have ever worked up the courage for the consult had I not known about this site. 

Offline xelnaga13

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I had the surgery once when I was 14, then again a month ago. For the first few weeks after i sced. my last surgery I was nervous. In retrospect I think I was nervous about what a fundamental change this surgery would bring to my life. The removal of any portion of your body can be nerve racking; but the removal of something that for many has consumed their waking thoughts is just overwhelming.

Here is your serving of encouragment. Its been less than a month for me. In a few minutes ill be at the gym working out in a light tshirt with out a second thought. After than i might hit the sauna with out a second thought. Then swim for a little with out a second thought.

I have 0 doubt after the fact that I made the right decision. Theres always a reason NOT to do something. But sometimes you just need to get something off your chest... pun intended. Keep us up to date brother.

Offline morpheus11

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Thanks for that reply.  You know, you hit the nail right on the head.  It's funny because, an hour ago, I was sitting in class thinking of how it would feel to not have something I've had for the past 15 years of my life.  It was kind overwhelming to think of a life without gyne. 

So thanks for that encouragement.  I do spent quite a bit of time at the gym, and believe me, I can't wait to go without having to wear an underarmour shirt or a black shirt.  Thanks again.  I needed that.

Offline jimmygyne

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I am with you brother. I am scheduled for November too. I have been on this forum for over 3 years, and each year, I find a reason not to go in for surgery. This year I finally caved in, booked a date and made my payment knowing that the chickens would come out.

I can't believe how nervous I am currently with over a month to go. I am a smoker, and have been unable to quit thus far. I will try again tomorrow.

The fear is not so much about losing these moobs. The fear is mortality. The fear is anesthesia and the risk of surgery. The fear is having people who depend on me to earn on income, have that income cut disappoint them for life because I chose to not face the world with gynecomastia, whereas I could have chosen to have boobs for life but not have my life cut short.

I was a championship swimmer who had to quit going into water because of this condition, after being a gold medalist yet being mocked on the podium for having boobs.

Bottom line, it is a choice every MAN makes. To live with it or not.........TO BE OR NOT TO BE. I choose TO BE.

Offline xelnaga13

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Morph... Try to keep your mind off of it until the last few days, hours, minutes when it will be impossible. I would bring an ipod with some music for the waiting room and then for preop. If you are having family/friends come with you it would be a good idea to ask them to keep the conversation off the subject of surgery. Another good idea is to get a script for a mild sedative like xanax or valium. This is common practice and does not complicate other medications for surgery as long as you tell the doctor before hand.

Offline morpheus11

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thanks for your replies xelnaga and gimmephone.  Gimmephone, the whole issue of mortality is exactly what prevented me from scheduling this.  Nonetheless, deposit is paid, and surgery is scheduled for November 1st, so there's no turning back now.

At this point, I can't stop thinking about it, but it's a good thought.  Yes, I'm very nervous, but I try to focus on the positive, and all the things I'll be able to do after the surgery is done and recovery complete.  You know which ones I'm talking about.  Not ever having to worry about wearing a button up shirt every day or a compression garment ever gain, being able to go swimming, and just having the general confidence to go out in public. 

So yeah, the issue of mortality if very alive and well in my thoughts, but I'm hoping all goes well.  My surgeon is very confident, borderline arrogant, but his photos and videos seem like he knows what he's doing.  Also, i saw my doctor about it, and she said to do it, that the whole method behind it is very minor compared to other surgeries.  I'm hoping they're both right.  I guess I'll find out. In any case, thank you both for your support, you have no idea what it means.  Support from family is one thing, support from strangers who know exactly how you feel because they've gone through it, can be much more reassuring.

Thanks again guys, and gimmephone, good luck with your surgery.  Keep the community updated.


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