Author Topic: Is there a way to measure this?  (Read 1966 times)

Offline theworriedone

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I wanted to know if there was a way I could measure how much of my chest is body fat and how much of it is actually glandular tissue. Help would be appreciated :)

Offline skyhawk

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Several surgeons have stated that there is no way to know the exact ratio of fat to gland untill they get in there. You can however, pinch the nipple to see if you feel a lump of gland. Even if you don't feel a defined lump. Diffuse strands of gland usually exists in the fatty tissue. This gland does not suction well, and needs to be excised. Its very rare that an enlarged breast is just fat. There is almost always a glandular component. At least this is what I have learned from posting physicians on this site. I hope I have related this information correctly. 


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