Author Topic: Best way to measure gland  (Read 3393 times)

Offline plato

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I'm currently takind some prescription meds fo rthis and would like to say that the gland has gotten smaller. I lnow for sure that it is less solid, but would like to give measurements on decrease in mass.

So far to me, it seems like the best way to look at the size of the gland in to raise my hand and feel for the gland. This puts the size of the gland into good perspective for me. Any measuring tips?

Offline plato

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btw, I'm not sure how effective this would be for a guy woth a lot of extra fat. I'm in good shape, but for some reason still have a bit of fat. Not much though, just badly placed. It rests tight to the side/bottom of the gland.

Offline jk_2k8

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Um, well it's not like you could hold a ruler up and get an exact measurement. So I think you could only guess, or post pictures. You could try using a ruler though... ::)
« Last Edit: July 13, 2006, 06:20:01 PM by jk_2k8 »
Age: 16
Gyne since: 13
When's surgery: My 18th B-Day

Offline plato

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Ruler isn't an accurat measurement of diameter, ir would be a guessing game. I/m thinkin gssomething along the lines of those things the use to average out body fat, kinda like small grill tongues, that you clamp aroun and it gives a measurement. Don't know what they're called, though, and don't know where to get it.

Offline jk_2k8

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You're talking about calipers used for measuring BFP, I'm guessing. Health stores probably carry them and you can find plenty of them on bodybuilding websites.
« Last Edit: July 13, 2006, 06:38:29 PM by jk_2k8 »

Offline plato

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thanks. I'll be starting school soon and will need some shots, so I'll go on to get the possible causes of gyne checked also, just in case.
« Last Edit: July 13, 2006, 07:07:02 PM by plato »

Offline Paa_Paw

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I believe that the only sure way to measure the size of the glandular tissue is to do it after the surgery.

If you are one of those fortunate people for whom Medications are shrinking their Gynecomastia; Simply be grateful and do not get preoccupied with useless measurements which are probably not truly accurate anyhow.
Grandpa Dan

Offline js2288

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when i measure my own, i just flex my chest and feel the gland, a bf scale would def be sufficient tho...

also, you said you were taking prescription meds, just curious as to what you are taking, and what it is?


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