Author Topic: WEED!  (Read 8395 times)

Offline Blarneystoner

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Hey guys, I've started smoking weed. I smoke 0-3 times a week irregularly. I'm not an addict, nor do I do it habitually. I know that there's a possibility that weed can mess with your hormones but I know that I don't smoke enough for that to happen. My only concern is that when I go back to my surgeon (I'm not 100% satisfied) to maybe ask for a revision, he might ask if I smoke pot (he asked last time). I think I'll just lie and say something like "I've tried it" because I feel like he'd use that as an exuse to not do a revision. What do you guys think?
Please, Jesus, make my gyne go away!

Offline silly_guy

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I'd say don't tell him, he'd most likely use that as an excuse to not do the revision.  

Plus, imo, it seems like if weed could cause gyne, your gyne woulda kept growing before the operation?

However, if your doc thinks smoking is a problem, maybe you should stop dude.

Offline gynosucks1

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Hey guys, I've started smoking weed. I smoke 0-3 times a week irregularly. I'm not an addict, nor do I do it habitually. I know that there's a possibility that weed can mess with your hormones but I know that I don't smoke enough for that to happen. My only concern is that when I go back to my surgeon (I'm not 100% satisfied) to maybe ask for a revision, he might ask if I smoke pot (he asked last time). I think I'll just lie and say something like "I've tried it" because I feel like he'd use that as an exuse to not do a revision. What do you guys think?

first off it's not been clincially proven yet that pot causes gyno.

i've smoked last 2-3 months usually fri/sat once a week and i've had no growth of my gyno.  Granted i don't smoke that much, but i know plenty of people who smoke tons and dont have gyno as a result.

however lets say something like prohormones, or steroids.

guys who dont use proper pct will get gyno symptoms damn near for sure.

i know it's a shitty analogy but i'm trying to say that if weed causing gyno was actually true, we would hear a lot more stories about it

i've never heard 1
« Last Edit: November 13, 2005, 11:55:20 AM by gynosucks1 »

Offline GuckFyno

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I was a huge pothead for a while, 2 or 3 times a day.  I don't think it caused my gyno but I'll tell you what started happening is every time I'd get stoned I'd stare in the mirror at my chest and get extremely paranoid about it, no fun at all.

Offline Worrier

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I did quite a bit of weed when i was at uni a while back. I never got gyno from it.
    But i think everyones body is different like some people get gyno from a med and some don't. so maybe what didn't affect me may affect someone else.
     Also it seems to be pretty standard that a doctor ask you if you do weed when you go and see them about gyno so there must be some theory to back it up.I've never heard of anyone getting it from weed either but gyno is still a bit of a taboo subject for many people.
       Regarding your doctor he can't be a hundred percent sure that your pot smoking has caused the gyne as gyne can be caused by many factors even if you did let the cat out of the bag so to speak. Personally i wouldn't tell him but stop the pot now. As i would want to make a sure as possible the op was a success despite the whole shakiness of the gyno/pot relationship....  

Offline Blarneystoner

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I was a huge pothead for a while, 2 or 3 times a day.  I don't think it caused my gyno but I'll tell you what started happening is every time I'd get stoned I'd stare in the mirror at my chest and get extremely paranoid about it, no fun at all.

i've done the EXACT same thing before. Having a fun high takes practice and people often get paranoid the first couple of times.

Offline Paa_Paw

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There is a strong anecdotal connection between marijuana and Gynecomastia.  I do not know if there are any connections which would stand up to scientific standards.

That said, There will probably never be anything like a double blind evaluation of marijuana use and its relationship for the simple reason that the drug is illegal.  This means that the only evidence we are likely to ever see is anecdotal.

When a side-effect is noted for a medication, the relationship is often noted in terms of how many peoople will be affected per thousand of people using the drug.   Most people take most medications with no adverse side effects.  That fact does not erase the side effect for those who did have a problem.

The evidence is that illicit drug use (including marijuana) is commonly associated with gynecomastia.  

Should you be interested, the active ingredient in marijuana is an oil which binds to and is stored by the fat cells.  The same fat cells where Testosterone is aromatized to Estrogen.

Because the canabinol is stored in the body fat, the residual effects last for a very long time  and the drug will show up on a screening test long after the last usage.  It would serve little purpose to omit the detail of marijuana use when you are talking to your Doctor, he can easily test for and detect the drug.  If you have not been honest about it he will then know that your word is worthless.  It is better by far to be fully honest from the start.
Grandpa Dan

Offline mamah_187

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i smoke weed everyday...i had a nasty chest before though, and weed hasnt changed a thing..

honestly i think the only reason they believe weed to cause male breast, is because they both happen at the same age!

Offline Hypo-is-here

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If someone wants to hunt back through my posts under the name hypo;

About a year ago I brought to the attention of the board a detailed medical document that explained the affects of marijuana on the endocrine system of almost every conceivable animal.

In all the studies of which there were many, marijuana had an adverse impact on the androgen to estrogen ration of the animals concerned.

There was not one animal studied where this was not so.

Whilst not being a human trial (something that would bee deemed inappropriate), it is a good indicator as to what probably happens in the human endocrine system.

To wit the argument goes that everyone knows one person or another who smokes a lot of marijuana and yet they are not affected.

My thinking on this is that some people have healthier endocrine systems than others.  

If an individual has a high natural testosterone level and a low estrogen level, then they might not be affected to any noticeable degree at all, but if an individual has a propensity for gynecomastia having a low or low normal testosterone and or an estrogen level that is not particularly low then the impact of marijuana could be far more significant.

All of the human statistical information relating to marijuana is that, gynecomatia is seen in a higher than expected proportion of people who smoke it.

It would seem there is a weak but positive association between the two, hence the question often being asked by endocrinologists and plastic surgeons.

All this said the link is not nearly as strong as it is with other substances such as steroid abuse which accounts for 25% of all gynecomastia sufferers or as is seen with associated conditions such as hypogonadism which accounts for 10% of all gynecomastia sufferers and liver problems which account for 8% of all sufferers.

Offline ruggedtoast

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I was a major pot head for about 3 years and while I vehemently defended the therapeautic effect of  cannabis use at the time looking back on it I have to say it was a waste of time, had a very negative effect on my ability to interact with the world  and possibly did worsen my gyne.

Id also say while some people just smoke dope a lot because they like it the majority do so because theyre depressed, and it doesnt help with that, not at all.

Offline GuckFyno

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Can't help but agree with some of what your saying ruggedtoast.  I did it for about 4 years, I always thought it was opening my mind and I was doing all these great things.  I look back and think "what the hell was I doing all that time?"  I'd like to enjoy a smoke every once in a while but as I said I have some issues with it and my chest.

Offline throwback111

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i smoke chronic 6 times a day, and i love it, I recently got back from a vacation in amsterdam, smoked alot of crazy stuff.......I have smoked daily for over 6 years. I got my gyno before i even tried weed.  I lied about smoking weed and had no problems with the surgey.

I read on a bodybuilding site that there is no proof that marijuana lowers your testerone level. I exercise daily and have put on a lot of muscle and have a pretty cut chest now. i have seen no problems expept for some short term memory loss. But i know some people cant handle it like i can.
« Last Edit: November 14, 2005, 05:44:57 PM by throwback111 »

Offline orrible

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This guy i work with said he smoked weed for 7 years. I only met him recently but hes a slimish guy with a large case of gyno. Perhaps he always had it but not sure.

If anybodys heard of Goldie lookin chain the UK rap group, they have a new song on their album called HRT. Its all about one of the band members getting gyno after smoking weed. Whilst they have added humour to it and exaggerated some parts, it is supposedly true that he got gyno from weed. The song can be sampled or downloaded on itunes.

Offline gynosucks1

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i've always had wayy bigger insecurities about the size of my head than i ever did about my chest

it's funny, but everytime i smoke pot i look like mr garison from south park to myself in the mirror

Offline tonysoprano

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I have grown up with 7 very close friends all my life. we are all 25 now and still all best mates.
around 15/16 we all started smoking pot , and soon it was very heavily (2 years later we were smoking 5 days a week on average), and we all gradually cut down and then stopped smoking after the age of about 22.

9/10 years after we all started and about 2/3 years after we all stopped, and only one of us doesnt go to the beach on weekends and never takes his shirt off... guess who?
... and the saga continues


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